@article{CTT100751848, author = {H. Sagara and K. Matsumoto and I. Yamauchi and K. Nakao and C. Y. Han and T. Onishi and S. Koyama}, title = {Feasibility study of the fast breeder reactor blanket as a target of plutonium denaturing and TRU transmutation for enhancement of proliferation resistance and actinide management in the future fuel cycle}, journal = {Prog. Nucl. Energy}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100751854, author = {T. Shiba and H. Sagara and T. Ohnishi and S. Koyama and S. Maeda and C. Y. Han and M. Saito}, title = {Effect of radial zoning of 241Am content on homogenization of denatured Pu with broad range of neutron energy based on U irradiation test in the experimental fast reactor Joyo}, journal = {Ann. Nucl. Energy}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100774924, author = {Shin-ichi KOYAMA and Mistuo SUTO and Hiroshi OHBAYASHI and Kenji TAKESHITA and Takeshi OGATA and Hiroshi OAKI and Yusuke INABA}, title = {Recovery of Minor Actinides from Spent Fuel via an Extraction Chromatographic Technique using TPPEN-Immobilized Gels}, journal = {Separation Science and Technology}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100654633, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki and Masaki Ozawa and Kiyoko Kurosawa and Reiko Fujita and Hitoshi Mimura and Ken Okada and Yasuji Morita and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Advanced-ORIENT Cycle Project: Summary of Phase I Fundamental Studies}, journal = {Procedia Chemistry}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100682734, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki and Hitoshi Mimura and Reiko Fujita and Kiyoko Kurosawa and Ken Okada and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Current status and future plans of Advanced ORIENT Cycle Strategy}, journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100751860, author = {H. Sagara and S. Koyama}, title = {Irradiation Analysis of U, Am Samples Irradiated in Experimental Fast Reactor “Joyo” for Protected Plutonium Production in Fast Breeder Reactor Blanket}, journal = {Prog. Nucl. Energy}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100575950, author = {H. Sagara and T. Yamamoto and S. Koyama and S. Maeda and T Shiba}, title = {Numerical Analysis of Am sample irradiation in experimental fast reactor Joyo}, journal = {IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100621157, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {From Waste to Resource, Nuclear Rare Metals as a Dream of Modern Alchemists}, journal = {Energy Conversion and Management}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100621156, author = {Tatsuya Suzuki and Yasuhiko Fujii and Wu Yan and Hitoshi Mimura and Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Adsorption Behavior of VII Group Elements on Tertiary Pyridine Resin in Hydrochloric Acid Solution}, journal = {J Radioanal Nucle Chem}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100621160, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Tatsuya Suzuki and Shin-ichi Koyama and Hiroshi Akatsuka and Hitoshi Mimura and Yasuhiko Fujii and Hitoshi Mimura}, title = {A New Back-end Cycle Strategy for Enhancing Separation, Transmutation and Utilization of Materials (Adv.-ORIENT Cycle)}, journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100621161, author = {Tatsuya Suzuki and Yasuhiko Fujii and Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Nuclide Separation from Spent Nuclear Fuels by Using Tertiary Pyridine Resin}, journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100621137, author = {M.Ozawa and S.Koyama and T.Suzuki and Y.Fujii}, title = {Innovative Separation Method for Advanced Spent Fuel Reprocessing Based on Tertiary Pyridine Resin}, journal = {The Czechoslovak Journal of Physics}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100621162, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa and Tatsuya Suzuki and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Development of a Multi-functional Reprocessing Process Based on Ion-Exchange Method by Using Tertiary Pyridine-Type Resin}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100621144, author = {Masaki OZAWA and Tatsuya SUZUKI and Shin-ichi Koyama and Yasuhiko FUJII}, title = {Separation of Rare Metal Fission Products in Radioactive Wastes in New Directions of Their Utilization}, journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100775318, author = {T. Onishi and K. Sekioka and M. Suto and K. Tanaka and S. Koyama and Y. Inaba and H. Takahashi and M. Harigai and K. Takeshita}, title = {Adsorption of Platinum-Group Metals and Molybdenum onto Aluminum Ferrocyanide in Spent Fuel Solution}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100682701, author = {Yoshihiko Sato and Takehiro Matsunaga and Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Mechanism and Kinetics of thermal decomposition of tertiary pyridine resin in the nitrate form}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100775281, author = {Kenji Takeshita and Takeshi Ogata and Hiroshi Oaki and Yusuke Inaba and Atsunori Mori and Tsuyoshi Yaita and Shin-ichi Koyama}, title = {Extraction Chromatographic Separation of Am(III) and Eu(III) by TPEN-immobilized Gel}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100774910, author = {Kenji Takeshita and Takeshi Ogata and Hiroshi Oaki and Yusuke Inaba and Atsunori Mori and Tsuyoshi Yaita and Shin-ichi Koyama}, title = {Extraction Chromatographic Separation of Am(III) and Eu(III) by TPEN-immobilized Gel}, booktitle = {GLOBAL2013 Proceedings}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100682728, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and Isao Yamagishi and Tatsuya Suzuki and Masaki Ozawa and Reiko Fujita and Ken Okada and Katsuyoshi Tatenuma and Hitoshi Mimura and YASUHIKO FUJII}, title = {Advanced-ORIENT Cycle, its Scientific Progress and Prospect for Engineering Feasibility}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100682735, author = {Tatsuya Suzuki and Masaki Ozawa and Shin-ichi Koyama}, title = {Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing with Nuclide Separation System by using Pyridine Resin}, booktitle = {The 1st China-Japan Academic Symposium on Nuclear Fuel Cycle(ASNFC 2011), Final Programs}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100775240, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and Mitsuo Suto and Hiroshi Ohbayashi and Kenji Takeshita and Takeshi Ogata and Hiroshi Oaki and Yusuke Inaba}, title = {Recovery of Minor Actinide from Spent Fuel by Extraction Chromatographic Technique using Immobilizing TPEN-gels}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100645487, author = {須藤光雄 and 大林弘 and 小山真一 and 関岡健 and 竹下健二 and 稲葉優介 and 尾形剛志 and 緒明博}, title = {TPEN 系ゲルを導入したMA 分離用抽出クロマト剤の開発;(3)使用済燃料のMA 回収試験}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2011年秋の大会論文誌}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100645489, author = {竹下健二 and 森敦紀 and 矢板毅 and 鈴木伸一 and 小山真一}, title = {TPEN系ゲルを導入したMA分離用抽出クロマト剤の開発:(4)クロマト分離プロセス評価}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2011年秋の大会論文誌}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100682720, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Tatsuya Suzuki and Shin-ichi Koyama and YASUHIKO FUJII and M Saito}, title = {How to Manage Technetium (Nuclear Rare Metal) and Actinides, Toward Future Reprocessing System Providing Non-Proliferation -From Adv.-ORIENT Cycle to Après ORIENT-}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100622293, author = {M.Ozawa and S.Koyama and T.Suzuki}, title = {Nuclear Rare Metals and Their Separation in Adv.-ORIENT Cycle Strategy}, booktitle = {Proceedings (CD)}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100600219, author = {大西 貴士 and 須藤 光雄 and 小山 真一 and 関岡 健 and 芝 知宙 and 相樂洋}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究(Ⅸ)-「常陽」照射Uサンプルの分析(3)-}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2010年春の年会予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100600217, author = {芝 知宙 and 相樂洋 and 前田 茂貴 and 小山 真一}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究-(X)サンプルの核変換特性解析(4)-}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2010年春の年会予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100600218, author = {相樂洋 and 芝 知宙 and 前田 茂貴 and 小山 真一}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPu を生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究-(XI) U-Am ペレット照射予測解析 -}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2010年春の年会予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100588493, author = {Hiroshi SAGARA and T. Yamamoto and S. Koyama and S. Maeda and T. Shiba}, title = {Am-241 Irradiation Analysis in Experimental Fast Reactor Joyo}, booktitle = {Trans Ame Nucl Society Winter Mtg 2009}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100622290, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki}, title = {Potentiality and Reality on Recycle of Nuclear Rare Metals as a New Resource for the Next Generation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100575998, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and T. Onishi and T. Yamamoto and Y. Meiliza and H. Sagara and T. Mitsugashira}, title = {Difference in accumulation of curium isotopes formed in 241Am target irradiated in the Japan Material Testing Reactor (JMTR) and an experimental fast reactor (JOYO)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100575996, author = {S. Koyama and M. Itoh and H. Sagara}, title = {Protected Plutonium Production by Transmutation of Minor Actinides for Peace and Sustainable Prosperity - Irradiation Tests of Np and Np-U Samples in Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO (JAEA) and Advanced Thermal Reactor ATR (INL) -}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100622285, author = {Yusuke Endo and Yan Wu and Hitoshi Mimura and Yuichi Niibori and Isao Yamagishi and Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Selective Separation of Cs by Ammonium Molybdophosphate-Loaded Silica Gels}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100576005, author = {山本哲郎 and 相楽 洋 and 大川内 靖 and 小山真一 and 大西貴士}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPu を生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究;(VII)サンプルの核変換特性解析(3)}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2009年春の年会予稿集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100576006, author = {大西貴士 and 小山真一 and 須藤光雄 and 大林 弘 and Yoshitalia MEILIZA and 山本哲郎 and 相楽 洋}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPu を生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究;(VI)「常陽」照射U サンプルの分析(2)}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2009年春の年会予稿集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100588495, author = {山本哲郎 and 相樂洋 and 大川内 靖 and 小山真一 and 大西貴士}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPu を生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究;(VII)サンプルの核変換特性解析(3)}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2009年春の年会予稿集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100588496, author = {大西貴士 and 小山真一 and 須藤光雄 and 大林 弘 and Yoshitalia MEILIZA and 山本哲郎 and 相樂洋}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPu を生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究;(VI)「常陽」照射U サンプルの分析(2)}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2009年春の年会予稿集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100622284, author = {Yan Wu and Hitoshi Mimura and Yuichi Niibori and Chuanpin Lee and Isao Yamagishi and Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Adsorption and Elution Behavior of Cesium and Rubidium on Ammonium Tungstophosphate (AWP)-CaALG Alginate Microcapsules}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100622289, author = {Yoshihiko Sato and Ken Okada and Miyako Akiyoshi and Takehiro Matsunaga and Tatsuya Suzuki and Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {The Thermal Stability of Tertiary Pyridine Resin for the Application to Multi-functional Reprocessing Process-Adv.-ORIENT Cycle development}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100622288, author = {Yan Wu and Hitoshi Mimura and Yuichi Niibori and Shin-ichi Koyama and Takashi Ohnishi and Hiroshi Obayashi and Isao Yamagishi and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Selective Separation of Heat-Generating Nuclide by Silica Gels Loaded with Ammonium Molybdophosphate: Adv.-ORIENT Cycle Development}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100622286, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Shin-ichi Koyama and Reiko Fujita and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Nuclear Rare Metals as a Dream of Modern Alchemists}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100622281, author = {Tatsuya Suzuki and Yasuhiko Fujii and Yan Wu and Hitoshi Mimura and Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa}, title = {Adosorption Behaviour of Technetium on Tertiary Pyridine Resin in Hydrochloric Acid Solution}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100622282, author = {T.Suzuki and S.Koyama and M.Ozawa}, title = {Advanced Reprocessing Process with Nuclide Separation System by using Pyridine Resin}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100576001, author = {H. Sagara and T. Yamamoto and S. Koyama and R. Kitamura and M. Itoh}, title = {Protected Plutonium Production (P3) and Utilization -Theoretical & Experimental Results for P3, Theoretical Analysis of Irradiation Tests in ATR and JOYO-}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100576011, author = {相樂 洋 and 小山真一 and 伊藤正彦 and 北村了一}, title = {強い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する革新的原子炉技術開発(P3計画);(XII)ATR照射解析}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2008年秋の大会予稿集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100576012, author = {小山真一 and 北村了一 and 伊藤正彦 and 相樂 洋}, title = {強い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する革新的原子炉技術開発(P3計画);(XI)ATR照射・照射後試験}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2008年秋の大会予稿集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100622283, author = {Y.Sato and A.Funakoshi and K.Okada and M.Akiyoshi and T.Matsunaga and S.Koyama and M.Ozawa and T.Suzuki}, title = {Study on Thermal Stability of Tertiary Pyridine resin}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100554378, author = {相樂 洋 and 山本哲郎 and 小山真一}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究;(III)「常陽」照射サンプルの核変換特性解析(1)}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2008年春の年会予稿集CD}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100554379, author = {小山 真一 and 須藤 光雄 and 大林 弘春 and Yoshitalia MEILIZA and 相樂 洋}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究(II);「常陽」照射Uサンプルの分析(1)}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2008年春の年会予稿集CD}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100554418, author = {相樂洋 and 小山真一}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究;(I)全体計画}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2008年春の年会予稿集CD}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100554375, author = {YOSHITALIA MEILIZA and 相樂洋 and 佐合 優一 and 小山 真一}, title = {高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究;(IV)U-Amブランケット燃料の検討}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会2008年春の年会予稿集CD}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100622275, author = {Shin-ichi Koyama and Masaki Ozawa and Ken Okada and Kiyoko Kurosawa and Tatsuya Suzuki and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Safety Research of Multi-functional Reprocessing Process Considering Non-proliferation Based on Ion-exchange Method}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100622274, author = {Tatsuya Suzuki and Kazuyuki Takahashi and Masanobu Nogami and Masao Nomura and Masaki Ozawa and Shin-ichi Koyama and Hitoshi Mimura and Reiko Fujita and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Concept of Advanced Spent Fuel Reprocessing based on Ion Exchange}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100622273, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki and Reiko Fujita and Hitoshi Mimura and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Advanced ORIENT Cycle Toward Realizing Intensified Transmutation and Utilization of Radioactive Wastes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100622270, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Reiko Fujita and Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Advanced ORIENT Cycle, for Strategic Separation, Transmutation and Utilization of Nuclides in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100622356, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Tatsuya Suzuki and Shin-ichi Koyama and Hiroshi Akatsuka and Hitoshi Mimura and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {A New Back-end Cycle Strategy for Enhancing Separation Transmutation and Utilization of Materials (Ad-ORIENT Cycle)}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 21st Century COE Program COE-INES}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100622267, author = {Masaki Ozawa and Reiko Fujita and Shin-ichi Koyama and Tatsuya Suzuki and Yasuhiko Fujii}, title = {Strategic Recycling of Fission Products in Nuclear Fuel Cycle as for Hydrogen Production Catalyst}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100622266, author = {M.Ozawa and S.Koyama and T.Suzuki and Y.Fujii}, title = {Innovative Separation Method for Irradiated Fuels Based on Tertiary Pyridine Type Anion-Exchange Resin}, booktitle = {Booklet of Abstracts}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100622257, author = {Masaki OZAWA and Tatsuya SUZUKI and Shin-ichi Koyama and Yasuhiko FUJII}, title = {Separation of Rare Metal Fission Products in Radioactive Wastes in New Directions of Their Utilization The 1st COE-INES International Symposium}, booktitle = {}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100593770, author = {尾下博教 and 小沢正基 and 石川真 and 小山真一 and 赤塚洋}, title = {長寿命核分裂生成物の同位体分離技術の予備調査ー135Csへのレーザー分離法適用ー}, year = 2007, }