author = {情報処理学会編 and 沼尾正行},
title = {エンサイクロペディア情報処理(改訂4版)},
publisher = {オーム社},
year = 2002,
author = {日本認知科学会編 and 沼尾正行},
title = {日本認知科学会, 認知科学辞典(分担)},
publisher = {共立出版},
year = 2002,
author = {Cholwich Nattee and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Geometric Method for Document Understanding and Classification using On-line Machine Learning},
publisher = {Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition},
year = 2001,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = {学習,情報処理学会編エンサイクロペディア情報処理 2000-2001},
publisher = {オーム社},
year = 2000,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = {エージェントアプローチ人工知能(分担訳)},
publisher = {共立出版},
year = 1997,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = { 新版情報処理ハンドブック(分担)},
publisher = {オーム社},
year = 1995,
author = {Masayuki Numao and Daishi Kato and Masaru Yokoyama},
title = {Learning Organization in Global Intelligence},
journal = {AAAI Spring Symposia},
year = 2002,
author = {Xiaolong Zhang and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Toward Effective Knowledge Acquisition with First-Order Logic Induction},
journal = {Journal of Computer Science and Technology},
year = 2002,
author = {Tuan Nam Tran and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Text Mining from Biomedical Literature Using Term Extraction and Association Rule Mining},
journal = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'02), CSREA Press},
year = 2002,
author = {Tuan Nam Tran and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Toward Active Mining from On-line Scientific Text Abstracts Using Pre-existing Sources, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
journal = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
year = 2002,
author = {Tuan Nam Tran and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Active Information Gathering by Making Use of Existing Databases},
journal = {Transactions of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence},
year = 2002,
author = {Koichi Moriyama and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Construction of a Learning Agent Handling Its Rewards According to Environmental Situations},
journal = {Proc. the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2002), ACM Press},
year = 2002,
author = {Masayuki Numao and Masashi Yoshida and Yusuke Ito},
title = {Data Mining on the WAVEs - Word-of-mouth-Assisting Virtual Environments},
journal = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
year = 2002,
author = {Masayuki Numao and Shoichi Takagi and Keisuke Nakamura},
title = {CAUI demonstration --- Composing Music Based on Human Feelings},
journal = {Proc. Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-02)},
year = 2002,
author = {Masayuki Numao and Shoichi Takagi and Keisuke Nakamura},
title = {Constructive Adaptive User Interfaces --- Composing Music Based on Human Feelings},
journal = {Proc. Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-02)},
year = 2002,
author = {伊藤雄介 and 吉田匡志 and 沼尾 正行},
title = {口コミ支援システムWAVEの新機能},
journal = {情報処理学会 第128回知能と複雑系研究会 研究報告 (2002-ICS-128)},
year = 2002,
author = {Cholwich Nattee and 沼尾 正行},
title = {Weight Updating Algorithm for Multiple-Instance Learning: An Empirical Study},
journal = {IPSJ SIGICS (2002-ICS-128)},
year = 2002,
author = {森山甲一 and 沼尾 正行},
title = {社会ジレンマを解決する内部評価生成法の分析},
journal = {情報処理学会 第128回知能と複雑系研究会 研究報告 (2002-ICS-128)},
year = 2002,
author = {山田有吉 and 木村亮 and 矢野幸司 and 沼尾 正行},
title = {XML変形を用いた前処理の事例研究},
journal = {情報処理学会 第128回知能と複雑系研究会 研究報告 (2002-ICS-128)},
year = 2002,
author = {トアンナム・チャン and 沼尾 正行},
title = {生物医学文献データベースを利用する医療データマイニング},
journal = {情報処理学会 第128回知能と複雑系研究会 研究報告 (2002-ICS-128)},
year = 2002,
author = {森山甲一 and 沼尾正行},
title = {環境状況に応じて自己の報酬を操作する学習エージェントの構築},
journal = {人工知能学会誌},
year = 2002,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = {アクティブ情報収集(招待講演)},
journal = {人工知能学会全国大会(第16回)論文集 CD-ROM},
year = 2002,
author = {沼尾 正行},
title = {XML変形または関係表現の変形による前処理},
journal = {情報処理学会 第128回知能と複雑系研究会 研究報告 (2002-ICS-128)},
year = 2002,
author = {沼尾正行 and 吉田 匡志 and 伊藤 雄介},
title = {口コミに基づく情報収集とデータ前処理},
journal = {人工知能学会第46回人工知能基礎論/第54回知識ベースシステム研究会},
year = 2001,
author = {O. Ortega and M. Numao},
title = {Suitable Domains for Using Attribute Trees to Impute Missing Values},
journal = {IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences},
year = 2001,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = {Global Intelligence による知識流通},
journal = {情報処理学会知能と複雑系研究会(2001-ICS-124)},
year = 2001,
author = {ナッティー・チョラウィト and 沼尾正行},
title = {知識流通における紙面レイアウトの役割とそれに基づく自動タグ付け},
journal = {情報処理学会知能と複雑系研究会(2001-ICS-124)},
year = 2001,
author = {伊藤雄介 and 吉田 匡史 and 沼尾 正行},
title = {口コミ支援システムの実験},
journal = {情報処理学会知能と複雑系研究会(2001-ICS-124)},
year = 2001,
author = {老川正志 and 沼尾正行},
title = {帰納論理プログラミングによる嗜好情報の獲得とナビゲーションシステム},
journal = {人工知能学会全国大会(第15回)論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {五十嵐建平 and 大田佳宏 and 横山茂樹 and 沼尾正行},
title = {データマイニングにおけるXMLを用いたデータ構造の変形},
journal = {人工知能学会全国大会(第15回)論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {Cholwich Nattee and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Document Analysis and Recognition using ILP and the Winnow Algorithm},
journal = {人工知能学会全国大会(第15回)論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {高木将一 and 中村啓佑 and 沼尾正行},
title = {機械学習の手法を用いた感性の抽出と作曲・編曲への応用},
journal = {人工知能学会全国大会(第15回)論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {伊藤雄介 and 吉田 匡史 and 沼尾 正行},
title = {多くの人の評価を経て情報が吟味される口コミ支援システム},
journal = {人工知能学会全国大会(第15回)論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {沼尾正行 and 高木将一 and 中村啓佑},
title = {ユーザの感性に合わせた自動編曲及び作曲},
journal = {情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会(2001-MUS-41)},
year = 2001,
author = {Chowdhury Rahman Mofizur and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Automated Bias Shift in a Constrained Space for Logic Program Synthesis},
journal = {Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence},
year = 2001,
author = {吉田 匡志 and 伊藤 雄介 and 沼尾 正行},
title = {口コミによる分散型情報収集システム ― WAVEを起こそう ― Word-of-mouth-Assisting Virtual Environment},
journal = {MACC2001},
year = 2001,
author = {Tuan Nam Tran and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Text Data Mining in Biomedical Literature by Combining with an Information Retrieval Approach},
journal = {Proc. the 14th International Conference on Applications of Prolog (ISSN 1345-0980)},
year = 2001,
author = {Tuan Nam Tran and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Mining biomedical literature by making use of existing databases},
journal = {Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence SIG-FAI/KBS-J},
year = 2001,
author = {沼尾正行 and 宮下和雄},
title = {社会へのアンテナ第4回 高橋邦芳 氏 --- ユーザを納得させられる人工知能技術の実現を},
journal = {人工知能学会誌},
year = 2001,
author = {NUMAO Masayuki and TAKAGI Shoichi},
title = {Modeling Human Feelings in Music},
journal = {Proc. International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Universal Press},
year = 2000,
author = {Oscar Ortega and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Ordered Estimation of Missing Values for Propositional Learning},
journal = {Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence},
year = 2000,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = {個性と感性がぶつかり合うネットワーク ― 知能と複雑系の観点から ―},
journal = {情報処理学会コンピュータと教育研究会(2000-CE-56)},
year = 2000,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {Modeling Enbedded Persons-Cognitive Modeling in Global Intellingence},
journal = {Proc. International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Universal Press},
year = 2000,
author = {Takashi Ishikawa and Masayuki Numao and Takao Terano},
title = {Discovering Protein Functional Models Using Inductive Logic Programming},
journal = {Proc. 4th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
year = 2000,
author = {R. Sison and M. Numao and M. Shimura},
title = {Multistrategy Discovery and Detection of Novice Programmer Errors},
journal = {Machine Learning},
year = 2000,
author = {K. Moriyama and M. Numao},
title = {Constructing an Autonomous Agent with an Interdependent Heuristics},
journal = {Proceedings of 6th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-2000)},
year = 2000,
author = {森山 甲一 and 沼尾 正行},
title = {相互依存関係にある内部モジュールを持つ自律システムの構築について},
journal = {情報処理学会 第120回知能と複雑系研究会 研究報告 (2000-ICS-120)},
year = 2000,
author = {O. Ortega Lobo and NUMAO Masayuki},
title = {On the Applicability of a Machine Learning Method for Estimating Missing Values},
journal = {Workshop as part of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning},
year = 2000,
author = {トアンナム チャン and 菊地康裕 and 沼尾正行},
title = {Biomedical Literature Database Retrival System Based on Genetic Functions},
journal = {Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of JSAI},
year = 2000,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {Long-term learning in Global Intelligence},
journal = {Workshop on Machine Intelligence},
year = 2000,
author = {ISHIKAWA Takashi and NUMAO Masayuki and TERANO Takao},
title = {Using Domain Knowledge in ILP to Discover Protein Functional Models},
journal = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
year = 2000,
author = {石川孝 and 寺野隆雄 and 沼尾正行},
title = {リテラル連関とMDL基準による相対最小汎化の計算法},
journal = {人工知能学会誌},
year = 1999,
author = {森山甲一 and 沼尾正行},
title = {相互依存関係による学習ヒューリスティクスの自動修正},
journal = {Proc. MACC99, http://cape.etl.go.jp/macc/},
year = 1999,
author = {Takashi Ishikawa and Masayuki Numao and Takao Terano},
title = {Protein Funcional Models},
journal = {Proc. 1st IMC Workshop on Knowledge Mining in the Real World},
year = 1999,
author = {市瀬龍太郎 沼尾正行},
title = {正例と負例に弁別不能な例からの関係学習,電子情報通信学会論文誌},
journal = {J82-D-1},
year = 1999,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = { A learning mechanism for logic programs using dynamically shared substructures},
journal = {Machine Intelligence},
year = 1999,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = {リテラル連関とMDL基準による相対最小汎化の計算法},
journal = {人工知能学会誌},
year = 1999,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {A learning mechanism for logic programs using dynamically shared substructures},
journal = {Machine Intelligence},
year = 1999,
author = {O. Ortega and M. Numao},
title = {Ordered Estimation of Missing Values},
journal = {Proc. 3rd Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ; Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = 1999,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {Global Intelligence Project - Towards a Learning Society of Agents},
journal = {Proc. 1st IMC Workshop on Knowledge Mining in the Real World},
year = 1999,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {Towards a Society of Intelligent Agents (Invited Lecture)},
journal = {Proc. International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Chalantika Press},
year = 1999,
author = {Ryutaro Ichise and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Constructing Human Feeling Models with Machine Induction, Proc},
journal = {Proc. 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Science and 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Joint Conference},
year = 1999,
author = {Ryutaro Ichise and Masayuki Numao},
title = {Discovering Time Series Rules from Medical Databases},
journal = {Proc. 1st IMC Workshop on Knowledge Mining in the Real World},
year = 1999,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {ネットワーク上の重みとしての構造抽出,人工知能学会研究会資料},
journal = {SIG-FAI/KBS-9902},
year = 1999,
author = {市瀬龍太郎 and 沼尾正行},
title = {帰納学習における帰納論理プログラミングと遺伝的プログラミングの統合},
journal = {人工知能学会誌},
year = 1999,
author = {市瀬龍太郎 and 沼尾正行},
title = {多戦略学習を用いた医療データからの知識発見,人工知能学会研究会資料},
journal = {},
year = 1999,
author = {沼尾正行},
title = {機械学習,概念学習,説明に基づく学習,プログラムの自動合成;電子情報通信学会編電子情報通信ハンドブック},
journal = {オーム社},
year = 1998,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {Acquisition of Human Feelings in Music Arrangement},
journal = {Proc. 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
year = 1997,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {分散処理モデルを用いた機械学習法の研究},
year = 1987,
author = {Masayuki Numao},
title = {分散処理モデルを用いた機械学習法の研究},
school = {東京工業大学},
year = 1987,