@article{CTT100565630, author = {Masaaki Musashi and Takao Oi and Motoyuki Matsuo and MASAO NOMURA}, title = {Column chromatographic boron isotope separation at 5 and 17MPa with diluted boric acid solution}, journal = {Journal of Chromatography A}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100544875, author = {Masao NOMURA and masaaki Musashi and Motoyuki MATSUO and Takao OI}, title = {An anion-exchange chromatographic study on boron isotopic fractionation at 2 MPa at 293 K.}, journal = {J. Chromatogr. A}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100572256, author = {武蔵正明 and 大井隆夫 and 松尾基之 and 野村雅夫}, title = {固液相間におけるホウ素同位体分別:水和や圧力の影響について}, booktitle = {2008年度日本地球化学会第55回年会 講演要旨集}, year = 2008, }