@inproceedings{CTT100873852, author = {Shusuke Takahashi and Yusuke Izawa and Hidehiko Masuhara and Youyou Cong}, title = {An approach to collect object graphs for data-structure live programming based on a language implementation framework}, booktitle = {情報処理学会論文誌 プログラミング}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100854435, author = {Yusuke Izawa and Hidehiko Masuhara and Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick and Youyou Cong}, title = {Threaded Code Generation with a Meta-tracing JIT Compiler}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100849136, author = {高橋 修祐 and 伊澤 侑祐 and 増原 英彦 and 叢 悠悠}, title = {汎言語的ライブプログラミング環境のためのデータ構造解析手法}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100849131, author = {伊澤侑祐 and 増原英彦 and 叢悠悠}, title = {An Interpreter Design for Supporting Different JIT Compilations in RPython Framework}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100837131, author = {Hidehiko Masuhara and Shusuke Takahashi and Yusuke Izawa and Youyou Cong}, title = {Toward a Multi-Language and Multi-Environment Framework for Live Programming}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100835133, author = {Yusuke Izawa and Hidehiko Masuhara and Tomoyuki Aotani and Youyou Cong}, title = {A Stack Hybridization for Meta-hybrid Just-in-time Compilation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @misc{CTT100904236, author = {Yusuke Izawa}, title = {Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler}, year = 2023, } @misc{CTT100886436, author = {Yusuke Izawa}, title = {Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler}, year = 2023, } @misc{CTT100886435, author = {Yusuke Izawa}, title = {Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler}, year = 2023, } @phdthesis{CTT100904236, author = {Yusuke Izawa}, title = {Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2023, } @phdthesis{CTT100886436, author = {Yusuke Izawa}, title = {Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2023, } @phdthesis{CTT100886435, author = {Yusuke Izawa}, title = {Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2023, }