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KURODA and Y. TERAI and K. TAKITA and T. TAKAMASU and G. KIDO and N. HASEGAWA and T. KURODA and F. MINAMI}, title = {Self-organized quantum dots of diluted magnetic semiconductors Cd1-xMnxTe}, journal = {J. Crystal Growth}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100443972, author = {T. MIHASHI and M. MIZUNO and T. KURODA and F. MINAMI and A. HASEGAWA}, title = {Stimulated photon echo decay arising from spectral diffusion in GaSe}, journal = {The Physics of Semiconductors (ed. D. Gershoni, World Scientific, Singapore)}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100443971, author = {Y. MITSUMORI and K. OKAMOTO and T. KURODA and F. MINAMI}, title = {Coherent control of the 2P excitonic polarization in ZnSe}, journal = {The Physics of Semiconductors (ed. D. Gershoni, World Scientific, Singapore)}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100443803, author = {T. KURODA and N. HASEGAWA and F. MINAMI and Y. TERAI and S. KURODA and K. 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