author = {青野力三 and 道久則之},
title = {溶媒耐性微生物 in 微生物利用の大展開},
publisher = {エヌ・ティー・エヌ},
year = 2002,
author = {青野力三 and 道久則之},
title = {特殊環境微生物の検索 in 生物工学実験書},
publisher = {培風館},
year = 2002,
author = {Rikizo AOno and Akira Inoue},
title = {Organic solvent tolerance in microorganisms},
publisher = {Extremophiles: Microbial Life in Extreme environments. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, New York.},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒耐性微生物の利用},
publisher = {環境保全を新たに産業シーズとする先導的バイオ技術大阪工研協会セミナーテキスト},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Electron Microscopy of Halobacteria (共著)},
publisher = {Archaea:A Laboratory manual,halophilies},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Production and partial characterization of a thermophilic alkaline xylanase from thermoalkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain TAR-1 (共著)},
publisher = {Genetics, Biochemistry and Ecology of Ligunocellulose Degradation. Uni Publishers Co. , Ltd. Tokyo, Japan},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Molecular cloning of a gene encoding an alkaline xylanase from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain 41M-1 and its heterologous expression (共著)},
publisher = {Genetics, Biochemistry and Ecology of Ligunocellulose Degradation. Uni Publishers Co. , Ltd. Tokyo, Japan},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {A gene for an 87-kDa extracellular β-1,3-glucanase of ┣DBBacillus circulans(/)-┫DB IAM1165 (共著)},
publisher = {Genetics, Biochemistry and Ecology of Ligunocellulose Degradation. Uni Publishers Co. , Ltd. Tokyo, Japan},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {遺伝子工学.タンパク質工学},
publisher = {化学ハンドブック、XV.応用生物化学 朝倉書店},
year = 1993,
author = {青野力三},
title = {β-1,3-グルカナーゼ},
publisher = {好アルカリ性微生物、学会出版センター},
year = 1993,
author = {青野力三},
title = {大腸菌によるタンパク質の菌体外生産の条件},
publisher = {好アルカリ性微生物、学会出版センター},
year = 1993,
author = {青野力三},
title = {好アルカリ性バチルス属細菌の細胞表層},
publisher = {好アルカリ性微生物、学会出版センター},
year = 1993,
author = {青野力三},
title = {耐アルカリ性酵母の発見と分類},
publisher = {好アルカリ性微生物、学会出版センター},
year = 1993,
author = {青野力三},
title = {ビギナーのための微生物実験ラボガイド(共著)},
publisher = {講談社},
year = 1993,
author = {青野力三},
title = {特殊環境微生物の検索(共著)},
publisher = {生物工学実験書、日本生物工学会編、塔風館},
year = 1992,
author = {青野力三},
title = {酵素の精製と分析},
publisher = {酵素-科学と工学,講談社},
year = 1992,
author = {青野力三},
title = {酵素の反応速度論},
publisher = {酵素-科学と工学,講談社},
year = 1992,
author = {青野力三},
title = {耐有機溶媒微生物},
publisher = {極限環境微生物ハンドブック,サイエンスフォーラム社},
year = 1991,
author = {青野力三},
title = {好アルカリ菌の酵素},
publisher = {極限環境微生物ハンドブック,サイエンスフォーラム社},
year = 1991,
author = {青野力三},
title = {好アルカリ菌の分離と培養},
publisher = {極限環境微生物ハンドブック,サイエンスフォーラム社},
year = 1991,
author = {Masahiro Ito and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Decrease in cytoplasmic pH-homeostastatic activity of the alkaliphile Bacillus lentus C-125 by the cell wall defectiveness},
journal = {Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.},
year = 2002,
author = {Takeshi Asano and Jiro Taki and Mami Yamamoto and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Cloning and structural analysis of bglM gene coding for fungal cell wall-lytic b-1,3-glucan-hydrolase BglM of Bacillus circulans IAM1165},
journal = {Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.},
year = 2002,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Tadashi Nakano and Youhei Okuyama and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Isolation of an Acinetobacter sp. ST-550 which produces a high level of indigo in a water-organic solvent two-phase system containing high levels of indole},
journal = {Appl Microbiol Biotechnol},
year = 2002,
author = {青野力三},
title = {溶媒重層発酵},
journal = {共立出版},
year = 2001,
author = {Kei Kobauashi and Norihiko Tsukagoshi and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Suppression of the hypersensitivity of Escherichia coli acrB mutant to organic solvents by integrational activation of athe acrEF operon with the IS1 and IS2},
journal = {J. Bacteriol.},
year = 2001,
author = {Rikizo Aono and Norihiko Tsukagoshi and Toshiyuki Miyamoto},
title = {Evaluation of the growth inhibition strength of hydrocarbon solvents against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida grown in a two-liquid phase culture system consisting of a medium and organic solvent},
journal = {Extremophiles},
year = 2001,
author = {Akihito Shibuya and Norihiko Tsukagoshi and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Convenient and sensitive assessment of a superoxide anion-generating agent methylviolgen by Escherichia coli carrying a soxS'::gfp reporter plasmid},
journal = {},
year = 2001,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Cloning, sequence analysis and expression of a gene encoding an organic solvent- and detergent-tolerant cholesterol oxidase of Burkholderia cepacia strain ST-200},
journal = {Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.},
year = 2001,
author = {K.Katsuraya and Y. Imoto and K. Okuyama and K. Hashimoto and H. Takei and R. Aono and K. Hatanaka},
title = {Synthesis of oligosaccharide with controlled sequence},
journal = {Carbohydr. Lett.},
year = 2001,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Cloning a gene coding for a solvent-tolerant cholesterol oxidase from Pseudomonas sp. strain ST-200},
journal = {The 3rd International Congress on Extremophiles},
year = 2000,
author = {青野力三},
title = {芳香族化合物に対する水酸基導入},
journal = {次世代化学プロセス技術開発に関する調査研究},
year = 2000,
author = {Norihiko Tsukagoshi and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Entry into and release of solvents by Escherichia coli in an organic aqueous two-liquid phase system and substrate specificity of the AcrAB-TolC solvent-extruding pump},
journal = {Journal of Bacteriology},
year = 2000,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Contribution of teichuronopeptide, acidic structural component of cell wall, to the cytoplasmic pH homeostasis of alkaliphilic Bacillus lentus C-125},
journal = {The 3rd International Congress on Extremophiles},
year = 2000,
author = {Norihiko Tsukagoshi and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Entry and release of organic solvents in Escherichia coli and substrate specificity of the AceAB-TolC solvent extruding pump},
journal = {The 3rd International Congress on Extremophiles},
year = 2000,
author = {Kasumi Noguchi and Norihiko Tsukagoshi and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Deterioration of tolerance to hydrophobic organic solvents in a toluene tolerant strain of Pseudomonas putida under the conditions lowering aerobic respiration},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1999,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Two moles of O2 consumption and one mole of H2O2 formation during cholesterol peroxidation with cholesterol oxidase from Pseudomonas sp. ST-200},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1999,
author = {青野力三},
title = {溶媒重層発酵法を用いたリトコール酸側鎖の除去によるステロイド前駆体(17-ケトステロイドと22-アルデヒドステロイド)の生産},
journal = {次世代化学プロセスに関する調査:次世代化学プロセスに関する技術評価基盤構築報告書},
year = 1999,
author = {青野力三},
title = {微生物の疎水性有機溶媒耐性に寄与する排出ポンプ},
journal = {次世代化学プロセスに関する調査:次世代化学プロセスに関する技術評価基盤構築報告書},
year = 1999,
author = {Hiroyuki Asako and Kei Kobayashi and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Independence of organic solvent tolerance of Escherichia coli from OmpF levels in the membrane},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology},
year = 1999,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒重層発酵による有機化合物への水酸基導入},
journal = {医薬資源研究振興会助成研究報告集},
year = 1999,
author = {青野力三},
title = {通性好アルカリ性Bacillus lentus C-125株の細胞壁酸性高分子テイクロノペプチドの機能と生合成},
journal = {バイオデザイン研究:オルガネラ機能発現原理の解明と新機能デザインを目指して},
year = 1999,
author = {Rikizo Aono and Masahiro Ito and Takayoshi Machida},
title = {Contribution of the cell wall component teichuronopeptide to pH homeostasis and alkaliphily in the alkaliphile Bacillus lentus C-125},
journal = {Journal of Bacteriology},
year = 1999,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒重層発酵法によるステロイドの微生物酸化に関与するコレステロールオキシダーゼの精製},
journal = {次世代化学プロセスに関する調査:次世代化学プロセスに関する技術評価基盤構築報告書 化学工学会},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {大腸菌の疎水性有機溶媒耐性機構},
journal = {化学と生物},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {微生物の有機溶媒耐性機構},
journal = {生物情報の解明と制御による新農林水産技術の開発に関する総合研究},
year = 1998,
author = {Yasumasa Suzuki and Noriyuki Doukyu and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Lithocholic acid side-chain cleavage to produce 17-keto or 22-aldehyde steroids by pseudomonas putida strain ST-491 grown in the presence of an organic solvent, diphenyl ether},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {通性好アルカリ性Bacillus sp. C-125株の細胞壁酸性高分子テイクロノペプチドの機能と生合成},
journal = {バイオデザイン研究:オルガネラ機能発現原理の解明と新機能デザインを目指して},
year = 1998,
author = {Mami Yamamoto and Toru Ezure and Takeshi Watanabe and Hirosato Tanaka and Rikizo Aono},
title = {C-Terminal domain of β-1,3-glucanase H in Bacillus circulans IAM1165 has a role in binding to insoluble β-1,3-glucan},
journal = {FEBS Letters},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒耐性菌:環境ストレス応答性ポンプによる大腸菌の有機溶媒耐性の向上},
journal = {「極限環境微生物マイクロオーガニズムのポテンシャル」シンポジゥム、要旨集},
year = 1998,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Improvement of organic solvent tolerance level of Escherichia coli by overexpression of stress-responsive genes},
journal = {Extremophiles},
year = 1998,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning of tupA gene involved in teichuronopeptide synthesis and alkaliphily of alkaliphilic Bacillus lentus C-125},
journal = {International Workshop on Molecular Architecture of Biological Systems, Abstract},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {疎水性有機溶媒に対する微生物の耐性機構},
journal = {次世代化学プロセスに関する調査:次世代化学プロセスに関する技術評価基盤構築報告書 化学工学会},
year = 1998,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Tomonori Arai and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Effects of organic solvents on indigo formation by Pseudomonas sp. strain ST-200 grown with high levels of indole},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1998,
author = {Mami Yamamoto and Toru Ezure and Takeshi Watanabe and Hirosato Tanaka and Rikizo Aono},
title = {C-Terminal domain of β-1,3-glucanase H in Bacillus circulans IAM1165 has a role in binding to insoluble β-1,3-glucan},
journal = {FEBS Letters},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒耐性菌:環境ストレス応答性ポンプによる大腸菌の有機溶媒耐性の向上},
journal = {第59回応用物理学会学術講演会「極限環境微生物マイクロオーガニズムのポテンシャル」シンポジゥム要旨集},
year = 1998,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Improvement of organic solvent tolerance level of Escherichia coli by overexpression of stress-responsive genes},
journal = {Extremophiles},
year = 1998,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning of tupA gene involved in teichuronopeptide synthesis and alkaliphily of alkaliphilic Bacillus lentus C-125},
journal = {International Workshop on Molecular Architecture of Biological Systems Abstract},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒重層発酵法によるステロイドの微生物酸化に関与するコレステロールオキシダーゼの精製},
journal = {次世代化学プロセスに関する調査:次世代化学プロセスに関する技術評価基盤構築報告書},
year = 1998,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Tomonori Arai and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Effects of organic solvents on indigo formation by Pseudomonas sp. strain ST-200 grown with high levels of indole},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1998,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Effects of magnetite on the hematocrit value in exsanguinated rats(共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1998,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Purification of extracellular cholesterol oxidase with high activity in the presence of organic solvents from Pseudomonas sp. ST-200},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology},
year = 1998,
author = {青野力三},
title = {遺伝子複製に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究(DNA replication efficiency under microgravity)(共著)},
journal = {パラボリックフライト},
year = 1998,
author = {Rikizo Aono and Tsukagoshi Norihiko and Mami Yanmamoto},
title = {Involvement of outer membrane protein ToIC, a possible member of the mar-sox regulon, in maintenance and improvement of the organic solvent tolerance level of Escherichia coli K-12},
journal = {Journal of Bacteriology},
year = 1998,
author = {Hideki Kobayashi and Mami Yamamoto and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Appearance of a stress response protein, phage shock protein A, in Escherichia coli exposed to hydrophobic organic solvent},
journal = {Microbiology},
year = 1998,
author = {Kei Kobayashi and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Involvement of AcrAB and ToIC efflux pump system with organic solvent tolerance of Escherichia coli},
journal = {International Congress on Extremophiles '98 January 18-22 1998, Yokohama, Japan Abstract},
year = 1998,
author = {Noriyuki Doukyu and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Reduction of the substrate toxicity by persolvent fermentation: biodegradation of indole at high concentration by persolvent fermentation with Pseudomonas sp. ST-200},
journal = {International Congress on Extremophiles '98January 18-22 1998, Yokohama, Japan Abstract},
year = 1998,
author = {Takashi Inagaki and Mami Yamamoto and Rikizo Aono},
title = {Proteolytic surgery for β-1,3-glucanase BgIH to improve thermotolerance},
journal = {International Congress on Extremophiles '98 January 18-22 1998, Yokohama, Japan Abstract},
year = 1998,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Improvement of organic solvent tolerance level of Escherichia coli by overexpression of stress-responsible genes},
journal = {International Congress on Extremophiles '98 January 18-22 1998, Yokohama, Japan Abstract},
year = 1998,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Effects of oxygen and nitrate on growth of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the presence of organic solvents(共著)},
journal = {Extremophiles},
year = 1997,
author = {青野力三},
title = {mar-soxレギュロン},
journal = {蛋白質核酸酵素},
year = 1997,
author = {青野力三},
title = {疎水性有機溶媒に対する大腸菌の耐性(共著)},
journal = {蛋白質核酸酵素},
year = 1997,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cell surface properties of organic solvent-tolerant mutants of Escherichia coli K-12(共著)},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology},
year = 1997,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Measurement of cytoplasmic pH of the alkaliphile Bacillus lentus C-125 with a fluorescent pH probe (共著)},
journal = {Microbiology},
year = 1997,
author = {青野力三},
title = {marオペロン発現活性化による大腸菌の有機溶媒耐性度の向上},
journal = {酵素工学ニュース},
year = 1997,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Biodegradation of indole at high concentration by persolvent fermentation with Pseudomonas sp. ST-200 (共著)},
journal = {Extremophiles},
year = 1997,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒耐性生体触媒とバイオプロセスー有機溶媒重層発酵によるコレステロール酸化とリトコール酸側鎖の切断-},
journal = {環境バイオテクノロジー研究会春季ワークショップーISO14000とバイオプリベンションの最前線 要旨集},
year = 1997,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Organic solvent tolerance and antibiotic resistance increased by overexpression of marA in Escherichia coli (共著)},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology},
year = 1997,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding the cell surface glycoprotein of Haloarcula japonica strain TR-1 (共著)},
journal = {Extremophiles},
year = 1997,
author = {青野力三},
title = {遺伝遺伝子複製に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究},
journal = {宇宙環境利用フロンティア共同研究成果概要},
year = 1997,
author = {青野力三},
title = {微小重力下における遺伝子複製},
journal = {無重量セミナー予稿集},
year = 1997,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Research on the properties of magnetic wood II. Termite resistance of magnetic wood(共著)},
journal = {Jap. J. Environ. Entomol. Zool.},
year = 1997,
author = {青野力三},
title = {溶媒重層発酵による難溶性物質の微生物変換},
journal = {バイオサイエンスとインダストリー},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Construction and Application of Organic Solvent Tolerant Microorganisms},
journal = {Proceedings of International Symposium Biotech's Role in Sustainable Development},
year = 1996,
author = {青野力三},
title = {大腸菌の有機溶媒耐性に関与する遺伝子群},
journal = {セミナー「極限環境における生体の分子論的応答」},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Alkaline growth pH-dependent increase of respiratory and NADH-oxidation activities of facultatively alkaliphilic strain Bacillus lentus C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Stereospecific oxidation of 3β-Hydroxysteroids by persolvent fermentation with Pseudomonas sp. ST-200 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Purification and characterization of cell wall-associated N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase from alkaliphilic Bacillus lentus C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Stress response genes, soxS, marA, and robA, increase the organic solvent tolerance in Escherichia coli. (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of First International Congress on Extremophiles, Estoril, Portugal, June 2-6,1996},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cell walls of alkaliphilic Bacillus lentus C-125 contribute to lowering the cytoplasmic pH},
journal = {Abstracts of First International Congress on Extremophiles, Estoril, Portugal, June 2-6,1996},
year = 1996,
author = {青野力三},
title = {磁化木材の性能に関する研究(第1報)-酵素反応を利用した磁化木材の製造法- (共著)},
journal = {Wood. Preserv.},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Control with organic solvents on efficiency of persolvent cholesterol fermentation by Pseudomonas sp. strain ST-200 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1996,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {A close correlation between improvement of organic solvent tolerance levels and alteration of resistance toward low levels of multiple antibiotics in ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Nucleotide Sequence of the Gene Coding for the Cell Surface Glycoprotein of Haloarcula Japonica (共著)},
journal = {Protein Engineering},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Active Sites of the Alkaline Xylanase from Alkaliphilic Bacillus Sp. Strain 41M-1 (共著)},
journal = {Protein Engineering},
year = 1995,
author = {青野力三},
title = {コレステロールをモデルとした溶媒重層発酵法の開発},
journal = {微生物の特殊機能の解析とその応用、生物生産と環境浄化を目ざして},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Purification and Characterization of a Thermophilic Alkaline Xylanase from Thermoalkaliphilic Bacillus Sp. Strain TAR- (共著)},
journal = {Journal of Molecular Catalysis B:Enzymatic},
year = 1995,
author = {Rikizo Aono and Masahiro Ito and Keith N. Joblin and Koki Horikoshi},
title = {A High Cell Wall Negative Charge is Necessary for the Growth of the Alkaliphile Bacillus Ientus C-125 at Elevated pH},
journal = {Microbiology},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Structure-Function Relationship of The Xylanase from Alkaliphilic Bacillus Sp. Strain 41M-1 (共著)},
journal = {Nucleic Acids,Symposium Series},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Natronococcus Amylolyticus Sp.Nov.,A Haloalkaliphilic Archaeon (共著)},
journal = {International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Purification and Partial Characterization of Cell Surface Glycoprotein from Extremely Halophilic Archaeon Haloarcula Japonica Strain TR-1 (共著)},
journal = {Biotechnology Letters},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Oxidative Bioconversion of Cholesterol by Pseudomonas Sp.ST-200 in a Persolvent Fermentation (共著)},
journal = {Pseudomonas 1995:Fifth International Symposium on Pseudomonas:Biotechnology and Molecular Biology},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Assignment of Facultatively Alkaliphilic Bacillus Sp. Strain C-125 to Bacillus Lentus Group 3},
journal = {International Journal of Systematic bacteriology},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {soxRS Gene Increased the Level of Organic Solvent Tolerance in Escherichia Coli (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience.Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Overexpression of robA Gene Increasees Organic Solvent Tolerance and Multiple Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Ion Resistance in Escherichia Coli (共著)},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiolgy},
year = 1995,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Isolation of extracellular 28-and 42-kilodalton β-1, 3-glucanases and comparison of three β-1, 3-glucanases produced by ┣DBBacillus circulans(/)-┫DB IAM1165 (共著)},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology},
year = 1995,
author = {青野力三},
title = {溶媒発酵法一有機溶媒に溶解した難溶性物質の微生物転換反応},
journal = {生物工学},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Thermophilic alkaliphiline xylanase from newly isolated alkaliphlic and thermophilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain Tar-1 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {有機溶媒中で生育する微生物},
journal = {化学と生物 日本農芸化学会編 学会出版センター刊},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Oleosus fermentation using organic solvent tolerant microbes},
journal = {ROC-Japan symposium on agricultural biotechnology 16 June, 1994 Agricultural Hall, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R. O. C.},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {好アルカリ性┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB属細菌の細胞壁の構造},
journal = {生化学},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {耐熱アルカリ性キシラナーゼ},
journal = {東京工業大学クロニクル},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Mapping of organic solvent tolerance gene ┣DBostA(/)-┫DB in ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB K-12 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1994,
author = {Rikizo Aono and Noriyuki Doukyu and Hideki Kobayashi and Harushi Nakajima and Koki Horikoshi},
title = {Oxidative bioconversion of cholesterol by Pseudomonas sp. ST-200 in water-organic solvent-two phase system},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiolgy},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning and expression of the gene encoding the 7Fe type ferredoxin from a thermophilic hydrogen oxidizing bacterium, ┣DBBacillus schlegelii(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {パルプ漂白用新酵素キシラナーゼについて:好アルカリ性バチルス属細菌が生産する耐熱性アルカリキシラナーゼ},
journal = {アルファ},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning, expression and nucleotide sequence of the α-amylase gene from the haloalkaliphilic archaeon ┣DBNatronococcus(/)-┫DB sp. (共著)},
journal = {Journal of Bacteriology},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {好アルカリ性バチルス属細菌が生産する耐熱性アルカリキシラナーゼ},
journal = {紙パ技協誌},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {微生物の有機溶媒耐性機構に関与する遺伝子},
journal = {極限環境に適応する生物を探る},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Nucleotide sequence and mutational analysis of the gene encoding the novel alkaline xylanase from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. stain 41M-1 (共著)},
journal = {Nucleic acids, Symposium Series},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {The gene encoding the cell surface glycoprotein of a triangular halophilic archaeon, ┣DBHaloarcular japonica(/)-┫DB strain TR-1 (共著)},
journal = {Nucleic acids, Symposium Series},
year = 1994,
author = {青野力三},
title = {好アルカリ性バチルス属細菌が生産するアルカリキシラナーゼによるパルプ漂白の可能性},
journal = {資源環境と対策},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Effects of organic solvents on growth of ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB K-12 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Hyper-autolysis of the facultative alkaliphile ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. C-125 cells grown at neutral pH : culture-pH-dependent cross-linking of the peptide moieties of the peptidoglycan (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Thermostable alkaline xylanases produced by alkaliphilic strains of ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB spp. (共著)},
journal = {Abstract of Novo Nordisk Enzyme Symposium 1994 ; In Pursuit of Enzyme Application Possibilities : pp. 7-11 December 5, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning of the organic solvent tolerance gene ┣DBostA(/)-┫DB that determines ┣DBn(/)-┫DB-hexane tolerance level in ┣DBEscherichia(/)-┫DB coli (共著)},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Construction of a new teichuronopeptide-defective derivative from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1994,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {The triangular halophilic archaebacterium ┣DBHaloarcula japonica(/)-┫DB strain TR-1 (共著)},
journal = {Experientia},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Structure of the 87 kDa β-1,3-glucanase gene of ┣DBBacillus circulans(/)-┫DB IAM1165 and properties of the cloned enzyme (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Regeneraration of protoplasts prepared from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB spp. around at neutral pH (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Occurrence of teichuronopeptide in cell walls of group 2 alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB spp (共著)},
journal = {Journal of General Microbiology},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning of a gene required for the alkaliphily of alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Nucleic acids Symposium Series},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Production and partial characterization of a thermophilic alkaline xylanase from thermoalkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain TAR-1 (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of Mie Bioforum 93 : Genetics, Biochemistry and Ecology ofLigunocellulose Degradation},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Molecular cloning of a gene encoding an alkaline xylanase from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain 41M-I and its heterologous expression (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of Mie Bioforum 93 : Genetics, Biochemistry and Ecology of Ligunocellulose Degradation},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {A gene for and 87-KDa extracellular β-1,3-glucanase of ┣DBBacillus circulans(/)-┫DB IAM1 165 (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of Mie Bioforum 93 : Genetics, Biochemistry andEcology of Ligunocellulose Degradation},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Expression of an 87-kDa-β-1,3-glucanase gene of ┣DBBacillus circulans(/)-┫DB IAM1 165 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by low-temperature incubation (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Thermophilic or thermotolerant glycanases produced by ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB spp. at alkaline pH (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of Thermophiles '93 : An International Conference on theScience and Technology of Thermophiles},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Production of alkaline xylanases by a newly isolated alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain 41M-1(共著)},
journal = {World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Identification of 2-amino-2,6-dideoxy-D-glucose (D-quinovosamine ), isolated from the cell walls of the alkaliphilic strain of ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. Y-25 by 500-MHz ┣D11┫D1H NMR spectroscopy (共著)},
journal = {Carbohydrate Research},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Purification and some properties of an alkaline xylanase from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain 41M-1(共著)},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Microgiology},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Isolation of a novel cell-wall-component-defective mutant from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. C-125 via protoplast fusion (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of International Workshop on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Extremophiles & Archaebacteria},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Haloalkaliphilic maltotriose-forming α-amylase from the archaebacterium ┣DBNatronococcus(/)-┫DB sp. Ah-36 (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of International Workshop on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Extremophiles & Archaebacteria},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Isolation and some characterization of toluene-tolerant ┣DBPseudomonas(/)-┫DB strains (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of International Workshop on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Extremophiles & Archaebacteria},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {The triangular halophilic archaeon ┣DBHaloarcula japonica(/)-┫DB strain TR-1 : PCR amplification of the gene coding for the cell surface glycoprotion (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of International Workshop on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Extremophiles & Archaebacteria},
year = 1993,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Instability of protoplast membrane of facultative alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. C-125 at alkaline pH values below the pH optimum for growth (共著)},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {The cell surface glycoprotein of ┣DBHaloarcula(/)-┫DB ┣DBjaponica(/)-┫DB TR-1 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Phylogenetic relationships of alkali-tolerant yeasts belonging to the genus ┣DBHansenula(/)-┫DB},
journal = {Systematics and Applied Microbiology},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Molecular cloning, nucleotide sequence and expression of the structural gene for a thermostable alkaline protease from ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. no. AH-101 (共著)},
journal = {Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Effective isolation and identification of toluene-tolerant ┣DBPseudomonas(/)-┫DB strains (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Accumulation of alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB penicillinase cleaved within the signal sequence in cytoplasm of ┣DBEscherichia(/)-┫DB ┣DBcoli(/)-┫DB},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cloning and expression of a gene for an 87-kDa β-1,3- glucanase of ┣DBBacillus circulans(/)-┫DB IAM1165 in ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB K-12 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {A triangular-shape halophilic archaebacterium ┣DBHaloarcula japonica(/)-┫DB TR-1 (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of ASM conference on haliphilic bacteria, Research priorities and biological potential in the 1990's November 15-19 1992 at Williamsburg, Virginia, United States},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Degradation of human hair by a thermostable alkaline protease from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. no. AH-101 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Molecular cloning, nucleotide sequence, and expression of the structural gene for alkaline serine protease from alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. 221 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Alkaline xylanase produced by newly isolated alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. (共著)},
journal = {P. 443-446 In J. Visser et al. (ed. ), Xylans and xylanases. (1992). Elsevier Science publishers. Netherlands Proceedings of xylans and xylanases symposium held in December 6-11 1991 at Wageningen, Netherlands},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {A novel gene required for the alkaliphily of th facultative alkaliphile ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. strain C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Extracellular production of human immunoglobulin ε-chain/γ-chain chimeric Fc polypeptide by ┣DBEscherichia(/)-┫DB ┣DBcoli(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Isolation and partial characterization of an 87-kilodalton β-1,3-glucanase from Bacillus circulans IAM1165 (共著)},
journal = {Applied and Environmental Micobiology,},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {pH-Dependent flagella formation by facultative alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry,},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Isolation of a novel toluene-tolerant strain of ┣DBPseudomonas(/)-┫DB ┣DBaeruginosa(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry,},
year = 1992,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Carotenes produced by alkaliphilic yellow-pigmented strains of ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Agricultural and Biological Chemistry},
year = 1991,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Alkaline xylanase produced by newly isolated alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB spp. (共著)},
journal = {Abstracts of Xylans and Xylanases Symposium, December 8-11 1991 at Wageningen, Netherlands, p. 17. (1991)},
year = 1991,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Envelope alteration of ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB HB101 carrying pEAP31 caused by kil peptide and its involvement in the extracellular release of periplasmic penicillinase from an alkaliphilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1991,
author = {青野力三},
title = {大腸菌分泌TNFの生物活性(共著)},
journal = {バイオテラピー},
year = 1991,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Extracellular production of human tumor necrosis factor-a by ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB using a chemically-synthesized gene (共著)},
journal = {Agricultural and Biological Chemistry},
year = 1991,
author = {青野力三},
title = {蛋白質工学の食品工業の応用、II.蛋白質工学の現状と将来の展望(共著)},
journal = {食品工学},
year = 1991,
author = {青野力三},
title = {蛋白質工学の食品工業への応用、発酵から遺伝子工学、そして蛋白質工学へ(共著)},
journal = {食品工業},
year = 1991,
author = {Rikizo Aono and Kazuhiko Aibe and Akira Inoue and Koki Horikoshi},
title = {Preparation of organic solvent-tolerant mutants from Escherichia coli K-12},
journal = {Agricultural and Biological Chemistry},
year = 1991,
author = {青野力三},
title = {バイオリアクターに適した工業用酵素の開発(共著)},
journal = {ケミカルエンジニアリング},
year = 1990,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Taxonomic distribution of alkali-tolerant yeasts (共著)},
journal = {Systematics and Applied Microbiology},
year = 1990,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Loss of alkalophily in cell-wall-component-defective mutants derived from alkalophilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1990,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Chemotaxonomic differentiation of ┣DBLegionellae(/)-┫DB by detection and characterization of aminodidexyhexoses and other unique sugars using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (共著)},
journal = {Journal of Clinical Microbiology},
year = 1990,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {The poly-α- and -β-1,4-glucuronic acid moiety of teichuronopeptide from the cell wall of the alkalophilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB strain C-125},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1990,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cell walls of alkaliphilic Bacillus spp.},
journal = {Bioindustry},
year = 1989,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Characterization of cell wall components of the alkalophilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB strain C-125 : identification of a polymer composed of polyglutamate and polyglucuronate},
journal = {Journal of General Microbiology},
year = 1989,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Release of penicillinase by ┣DBEschericha coli(/)-┫DB HB101 (pEAP31) accompanying the simultaneous release of outer-membrane components by kil peptide},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1989,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Cultivation conditions for extracellular production of penicillinase by ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB carrying pEAP31 on a semilarge scale},
journal = {Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology},
year = 1988,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Probable detection of Kil peptide derived from colicin E1 plasmid in the envelope fraction of ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB HB101 carrying pEAP31},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1988,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Characterization of structural component of cell walls of alkalophilic strain of ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB sp. C-125 : preparation of poly(γ-L-glutamate) from cell wall component},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1987,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Presence of fucosamine in teichuronic acid of the alkalophilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB strain C-125},
journal = {Biochemical Journal},
year = 1986,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Isolation and partial characterization of structural components of the walls of alkalophilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB strain C-125 (共著)},
journal = {Journal of General Microbiology},
year = 1985,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Composition of the peptidoglycan of alkalophilic ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB spp.},
journal = {Journal of Bacteriology},
year = 1984,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Chemical composition of cell walls of alklophilic strains of ┣DBBacillus(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Journal of General Microbiology},
year = 1983,
author = {青野力三},
title = {ブドウ灰色かび病菌┣DBBotrytis cinerea(/)-┫DBのブドウ顆粒上および葉上での繁殖(共著)},
journal = {山梨大発研報告},
year = 1981,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {┣DBExophiala alcalophila, (/)-┫DB a new black, yeast-like hyphomycete with an accompanying ┣DBPhaeococcomyces alcalophilus ; (/)-┫DB morph, and its physiological characteristics (共著)},
journal = {Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan},
year = 1981,
author = {青野力三},
title = {醸造用ブドウの表皮ワックス量の比較(共著)},
journal = {山梨大発研報告},
year = 1981,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {High and selective resistance to mecillinam in adenylate cyclase-deficient or cyclic adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate receptor protein-deficient mutants of ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Journal of Bacteriology},
year = 1979,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Changes in composition of envelope proteins in adenylate cyclase- or cyclic AMP receptor protein-deficient mutants of ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Journal of Bacteriology},
year = 1978,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {3', 5'-Cyclic adenosine monophosphate dependent xylose lethal phenomenon in ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB (共著)},
journal = {Agricultural and Biological Chemistry},
year = 1976,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {FL1060 binding protein of ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB is probably under the control of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (共著)},
journal = {Agricultural and Biological Chemistry},
year = 1976,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {Photosynthetic activity of isolated spinach mesophyll cells (共著)},
journal = {Plant and Cell Physiology},
year = 1974,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {大腸菌におけるcAMPの作用},
year = 1977,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {忘れました},
year = 1974,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {大腸菌におけるcAMPの作用},
school = {東京大学},
year = 1977,
author = {RIKIZO AONO},
title = {忘れました},
school = {東京大学},
year = 1974,