@article{CTT100836520, author = {Hao Xu and Nao Suzuki and Akira Takahashi and Tomoyuki Ohishi and Raita Goseki and Xu-Ming Xie and Hideyuki Otsuka}, title = {Structural Reorganization and Crack-healing Properties of Hydrogels Based on Dynamic Diselenide Linkages}, journal = {SCI. TECHNOL. ADV. MAT.}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100735204, author = {徐 皓 and 鈴木 菜穂 and 後関 頼太 and 謝 続明 and 大塚 英幸}, title = {Synthesis of Diselenide-containing Water-soluble Polyurethanes and Their Exchange Reactions in an Aqueous Media}, booktitle = {Polymer Prepr., Jpn.}, year = 2016, }