@article{CTT100622771, author = {T. Hanna and D. Yoshida and H. Munekata}, title = {Preparation and characterization of MnSb-GaAs spin LED}, journal = {J. Cryst. Growth}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100622765, author = {W. Terui and H. Munekata and T. Hanna and D. Yoshida}, title = {MnSb-based spin LED with side-wall emission}, journal = {phys. stat. sol. c}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100633598, author = {K. Nishibayashi and H. Yoshida and A. Laosunthara and K. Suda and K. Kuga and Y. Hashimoto and H. Munekata}, title = {Experimental investigation of controlling light polarization in optical waveguides with magneto-optical materials GdFe}, booktitle = {J. Magn. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100666321, author = {西沢望 and 吉田大祐 and 滝田朋之 and 宗片比呂夫}, title = {スピン注入源としてのMnSbエピタキシャル薄膜に関する評価}, booktitle = {予稿集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100666537, author = {D. Yoshida and Nozomi Nishizawa and T. Hanna and H. Munekata}, title = {Preparation of lateral type spin - LED with MnSb electrodes}, booktitle = {Abstract Booklet PASPS-15}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100666538, author = {吉田大祐 and 半那 拓 and 西沢望 and 宗片比呂夫}, title = {MnSb結晶薄膜における磁気異方性の温度依存性}, booktitle = {講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100622802, author = {T. Hanna and D. Yoshida and H. Munekata}, title = {Preparation and characterization of MnSb-GaAs-based spin LEDs}, booktitle = {Abstract booklet MBE-2010}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100622801, author = {T. Hanna and D. Yoshida and H. Munekata}, title = {Preparation and characterization of MnSb-GaAs-based spin LEDs}, booktitle = {Abstract PASPS-VI}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100607502, author = {吉田大祐 and 半那 拓 and 宗片比呂夫}, title = {MnSb結晶薄膜の作製・評価と磁気異方性}, booktitle = {講演予稿集}, year = 2010, }