author = {Nana Nishiyama and Hisanori Mashiko and K. Yoshimatsu and Koji Horiba and Hiroshi Kumigashira and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Highly oriented epitaxial CaFe2O4 thin films on TiO2 substrates grown by pulsed-laser deposition},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
year = 2017,
author = {西山奈菜 and 増子尚徳 and 吉松 公平 and 堀場弘司 and 組頭 広志 and 大友 明},
title = {TiO2(100)面上のCaFe2O4薄膜のエピタキシャル成長},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,