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Ryu, D.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C.,
ElGawady, M. A.,
Madurapperuma, M. A. K. M..
Effects of tendon spacing on in-plane behavior of post-tensioned masonry walls,
ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering,
Vol. 140,
Apr. 2014.
K.M. Madurapperuma,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Response of reinforced concrete columns impacted by tsunami dispersed shipping containers,
Engineering Structures,
Vol. 56,
Page 1631-1644,
July 2013.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Performance of reinforced concrete columns impacted by water-borne shipping containers,
Advances in Structural Engineering,
Vol. 15,
No. 8,
pp. 1307-1327,
Aug. 2012.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Inelastic dynamic analysis of an RC building impacted by a tsunami water-borne shipping container,
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami,
Vol. 6,
No. 1,
pp. 1-17,
Mar. 2012.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
K.M. Madurapperuma,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Columns in reinforced concrete buildings impacted by tsunami water-borne massive objects,
Proceedings of the Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE),
Sept. 2012.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Columns in reinforced concrete buildings impacted by tsunami water-borne shipping containers,
Quake Summit 2012, NEES Annual Meeting,
July 2012.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Response of columns in reinforced concrete buildings impacted by different types of water-borne shipping containers,
Ninth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) and Fourth Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE),
pp. 713-722,
Mar. 2012.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C.Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Impact of tsunami water-borne shipping containers on reinforced concrete columns,
Third Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (3rd MISW),
pp. 40,
Aug. 2011.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Estimation of peak impact force due to impact of tsunami water-borne shipping containers on RC columns,
Eighth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (8CUEE),
pp. 811-817,
Mar. 2011.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Impact forces on columns due to tsunami water-borne shipping containers,
3rd ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2010),
Paper No. ACEE-P-087,
Dec. 2010.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete columns impacted by a tsunami water-borne shipping container,
Seventh International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) and Fifth International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE),
pp. 1795-1804,
Mar. 2010.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Nonlinear analysis of buildings with elevated lower levels impacted by tsunami water-borne massive objects and potential for progressive collapse,
Sixth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering,
pp. 235-240,
Mar. 2009.
Madurapperuma, K. M.,
Wijeyewickrema, A. C..
Improving buildings against impact due to tsunami water-borne massive objects,
Sixth Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development (RSID6),
paper ID: RSID6-STR.14 (6 pgs).,
Jan. 2009.
Wijeyewickrema, A. C.,
Madurapperuma, K. M..
Nonlinear response of RC buildings due to impact of tsunami water-borne boats and containers,
14thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE),
paper ID: 05-01-0055 (8 pgs).,
Oct. 2008.
Wijeyewickrema, A. C.,
Madurapperuma, K. M..
Are tsunami resistant buildings designed with elevated lower levels safe as evacuation buildings?,
63nd JSCE Annual Meeting,
No. II-147,
pp. 293-294,
Sept. 2008.
Wijeyewickrema, A. C.,
Madurapperuma, K. M..
Damage to reinforced concrete buildings with elevated lower levels due to tsunamis,
8th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE2008),
pp. 457-464,
Sept. 2008.
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