@book{CTT100449926, author = {Javad AKBARI}, title = {An Experimental Study on Bore Honing Operation -Influence of Unequal Over-run on Geometrical Error-}, publisher = {Initiatives of Precision Engineering at the Beginning of a Millennium, 10th ICPE, July 18-20, Yokohama, Japan}, year = 2001, } @book{CTT100481259, author = {Javad AKBARI}, title = {Study Effects of Cutting Conditions on Mechanical Properties of Machined Layer Using FEM}, publisher = {Proc. JSME Annual Conf., Tokyo}, year = 1999, } @book{CTT100449923, author = {Akbari, J. and Saito, Y. and Higuchi, S. and Hanaoka, T.}, title = {Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals During Pendular Scratching of Fine Ceramics}, publisher = {Tech. Papers NAMRI of SME}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100472218, author = {Akbari, J. and Utada., E. and Tanaka, T. and Saito, Y.}, title = {Sensor Integrated Locator for Intelligent Fixture}, journal = {Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mechatronics Technology, Sep. 29-Oct. 3, Kitakyushu, Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100480846, author = {Javad AKBARI}, title = {Development of Mist Sensor for Environmental Consious Machine Tool}, journal = {JIMTOF2002, The 21st Japan Int. Machine Tool Fair, Oct. 28- Nov. 4, Tokyo}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100480847, author = {Javad AKBARI}, title = {Development of Ultrasonic-Sensor-Integrated Locator}, journal = {JIMTOF2002, The 21st Japan Int. Machine Tool Fair, Oct. 28- Nov. 4, Tokyo}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472304, author = {Akbari, J. and Oyamada, K. and Saito, Y.}, title = {LCA of Machine Tools with Regard to their Secondary Effects on Quality of Machined Parts}, journal = {Proc. EcoDesign 2001, 2nd Int. Symp. On Enviro. Conscious Design & Inverse Manfg, 11-15 Dec., Tokyo, Japan}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100472309, author = {Akbari, J. and Sobhanieh, A.}, title = {Optimizing the Honing Process for Fuel Control Unit of a Turbo Jet Engine (in Persian)}, journal = {Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. Mechanical Engg, ISME2000, Iran}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100472306, author = {Akbari, J. and Reyhani, A.}, title = {Study the Effects of Honing Parameters on Bore Quality}, journal = {Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. Progress of Machining Technology, ICPMT2000, China}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100472310, author = {Akbari, J. and Reyhani, A.}, title = {The Effects of Honing Condition on Geometrical Tolerances and Surface Quality of Bores (in Persian)}, journal = {Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. Mechanical Engg, ISME2000, Iran,}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100472301, author = {Akbari, J. and Abadi, T.}, title = {Research on Engineering Ceramics Machining for Production Ceramic Tubes (in Persian)}, journal = {Research Proceedings, Sharif U. Of Tech.,}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100472296, author = {Akbari, J. and Shadravan, I. and Asadi, A.}, title = {Design of a 3-Axis CNC Machine Tables for Rapid Prototyping Process (In Persian)}, journal = {Research Proceedings, Sharif U. Of Tech.}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100472298, author = {Akbari, J. and Dalil, N.}, title = {Design and Manufacturing a Dynamometer for Measuring the Machining Forces (in Persian)}, journal = {Research Proceedings, Sharif U. Of Tech.}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100472292, author = {Naghdabadi, R. and Akbari, J. and Basti, A.}, title = {Orthogonal Cutting Analysis using Finite Element Method (in Persian)}, journal = {J. of Iranian Mechanical Engineering}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100449922, author = {Akbari, J. and Saito, Y. and Hanaoka, T. and Higuchi, S. and Enomoto, S.}, title = {Effect of Grinding Parameters on Acoustic Emission Signals While Grinding Process of Engineering Ceramics}, journal = {J. of Materials Processing Technology}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100471737, author = {Akbari, J. and Pashmchi, S.}, title = {Creep-Feed Grinding of the Root of Gas Turbine Blade (in Persian)}, journal = {Research Proceedings, Sharif U. Of Tech.}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100449924, author = {Akbari, J. and Saito, Y. and Hanaoka, T. and Enomoto, S.}, title = {Using Acoustic Emission for Monitoring of Grinding Process of Fine Ceramics –Sensitivity of AE to Grain Depth of Cut-}, journal = {JSME Int. J., Series C}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100472276, author = {Akbari, J. and Saito, Y. and Hanaoka, T. and Enomoto, S.}, title = {Acoustic Emission and Deformation Mode in Ceramics During Indentation}, journal = {JSME Int. J., Series A}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100472288, author = {Akbari, J. and Ichida, Y. and Kishi, K.}, title = {エンジニアリングセラミックスの研削抵抗と研削エネルギの特性}, journal = {砥粒加工学会誌}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100471720, author = {Akbari, J. and Saito, Y. and Hanaoka, T. and Enomoto, S.}, title = {Detection of Cutting Mode During Scratching of Ceramics Using Acoustic Emission}, journal = {Int. J. Japan Soc. Precision Eng.}, year = 1993, } @misc{CTT100594218, author = {Javad AKBARI}, title = {Monitoring of Grinding Process of Ceramics by Acoustic Emission}, year = 1993, } @phdthesis{CTT100594218, author = {Javad AKBARI}, title = {Monitoring of Grinding Process of Ceramics by Acoustic Emission}, school = {千葉大学}, year = 1993, }