author = {Miyajima T and Hamaguchi M and Nakamura T and Katayama H and Hori M},
title = {Export and dispersal of coastal macrophyte-derived organic matter to deep offshore sediment around the Tokara and Yaeyama Islands , southwest Japan : Evaluation using quantitative DNA probing techniques.},
journal = {Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan},
year = 2022,
author = {Yasuda, N. and S. Nagai and M. Hamaguchi and K. Nadaoka},
title = {Seven new microsatellite markers for crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci},
journal = {Plankton and Benthos Research},
year = 2007,
author = {宮島 利宏 and 浜口 昌巳 and 中村 隆志 and Hajime Katayama and Masakazu Hori},
title = {環境DNAの応用によるマングローブ・海草藻場由来ブルーカーボンの深海貯留の検証──八重山諸島周辺海域の事例},
booktitle = {},
year = 2021,
author = {中村 隆志 and Amri Faisal and L BERNARDO and 灘岡 和夫 and Masakazu Hori and 浜口 昌巳 and 宮島 利宏},
title = {沿岸生態系から系外流出した有機物の行方を探るための2-way ネスティングブルーカーボン追跡シミュレーション},
booktitle = {},
year = 2021,
author = {Miyajima, T. and M.Hori and H.Shimabukuro and M.Hamaguchi and K.Nadaoka and H.Adachi},
title = {Organic carbon preservation in tropical seagrass-bed sediments: importance of sorptive vs. non-sorptive mechanisms},
booktitle = {},
year = 2014,
author = {Yasuda, N. and S. Nagai and K. Okaji and M. Hamaguchi and K. Nadaoka},
title = {Reef Connectivity of the crown-of-thorns Starfish Acanthaster Planci in pacific islands reveleaved by microsatellites.},
booktitle = {Abstract, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan},
year = 2007,
author = {Yasuda.N and S. Nagai and M. Hamaguchi and K. Okaji and K. Nadaoka},
title = {Population genetic structure of the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci in Japan and Pacific islands revealed by microsatellites},
booktitle = {ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting},
year = 2007,