安部勝美 研究業績一覧 (18件)
Abe Katsumi,
Kamiya Toshio,
Hosono Hideo.
Quantum confinement effects in amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors with quantum well channel,
Applied Physics Letters,
Nov. 2024.
Jakub Grochowski,
Yuichiro Hanyu,
Katsumi Abe,
Jakub Kaczmarski,
Jan Dyczewski,
Hidenori Hiramatsu,
Hideya Kumomi,
Hideo Hosono,
Toshio Kamiya.
Origin of Lower Film Density and Larger Defect Density in Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Deposited at High Total Pressure,
J. Disp. Technol.,
Vol. 11,
pp. 523-527,
Kay Domen,
Takaya Miyase,
Katsumi Abe,
Hideo Hosono,
Toshio Kamiya.
Positive Gate Bias Instability Induced by Diffusion of Neutral Hydrogen in Amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O Thin-Film Transistor,
IEEE Electron Dev. Lett.,
Vol. 35,
pp. 832-834,
Kazuo Yamada,
Kenji Nomura,
Katsumi Abe,
Satoshi Takeda,
Hideo Hosono.
Examination of the ambient effects on the stability of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide thin film transistors using a laser-glass-sealing technology,
Appl. Phys. Lett.,
Vol. 105,
p. 133503,
Y. Hanyu,
K. Abe,
K. Domen,
K. Nomura,
H. Hiramatsu,
H. Kumomi,
H. Hosono,
T. Kamiya.
Effects of High-Temperature Annealing on Operation Characteristics of a-In-Ga-Zn-O TFTs,
J. Displ. Technol.,
pp. 979-983,
K. Domen,
T. Miyase,
K. Abe,
H. Hosono,
T. Kamiya.
Positive-Bias Stress Test on Amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O Thin Film Transistor: Annealing-Temperature Dependence,
J. Displ. Technol.,
Vol. 10,
pp. 975-978,
Katsumi Abe,
Ayumu Sato,
Kenji Takahashi,
Hideya Kumomi,
Toshio Kamiya,
Hideo Hosono.
Mobility- and temperature-dependent device model for amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistors,
Thin Solid Films,
Vol. 559,
pp. 40-43,
Hiromichi Ohta,
Taku Mizuno,
Shijian Zheng,
Takeharu Kato,
Yuichi Ikuhara,
Katsumi Abe,
Hideya Kumomi,
Kenji Nomura,
Hideo Hosono.
Unusually Large Enhancement of Thermopower in an Electric Field InducedTwo-Dimensional Electron Gas,
Advanced. Materials,
Vol. 24,
pp. 740-744,
Katsumi Abe,
Kenji Nomura,
Toshio Kamiya,
Hideo Hosono.
Optical evidence for quantization in transparent amorphous oxide semiconductor superlattice,
Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications,
Vol. 86,
pp. 081202(R)-1 - 4,
Katsumi Abe,
Kenji Takahashi,
Ayumu Sato,
Hideya Kumomi,
Kenji Nomura,
Toshio Kamiya,
Hideo Hosono.
Operation model with carrier-density dependent mobility for amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors,
Thin Solid Films,
Vol. 520,
pp. 3791-3795,
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Yu-Shien Shiah,
Joonho Bang,
Katsumi Abe,
Junghwan Kim,
Hideo Hosono.
NBTS-free Oxide TFTs with High Mobility of 40 cm2/Vs: A Possible Origin for NBTS Instability,
Society for Information Display (SID),
SID international symposium digest of technical papers,
pp. 1349-1350,
May 2019.
K. Kimoto,
N. Ohashi,
Katsumi Abe,
Yuichirou Hanyu,
hideya kumomi,
Electron-Beam-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Thin Films Fabricated by UHV Sputtering,
Proc. IDW'13,
p. 280,
Dec. 2013.
K. Abe,
H. Kumomi,
T. Kamiya,
H. Hosono.
Modeling of Transparent Amorphous Oxide Semiconductor Thin-Film Transistor,
Proc. IDW'13,
p. 311,
Dec. 2013.
TFT Modeling of Amorphous IGZO and Quantum Effect in Its Superlattice,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
TFT Modeling of Amorphous IGZO and Quantum Effect in Its Superlattice,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
TFT Modeling of Amorphous IGZO and Quantum Effect in Its Superlattice,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
TFT Modeling of Amorphous IGZO and Quantum Effect in Its Superlattice,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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