DarmawanArif 研究業績一覧 (16件)
A. Darmawan,
M. Aji,
K. Tokimatsu,
M. Aziz.
Efficient co-production of power and ammonia from black liquor,
International Journal Hydrogen Energy,
Mar. 2020.
Arif Darmawan,
Muhammad Ajiwibowo,
Koji Tokimatsu,
Muhammad Aziz.
Black liquor-based hydrogen and power co-production: Combination of supercritical water gasification and syngas chemical looping,
Applied Energy,
volume 252,
June 2019.
Muhammad W. Ajiwibowo,
Arif Darmawan,
Muhammad Aziz.
A conceptual chemical looping combustion power system design in a power-to-gas energy storage scenario,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
Dec. 2018.
Arif Darmawan,
Muhammad W Ajiwibowo,
Baskoro Lokahita,
Koji Tokimatsu,
Muhammad Aziz.
Cogeneration system of power and H2 from black liquor through gasification and syngas chemical looping,
Chemical Engineering Transactions,
Vol. 70,
pp. 703-708,
Aug. 2018.
Arif Darmawan,
Muhammad Kunta Biddinika,
Muhammad Huda,
Koji Tokimatsu,
Muhammad Aziz.
Toward sustainable agricultural: integrated system of rice processing and electricity generation,
Chemical Engineering Transactions,
Vol. 70,
pp. 1669-1674,
Aug. 2018.
Arif Darmawan,
Dwika Budianto,
Muhammad W Ajiwibowo,
Muhammad Aziz,
Koji Tokimatsu.
Coal cofiring with hydrothermally-treated empty fruit bunch using computational fluid dynamics,
Chemical Engineering Transactions,
Vol. 70,
pp. 2101-2106,
Aug. 2018.
Arif Darmawan,
Anggoro Cahyo Fitrianto,
Muhammad Aziz,
Koji Tokimatsu.
Integrated system of rice production and electricity generation,
Applied Energy,
Vol. 220,
pp. 672-680,
June 2018.
Arif Darmawan,
Muhammad W. Ajiwibowo,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Muhammad Aziz,
Koji Tokimatsu.
Energy-efficient recovery of black liquor through gasification and syngas chemical looping,
Applied Energy,
Vol. 219,
pp. 290–298,
June 2018.
Arif Darmawan,
Flabianus Hardi,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Muhammad Aziz,
Koji Tokimatsu.
Enhanced process integration of black liquor evaporation, gasification and combined cycle,
Applied Energy,
Vol. 204,
pp. 1035-1042,
Oct. 2017.
Arif Darmawan,
Dwika Budianto,
Muhammad Aziz,
Koji Tokimatsu.
Retrofitting existing coal power plants through cofiring with hydrothermally-treated empty fruit bunch and a novel integrated system,
Applied Energy,
Vol. 204,
pp. 1138-1147,
Oct. 2017.
Arif Darmawan,
Muhammad Aziz,
Koji Tokimatsu.
Innovative Energy Conversion from Biomass Waste,
Feb. 2022.
Arif Darmawan,
Dwika Budianto,
Koji Tokimatsu,
Muhammad Aziz.
Analysis of biomass wastes cofiring into existing coal-fired power plant using computational fluid dynamics,
Computational Fluid Dynamics - Basic Instruments and Applications in Science,
pp. 217-236,
Feb. 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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