@article{CTT100626840, author = {Luis R.SAPAICO and Masayuki NAKAJIMA and Makoto SATO}, title = {Visual Text Entry based on Morse code Generated with Tongue Gestures}, journal = {画像電子学会誌}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100622645, author = {Luis Ricardo Sapaico and Makoto Sato}, title = {Analysis of Vision-based Text Entry using Morse Code generated by Tongue Gestures}, booktitle = {The 4th International Conference on Human System Interaction(HSI2011)}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100591056, author = {Luis R. Sapaico and Hamid Laga and Masayuki Nakajima}, title = {Mouth Region Localization based on Gabor Features and Active Appearance Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of NICOGRAPH INTERNATIONAL 2009 KANAZAWA}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100591055, author = {Luis R. Sapaico and Hamid Laga and Suguru Saito and Masayuki Nakajima}, title = {Tongue Detection from Video for Human-Computer Interaction}, booktitle = {IEICE general conference 2008 proceedings}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100591054, author = {Luis Sapaico and Hiroki Takahashi and Suguru Saito and Masayuki Nakajima}, title = {A Novel Approach for Detection of Position of the Tongue in a Frontal View}, booktitle = {IEICE general conference 2006 proceedings}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100593345, author = {Luis Ricardo Sapaico and Hamid Laga and Masayuki Nakajima}, title = {Human Computer Interaction by Means of Video-based Tongue Protrusion Detection}, year = 2009, }