高石真 研究業績一覧 (6件)
Akimasa Miyanaga,
Ryoma Takaku,
Makoto Takaishi,
Etsu Tashiro,
Fumitaka Kudo,
Tadashi Eguchi.
Generation of Incednine Derivatives by Mutasynthesis,
J. Antibiot.,
Vol. 73,
No. 11,
pp. 794-797,
Nov. 2020.
Jolanta Cieślak,
Akimasa Miyanaga,
Makoto Takaishi,
Fumitaka Kudo,
Tadashi Eguchi.
Functional and Structural Characterization of Adenylation Enzyme IdnL7 Involved in Incednine Biosynthesis,
Acta Crystallogr. F Struct. Biol. Commun.,
Vol. F75,
No. 4,
pp. 299-306,
Apr. 2019.
Cieślak J,
Miyanaga A,
Takaku R,
Takaishi M,
Amagai K,
Kudo F,
Eguchi T.
Biochemical characterization and structural insight into aliphatic β-amino acid adenylation enzymes IdnL1 and CmiS6,
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics,
Vol. 85,
No. 7,
pp. 1238-1247,
July 2017.
Makoto Takaishi,
Fumitaka Kudo,
Tadashi Eguchi.
Identification of Incednine Biosynthetic Gene Cluster: Characterization of Novel β-Glutamate-β-decarboxylase IdnL3,
J. Antibiot.,
Vol. 66,
No. 12,
pp. 691-699,
Dec. 2013.
Makoto Takaishi,
Fumitaka Kudo,
Tadashi Eguchi.
A Unique Pathway for the 3-Aminobutyrate Starter Unit from L-Glutamate through β-Glutamate during Biosynthesis of the 24-Membered Macrolactam Antibiotic, Incednine,
Org. Lett.,
Vol. 14,
No. 17,
pp. 4591-4593,
Sept. 2012.
Makoto Takaishi,
Fumitaka Kudo,
Tadashi Eguchi.
Biosynthetic Pathway of 24-Membered Macrolactam Glycoside Incednine,
Vol. 64,
No. 28,
pp. 6651-6656,
July 2008.
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