@article{CTT100812594, author = {Tong Liu and Tsuyoshi Kinouchi and Mendoza, J. and Iwami, Y.}, title = {Glacier mass balance and catchment-scale water balance in Bolivian Andes}, journal = {Journal of Disaster Research}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100922967, author = {Tong Liu and 木内 豪 and Fabiola Ledezma and Tsuyoshi Kinouchi}, title = {ASSESING OF GLACIER MASS BALANCE IN TROPICS BY HYDROLOGCIAL METHODS}, booktitle = {水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集}, year = , } @inproceedings{CTT100922995, author = {Tong Liu and 木内 豪 and 朝岡 良浩 and 真野 明 and Tsuyoshi Kinouchi}, title = {GLACIER AND VEGETATION AREA IN BOLIVIAN ANDES ESTIMATED USING LANDSAT AND ALOS DATA}, booktitle = {水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集}, year = , }