@article{CTT100605180, author = {Gen ENDO and Hiroya YAMADA and Akira YAJIMA and Masaru OGATA and Shigeo HIROSE}, title = {A Weight Compensation Mechanism with a Non-Circular Pulley and a Spring: Application to a Parallel Four-Bar Linkage Arm}, journal = {SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100600973, author = {遠藤玄 and 山田浩也 and 矢島明 and 尾形勝 and 広瀬茂男}, title = {非円形プーリ-バネ系による自重補償機構と4節平行リンク型アームへの適用}, journal = {日本ロボット学会誌}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100546821, author = {Masaru Ogata and Shigeo Hirose}, title = {Study on Ankle Mechanisms for Walking Robots -Fundamental Considerations on its Functions and Morphology-}, journal = {Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100546820, author = {Shinichi Suganuma and Masaru Ogata and Kensuke Takita and Shigeo Hirose}, title = {Development of Detachable Teleoperation Gripper for a Walking Robot}, journal = {Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100634483, author = {小松洋音 and 尾形勝 and 程島竜一 and 遠藤玄 and 広瀬茂男}, title = {4足歩行ロボットTITAN XIIの開発と大型障害物踏破力学の基本的検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100617886, author = {小松洋音 and 尾形勝 and 程島竜一 and 広瀬茂男}, title = {能動足首搭載型4足歩行ロボットTITAN XIIの開発 第一報:構造設計と基礎動作実験}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100605181, author = {Gen Endo and Hiroya Yamada and Akira Yajima and Masaru Ogata and Shigeo Hirose}, title = {A Passive Weight Compensation Mechanism with a Non-Circular Pulley and a Spring}, booktitle = {Proc. of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100600968, author = {遠藤玄 and 山田浩也 and 尾形勝 and 広瀬茂男}, title = {セル生産用軽作業マニピュレータの開発– マニピュレータの定量的性能評価–}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100565361, author = {遠藤玄 and 山田浩也 and 尾形勝 and 広瀬茂男}, title = {セル生産用軽作業マニピュレータの開発—非円形プーリ&バネ系による自重補償機構の効果—}, booktitle = {第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100565375, author = {寺嶋延浩 and 尾形勝 and 広瀬茂男}, title = {荒地歩行型4足歩行ロボットのための能動変形足先機構の研究}, booktitle = {ロボティックスメカトロニクス講演会講演予稿集2008}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100565390, author = {大塚俊平 and 尾形勝 and 広瀬茂男}, title = {4足歩行ロボットの対地適応受動型足先機構の開発}, booktitle = {ロボティックスメカトロニクス講演会講演予稿集2008}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100563785, author = {大石 康広 and 尾形 勝 and 福島 E. 文彦 and 広瀬 茂男}, title = {地雷探知除去ロボット“Gryphon” の着脱式エンドエフェクターの開発}, booktitle = {(社)日本機械学会}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100595992, author = {Masaru Ogata}, title = {不整地対応作業型歩行ロボットとその足首機構の研究}, year = 2005, } @phdthesis{CTT100595992, author = {Masaru Ogata}, title = {不整地対応作業型歩行ロボットとその足首機構の研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2005, }