author = {関信弘(編) and 西田信彦(第5-1章)他63名},
title = {低温環境利用技術ハンドブック-低温・超低温を生かす技術},
publisher = {森北出版},
year = 2001,
author = {小林俊一(編) and 高橋利宏 and 西田信彦 and 阪東寛},
title = {物性測定の進歩I-NMR,μSR,STM(共著,2章)},
publisher = {丸善株式会社},
year = 1997,
author = {西田信彦},
title = {極低温・超高真空in situ電気伝導測定},
publisher = {学会出版センター},
year = 1992,
author = {T. Yamazaki and N. Nishida and Y.J. Uemura and R. Kadono and J. Kondo and H. Akai and K. Terakura and J. Kanamori and K. Nishiyama and D. Fleming and M. Senba and R.F. Kiefl and S.R. Kreitzman and A. Seeger and L. Schimmele and K. Nagamine and M. Kamimura and R.S. Hayano and M. Iwasaki and K.Ishida and J.H. Brewer},
title = {Perspectives of Meson Science, Chapter2, Studies of Magnetic Properties of high-Tc Copper-Oxide Superconductor Systems by Positive and Negative Muons},
publisher = {North-Holland},
year = 1992,
author = {西田信彦},
title = {ミュオンスピン回転・緩和・共鳴},
publisher = {先端技術年鑑(技術出版)},
year = 1989,
author = {Ken Matsuba and Shunsuke Yoshizawa and Yugo Mochizuki and Takashi Mochiku and Kazuto Hirata and Nobuhiko Nishida},
title = {Anti-phase Modulation of Electron- and Hole-like States in Vortex Core of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Probed by Scannig Tunneling Spectroscopy},
journal = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan},
year = 2007,
author = {Takashi I. Ito and Wataru Higemoto and Kazushi Ohishi and Tatsuya Fujimoto and Robert H. Heffner and Nobuhiko Nishida and Kazuhiko Satoh and Hitoshi Sugawara and Yuji Aoki and Daisuke Kikuchi and Hideyuki Sato},
title = {Evolution of Local Magnetic State in SmRu4P12 Probed by Muon Spin Relaxation},
journal = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan},
year = 2007,
author = {T.U. Ito and W. Higemoto and K. Oishi and R.H. Heffner and N. Nishida and Y. Aoki and T. Onimaru and H.S. Suzuki},
title = {Muon Knight shift measurements on PrPb3 in paraquadrupolar state},
journal = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Takashi U. Ito and Nobuhiko Nishida and Kazuki Ohishi and Wataru Higemoto and Yoshitomo Karaki and Hidehiko Ishimoto},
title = {Investigation of Bulk Superconductivity in PrPt5},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2006,
author = {N. Nakai and P. Miranovic and M. Ichioka and H.F. Hess and K. Uchiyama and H. Nishimori and S. Kaneko and N. Nishida and K. Machida},
title = {Ubiquitous V-shape Density of States in a Mixed State of Clean Limit type-II Superconductors},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 2006,
author = {Hitishi Nishimori and Kazuharu Uchiyama and Shin-ichi Kaneko and Akio Tokura and Hiroyuki Takeya and kazuo Hirata and nobuhiko Nishida},
title = {First Observation of the Fourfold-symmetric and Quantum regime Vortex Core In YNi2B2C by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2004,
author = {Ken Matsuba and Hideaki Sakata and Takashi Mochiku and Kazuto Hirata and Nobuhiko Nishida},
title = {Influence of Disorder on superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox studied by low temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 2003,
author = {Ken Matsuba and Hideaki Sakata and Naoto Kosugi and Hitoshi Nishimori and Nobuhiko Nishida},
title = {Ordered Vortex Lattice and Intrinsic Vortex Core States in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2003,
author = {H.Sakata and N.Nishida and M.Hedo and K.Sakurai and Y.Inada and Y.Onuki and E.Yamamoto and Y.Haga},
title = {Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy on cracked surfaces of superconducting CeRu_2},
journal = {Appl. Phys. A},
year = 2001,
author = {S.Kaneko and Y.Ono and N.Nishida and T.Kambara},
title = {Columnar defect-induced strain and superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox observed by LT-STS/STM},
journal = {Surface Science},
year = 2001,
author = {W. Higemoto and K. Satoh and N. Nishida and A. Koda and K. Nagamine and Y.Haga and E. Yamamoto and N. Kimura and Y. Onuki},
title = {Studies of Superconductivity and Magnetism in UPt3 by μ┣D1+┫ SR},
journal = {Physica},
year = 2000,
author = {H.Sakata and M.Oosawa and K.Matsuba and N.Nishida and H.Takeya and H.Hirata},
title = {Imaging of Vortex Lattice in Single Crystal YNi2B2C by STM},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 2000,
author = {Hideaki Sakata and Nobuhiko Nishida and Masato Hedo and Kenji Sakurai and Yoshihiko Inada and Yoshishika Onuki and Etsuji Yamamoto and Yoshinori Haga},
title = {Vortex Lattice and Quasiparticle Density of States in CeRu2 Studied by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy},
journal = {Journal of Physical Society of Japan},
year = 2000,
author = {Nobuhiko Nishida and Shin-ichi kaneko and Hideaki Sakata and hisayoshi Kajiwara and Masashige Matsumoto and Takashi Mochiku and Kazuo Hirata and Tadashi Kambara},
title = {Studies of boundary effects and symmetry of Cooper Pairing in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox by LT-STS},
journal = {Physica B},
year = 2000,
author = {H. Sakata and M. Oosawa and K. Matsuba and N. Nishida and H. Takeya and K. Hirata},
title = {Imaging of a Vortex Lattice Transition in YNi2B2C by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 2000,
author = {N. Nishida and T. Fujiki and K. Okada and H. Ikeda},
title = {Anomalous Increase of superconducting transition temperature in a-Nb ultra-thin film systems over-deposited by metals or semiconductors},
journal = {Physica B},
year = 2000,
author = {W. Higemoto and K. Satoh and N. Nishida and K. Nishiyama and K. Nagamine},
title = {Microscopic behavior of positively charged particles in solid hydrogen by the muon spin rotation and relaxation method},
journal = {Physical Review B},
year = 1999,
title = {Local electronic density of states near steps on the c-plane of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox studied using low temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy nad microscopy},
journal = {Surface Science},
year = 1999,
author = {S. Kaneko and N. Nishida and T. Mochiku and K. Kadowaki},
title = {Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 1998,
title = {Studies of the positive muon behavior in solid H┣D22┫D2 and D┣D22┫D2},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1997,
title = {Electronic States around a Colummar Defect in d-Wave Superconductors},
journal = {Journal of Physical Society of Japan},
year = 1997,
title = {Observation of Disappearance of Vortex Lattice in 2H-NbSe┣D22┫D2 near Hc┣D22┫D2 by using LT-STS},
journal = {Czechoslovak Journal of Physics},
year = 1996,
title = {Lifetime of long-lived antiprotonic helium in liquid and solid helium},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1996,
title = {Phase and density dependence of the delayed annihilation of metastable antiprotonic helium atoms in gas, liquid and solid helium},
journal = {Physical Review A},
year = 1995,
author = {A. Asamitsu and N. Nishida},
title = {Disappearance of Superconductivity in Ultra Thin Amorphous Nb Flims},
journal = {Physica B},
year = 1994,
author = {J. Akimitsu and J. Amano and M. yoshinari and T. Iwasaki and S. Okuma and N. Nishida and K. Nishiyama and N. Mori},
title = {Magnetic Phase Transitions in (Pr2-xCex)CuO4-δ},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1994,
title = {μ┣D1-┫D1SR Studies of high-Tc oxide-superconductor system},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1993,
author = {Satoshi Okuma and Hajime koyanagi and Nobuhiko Nishida},
title = {Onset of Superconductivity in Thin Granular Indium Films},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1991,
author = {N. Nishida and K. Nishiyama and S. Shiratake and S. Okuma and Y. Ueda and A. Hayashi and K. Kambe and H. Yasuoka and K. Nagamine and T. Yamazaki},
title = {Negative Muon Spin Rotation in YBa2Cu3Ox System},
journal = {Physica},
year = 1991,
title = {Onset of Superconductivity in the Ultra-Thin Nb Films},
journal = {Physica B},
year = 1991,
author = {N. Nishida and H. Miyatake},
title = {Positive Muon Sites and Possibilities of Anyons in the YBa┣D22┫D2Cu┣D23┫D2O┣D2X┫D2 System},
journal = {Hyperfine Interations},
year = 1990,
author = {N. Nishida and S. Okuma and H. Miyatake and T. Tamegai Y. Iye and R. Yoshizaki and K. Nishiyama and K. Nagamine and R. Kadono and J.H. Brewer},
title = {Internal Magnetic Fields at μ┣D1+┫D1 sites and the magnetic phase diagram of Bi┣D22┫D2Sr┣D22┫D2Y┣D21-X┫D2Ca┣D2X┫D2Cu┣D22┫D2Oy System Studied by μSR method},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 1990,
author = {N. Nishida and S. Okuma and H. Miyatake and T. Tamegai and Y. Iye and R. Yoshizaki and K. Nishiyama and K. Nagamine and R. Kadono and J.H. Brewer},
title = {Internal Magnetic Fields at u+ sites and the magnetic Phase Diagram of Bi2Sr2Y1-xCaxCu2Oy System studied by the uSR method},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 1990,
author = {A. yamazaki and J. akimitsu and H. Miyatake and S. Okuma and N. Nishida},
title = {Observation of Antiferromagnetic Phase in the Bi2Sr2CuO6+y System by the μ+SR Technique},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1990,
title = {μ-SR Studies of Oxide Superconductors},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1990,
author = {S. Okuma and S. Shiratake and A. Asamitsu and N. Nishida},
title = {Metal-Insulator Transition in Amorphous Si1-xCrx Films},
journal = {Solid State Comm.},
year = 1989,
author = {H. Ishimoto and H. Fukuyama and N. Nishida and Y. Miura and Y. Takano and T. Fukuda and T. Tazaki and S. Ogawa},
title = {Search for Superfluidity of 3He in 3He-4He solution},
journal = {J. of Low Temperature Physics},
year = 1989,
author = {Y. Kuno and n. Nishida and H. Miyatake and S. Okuma and Y. Watanabe and T. Yamazaki and M. ishikawa and T. Takabatake and Y. Nakazawa and J.H. Brewer and S.R. Kreitzmann and T.M. Riseman},
title = {The Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in the presence of Ho moments in HoBa2Cu3Ox},
journal = {Phys. Rev/},
year = 1988,
author = {J.H. Brewer and E.J. Ansaldo and J.F. Carolan and A.C.D. Chaklader and W.N. hardy and D.R. Harshman and M.E. Hayden and M. Ishikawa and N. Kaplan and R. Keitel and J. Kempton and R.F. Kiefl, W. and NOBUHIKO NISHIDA},
title = {Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Oxygen-Deficient YBa2Cu3Ox},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 1988,
author = {Nobuhiko Nishida and hideaki Miyatake and Daisuke shimada and Satoshi Okuma and Masayasu Ishikawa and Toshiro Takabatake and Yasuhiro nakazawa and Yoshitaka Kuno and Rolf Keitel and Jess},
title = {μ┣D1+┫D1SR Studies of Magnetic Properties of the YBa┣D22┫D2Cu┣D23┫D2Ox System},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Japan},
year = 1988,
author = {N. Nishida and H. Miyatake and S. Okuma and T. Tamegai and Y. Iye and R. Yoshizaki and K. Nishiyama and K. Nagamine},
title = {Observation of Antiferromagnetic Ordering in Bi2Sr2YCu2Oy above Room Temperature by uSR method},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 1988,
author = {H. Nishihara and N. Nishida and T. Takabatake and K. Kishio and A. Ohtomo and K. Hayashi and M. Ishikawa and Y. Nakazawa and K. Koga and T. Tamegai and K. Kitazawa},
title = {Proton NMR in Degraded Powder of YBa2Cu3O7-delta},
journal = {Jpn. J. of appl. Phys.},
year = 1988,
author = {N. Nishida and H. Miyatake and S. Ohkuma and Y. Kuno and Y. Watanabe and T. Yamazaki and S. Hikami and M. Ishiyawa and T. Takabatake and Y. Nakazawa and S.R. Kreitzmann and J.H. Brewer, C.Y.},
title = {Magnetic Phase Transitions in 90K Superconductors HoBa2Cu3O7 and GdBa2Cu3O7 observed by ZF-u+SR},
journal = {J.J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 1988,
author = {H. ishimoto and H. Fukuyama and N. Nishida and Y. miura and Y. Takano and T. fukuda and T. Tazaki and S. Ogawa},
title = {Search for Superfluidity of 3He-4He Solution},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Suppl.},
year = 1987,
author = {N. Nishida and H. Miyatake and D. Shimada and S. Hikami and E. Torikai and K. Nishiyama and K. Nagamine},
title = {Probing Magnetism of High-Tc Superconductor Y-Ba-Cu Oxide by Positive Muons},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 1987,
author = {N. nishida and H. miyatake and D. shimada and S. Ohkuma and M. Ishikawa and T. Takabatake and Y. Nakazawa and Y. Kuno and R. Keitel and J.H. Brewer and T.M. riseman and D.Ll. Williams and Y. Watan},
title = {First Observation of an Antiferromagnetic Phase in the YBa┣D22┫D2Cu┣D23┫D2Ox System},
journal = {J. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 1987,
author = {Y. Miura and N. Nishida and Y. Takano and H. Furubayashi and H. Ishimoto and S. Ogawa and T. Hata and T. Shigi},
title = {Molar-Volume Dependence of the Nuclear Magnetism of bcc Solid 3He},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 1987,
author = {H. Ishimoto and H. Fukuyama and N. Nishida and Y. Miura and Y. Takano and T. Fukuda and T. Tazaki and S. Ogawa},
title = {New Spin Wave Modes in 3He-4He Solution},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 1987,
author = {T. Furubayashi and N. Nishida and M. Yamaguchi and K. Morigaki and H. Ishimoto},
title = {Tunneling Measurements on Amorphous Si1-xAux_: Metal-Insulator Transition and Superconductivity},
journal = {Solid State Comm.},
year = 1986,
author = {Y. Takano and N. Nishida and Y. Miura and H. Hukuyama and H. Ishimoto and S. Ogawa and T. Hata and T. Shigi},
title = {Magnetization of hcp Solid ┣D13┫D1He},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 1985,
author = {N. Nishida and T. Furubayashi and M. Yamaguchi and K. Morigaki and H. Ishimoto},
title = {Metal-Insulator Transition in the Amorphous Si┣D21-X┫D2Au┣D2X┫D2 System with a Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction},
journal = {Solid State Electronics},
year = 1985,
author = {M. Yamaguchi and N. Nishida and K. Morigaki and H. Ishimoto},
title = {Superconductivity of Ge1-xAux Alloy Films},
journal = {Solid State Communications},
year = 1985,
author = {T. furubayashi and N. Nishida and M. yamaguchi and K. Morigaki and H. Ishimoto},
title = {Superconducting Properties of Amorphous Si1-xAux near Metal-Insulator Transition},
journal = {Solid State Comm.},
year = 1985,
author = {H. Ishimoto and N. Nishida and T. Furubayashi and M. Shinohara and Y. Takano and Y. miura and K. Ono},
title = {Two-Stage Nuclear Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator Reaching 27 μK},
journal = {J. of Low Temperature Physics},
year = 1984,
author = {N. Nishida and . furubayashi and M. Yamaguchi and M. shinohara and Y. Miura and Y. Takano and K. Morigaki and H. Ishimoto and K. Ohno},
title = {Transport Properties of Amorphous Si1-xAux System: Metal-Insulator Transition and Superconductivity},
journal = {J. of non-Crystalline Solids},
year = 1983,
author = {N.Nishida and M.Yamaguchi and T.Furubauashi and K.Morigaki and H.Ishimoto and K.Ohno},
title = {Superconductivity and Metal-Insulator Trasition in Amorphous Si┣D21-X┫D2Au┣D2X┫D2 System},
journal = {Solid State Comm.},
year = 1982,
author = {K. Ohno and K. asahi and N. Nishida and J. ray and H. Ishimoto},
title = {Search for Superconductivity in Gold below 100μK},
journal = {Physica},
year = 1981,
author = {K. ohno and K. Asahi and N. Nishida and J. Ray and H. Ishimoto},
title = {Search for Superconductivity in Gold below 100 uK},
journal = {Physica},
year = 1981,
author = {K. Asahi and N. Nishida and S. kobayashi and M. Shinohara and J. Ray and A. Nakaizumi and Y. Iseki and K. terui and T. Sugawara and H. Ishimoto and K. Ohno},
title = {Nuclear Cooling in PrIn3},
journal = {Phys. Lett.},
year = 1980,
author = {J. Imazato and Y.J. uemura and N. Nishida and R.S. Hayano and K. Nagamine and T. Yamazaki},
title = {Positive Muon Knight Shift in Metallic Pd},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. jpn.},
year = 1980,
author = {R.I. grynszpan and N. Nishida and K. Nagamine and R.S. Hayano and T. Yamazaki and J.H. Brewer and D.G. Fleming},
title = {Diffusino of Positive Muons in Zone-refined Iron below Room Temperature},
journal = {Solid state Comm.},
year = 1979,
author = {N. Nishida and K. Nagamine and R.S. Hayano and T. Yamazaki and R. grynszpan and A.T. Stewart and J.H. Brewer and D.G. Fleming},
title = {Diffusion of positive muons in alpha-Fe Crystals},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1979,
author = {R.S. Hayano and Y.J. Uemura and J. Imazato and N. Nishida and T. Yamazaki and R. Kubo},
title = {Zero-and Low-Field Spin Rolaxation Studied by Positive Muon},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
year = 1979,
author = {M. Doyama and R. Nakai and H. Fukushima and N. Nishida and Y.J. Uemura and T. Yamazaki},
title = {Trapping of Positive muons by Vacancies in Cu-Al and Al-Ni Non-stoichiometric Compounds},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1979,
author = {N. Nishida and K. Nagamine and R.S. Hayano and Y.J. Uemura and J. Imazato and T. Yamazaki and D.G. Fleming and J.H. Brewer and H. Miyajima and S. Chikazumi},
title = {Hyperfine Fields on μ┣D1+┫ in NiCr and FeSi Alloys},
journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},
year = 1979,
author = {R.S. Hayano and Y.J. Uemura and J. Imazato and N. Nishida and T. Yamazaki and H. Yasuoka and Y. Ishikawa},
title = {Observations of the (T/Tc) Divergence of the μ┣D1+┫ Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate in MnSi near Tc},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 1978,
author = {H. Yasuoka and R.S. hayano and N. Nishida and K. Nagamine and T. Yamazaki and Y. Ishikawa},
title = {Temperature Dependence of the Positive Muon Knight Shift in MnSi},
journal = {Solid State Comm.},
year = 1978,
author = {R.S. Hayano and Y.J. Uemura and J. Imazato and N. Nishida and K. Nagamine and T. Yamazaki and H. Yasuoka},
title = {Longitudinal Spin Relaxation of μ┣D1+┫ in Paramagnetic MnO},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 1978,
author = {N. Nishida and K. Nagamine and R.S. hayano and T. Yamazaki and D.G. Fleming and R.A. Duncan and J.H. Brewer},
title = {The local Magnetic fields probed by μ┣D1+┫in hcp Ferromagnets: Co and Gd},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1978,
author = {K. Nagamine and N. Nishida and S. Nagamiya and O. Hashimoto and T. Yamazaki},
title = {Conduction Electron Polarization in Dilute PdFe Alloys studied by Positive Muons},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
year = 1977,
author = {N.Nishida and R..Hayano and K.Nagamine and T.Yamazaki and J.H.Brewer and D.M.Garner and D.G.Fleming and T.Takeuchi and Y.Ishikawa},
title = {hyperfine Field and Diffusion of in Fe single crystal},
journal = {Solid State Communications},
year = 1977,
author = {H. Koyama and N. Nishida and K.Nagamine and T. Yamazaki},
title = {Studies of the hyperfine Field at Bi Nuclei in a Ferromagnetic BiMn by Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation},
journal = {Journal of Physical Society of Japan},
year = 1974,
author = {K. Nagamine and H. koyama and N. Nishida and M. Takizawa and k. Nakai and T. Yamazaki},
title = {Nuclear Structure Studies with Polarized 209Bi, 210Bi(RaE) and polarized 209Bi Target},
journal = {J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1973,
author = {K and nagamine and N.Nishida and H.Ishimoto},
title = {A compact two-stage Dilution refrigerator for low temperature nuclear Orientation},
journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods},
year = 1972,
author = {N. Nishida and K. Nagamine and R.S. Hayano and T. Yamazaki and D.G. Fleming and J.H. Brewer},
title = {Temperature Dependence of μ┣D1+┫ hyperfine Field and Relaxation in Fe},
booktitle = {Transition Metals 1977, Conference Series 39 (The Institute of Physics, Bristol and London)},
year = 1978,
author = {K. Nagamine and N. Nishida and T. Yamazaki},
title = {Low temperature Polarization of Bi isotopes in Ferromagnetic BiMn and Polarized 209Bi Target},
booktitle = {Prpc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on Polarized Targets, Berkeley (1971) ed. by G. Shapiro},
year = 1971,
author = {松葉健 and 西田信彦},
title = {高温超伝導体Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oxにおける乱れと超伝導-STM渦糸測定を中心として},
year = 2003,
title = {Studies of superconductors by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy},
year = 2000,
author = {西田信彦},
title = {酸化物超伝導体の磁気的性質のuSR法による研究},
year = 1991,
author = {西田信彦},
title = {Nb超薄膜の超伝導オンセット},
year = 1990,
author = {西田信彦},
title = {高温酸化物超伝導体中のμ┣D1+┫スピン緩和},
year = 1990,
author = {西田信彦},
title = {ミュオンで見た酸化物超伝導体},
year = 1988,
author = {西田信彦},
title = {a-Si:Au系の金属-非金属転移と超伝導},
year = 1983,
author = {西田信彦 篠原元雄},
title = {超伝導温度定点素子(II)},
year = 1981,
title = {Positive muon Spin Rotation in Ferromagnetic Metals},
year = 1977,
title = {Positive muon Spin Rotation in Ferromagnetic Metals},
school = {東京大学},
year = 1977,