@book{CTT100820214, author = {田中充 and 上杉 哲郎 and 松永 忠久 and 熊倉 基之 and 湯浅 晃一 and 森本 尚弘 and 錦澤 滋雄 and 石川 公敏 and 布施 孝史 and 尾上 健治 and 沖山 文敏 and 傘木 宏夫 and 柴田 裕希 and 松島 正興 and 柳 憲一郎 and 宮下 一明 and 藤田 八暉 and 村山 武彦 and 片谷 教孝 and 古松 正博}, title = {環境アセスメント学入門}, publisher = {}, year = 2019, } @book{CTT100820215, author = {諏訪亜紀 and 柴田裕希 and 村山武彦 and 江原幸雄 and 安川香澄 and 錦澤滋雄 and 馬場健司 and 木村誠一郎 and 上地成就 and 山東晃大 and 長谷川明子}, title = {コミュニティと共生する地熱利用}, publisher = {}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100924165, author = {池翔 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦 and 長澤康弘}, title = {地域貢献型太陽光発電施設の地域受容性に関する研究}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100915708, author = {Abdek Mahamoud Abdi and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Kultip Suwanteep}, title = {Social Acceptance and Associated risks of Geothermal Energy Development in East-Africa: Perspectives from Geothermal Energy Developers}, journal = {}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100917214, author = {Abdek Mahamoud Abdi and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Kultip Suwanteep and Obuya Mariita Nicholas}, title = {Determinants of community acceptance of geothermal energy projects: A case study on a geothermal energy project in Kenya}, journal = {}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100924162, author = {Enkhuur Munkhsuld and Takehiko Murayama and Keisuke Fukushi and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Baasansuren Gankhurel and Tserenkhand Batbold and Altansukh Ochir}, title = {Heavy metal concentrations and water quality assessment of different types of drinking water wells in the Erdenet Cu–Mo mining area}, journal = {Discover Environment}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100924163, author = {本間花乃子 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤 and 村山武彦}, title = {大学における環境アセスメント教育の実態と課題}, journal = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100915705, author = {Abdek Mahamoud Abdi and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Kultip Suwanteep}, title = {Gaps between Stakeholders` Concerns and Mitigation Measures in ESIA Reports of Geothermal Energy Projects: A Case Study of Geothermal Energy Projects in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya}, journal = {}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100924166, author = {長澤康弘 and 錦澤滋雄}, title = {再生可能エネルギーに関する条例における協定の傾向と合意形成上の役割}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100924164, author = {柴田直弥 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦 and 長澤康弘}, title = {ソーラーシェアリングに対する住民態度に関する研究~神奈川県小田原市を事例として~}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100924167, author = {錦澤滋雄 and 長澤康弘}, title = {再生可能エネルギーの導入拡大に向けた環境配慮施策の現状と課題 ~太陽光発電事業を中心に~}, journal = {環境情報科学}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100924168, author = {安元 彩佳 and 村山 武彦 and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {開発援助における環境モニタリングの計画と実施内容の分析−アジア開発銀行の道路事業を対象として−}, journal = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100924170, author = {Shingo Takeda and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Atsushi Nagaoka}, title = {A framework for considering coral ecosystem services for biodiversity offsets}, journal = {International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100924169, author = {Eka Dyana Yulandari and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Climate change adaptation through policy integration by local governments in Indonesia}, journal = {Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100880874, author = {錦澤滋雄 and 畦地啓太}, title = {地域循環共生圏の構築に向けた戦略的環境アセスメントの展開}, journal = {地域循環共生圈の実現に向けた研究の推進_CEISの提言}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100880235, author = {Atsushi Imanaka and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Atsushi Nagaoka}, title = {Local governments' response to accidents in chemical factories in Japan: Focus on petroleum industrial complexes special accident prevention areas}, journal = {International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100880228, author = {村松千夏 and 長岡篤 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦}, title = {太陽光発電施設の立地特性に関する研究-浜松市を事例として-}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100880227, author = {柴田直弥 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤 and 村山武彦}, title = {ソーラーシェアリングの導入実態に関する自治体の意向}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100880226, author = {長島匠 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤 and 林 希一郎}, title = {環境・社会的条件を考慮した地熱導入ポテンシャルと地域内電力需要との比較分析}, journal = {計画行政}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100880229, author = {Md. Sanaul Haque Mondal and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Examining the determinants of flood risk mitigation measures at the household level in Bangladesh}, journal = {International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100839339, author = {Soraya Suwannafon and Nattharika Rittippant and Alice Sharp and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Pawadee Methacanon and Noramon Intaranont and Premrudee Kanchanapiya}, title = {Environmental evaluation on rigid polyurethane foam disposal from refrigerator waste in Thailand}, journal = {Environment Asia}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100880233, author = {Ali Rahmat and Takehiko and Shigeo}, title = {Appraising affected community perceptions of implementing programs listed in the environmental impact statement: A case study of Nickel smelter in Indonesia}, journal = {The Extractive Industries and Society}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839350, author = {吉凱文 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤 and 長島匠}, title = {木質バイオマス発電施設に対する地域住民の受容性向上施策‐北海道紋別市の事例‐}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839349, author = {長澤康弘 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦 and 長岡篤}, title = {農山漁村再生可能エネルギー法に基づく基本計画策定時の協議会における合意形成プロセス}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839348, author = {今中厚志 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤}, title = {化学工場における災害時の地方自治体の避難指示に対する周辺住民の行動 -石油コンビナート等特別防災区域を対象として-}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839347, author = {安喰基剛 and 長岡篤 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦}, title = {再生可能エネルギー事業の地域共生に関する要因分析 -農山漁村再生可能エネルギー法に着目して-}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839346, author = {長島匠 and 白井威流 and 村山武彦 and 長岡篤 and 錦澤滋雄}, title = {地方自治体の地熱開発に対する意向とその関連要因}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100880232, author = {Shingo Takeda and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Atsushi Nagaoka}, title = {Mitigation of coral ecosystem service-related social issue}, journal = {Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839345, author = {吉凱文 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦 and 長島匠}, title = {木質バイオマス発電施設の環境影響に係る地域住民の受容性に関する研究}, journal = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839343, author = {Md. Sanaul Haque Mondal and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Assessing the flood risk of riverine households: A case study from the right bank of the Teesta River, Bangladesh}, journal = {International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839342, author = {Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Impact of Odor from a Landfill Site on Surrounding Areas: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam}, journal = {Environment and Natural Resources Journal}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100839341, author = {Enkhchimeg Battsengel and Takehiko Murayama and Keisuke Fukushi and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Sonomdagva Chonokhuu and Altansukh Ochir and Solongo Tsetsgee and Davaadorj Davaasuren}, title = {Ecological and human health risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in the soil of the ger district in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia}, journal = {, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100820197, author = {安元彩佳 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄}, title = {開発援助における環境・社会モニタリングの実施状況分析 -アジア開発銀行の道路・鉄道建設事業を対象として-}, journal = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100820200, author = {三原巧 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦 and 長岡篤}, title = {水素ステーションに対する地域住民の態度形成要因}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820199, author = {梅澤俊介 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦 and 長岡篤}, title = {小型風力発電事業の地域的受容性に関する研究}, journal = {}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820201, author = {Kurniawan Ali Rahmat and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {A qualitative content analysis of environmental impact assessment in Indonesia: a case study of nickel smelter processing}, journal = {Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100839337, author = {飯田裕貴子 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤 and 本多将俊}, title = {アスベスト含有建築物の解体改修時立入検査に自治体が実施する大気中アスベスト濃度測定方法の検討}, journal = {環境と安全}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820202, author = {錦澤滋雄 and 柴田裕希}, title = {環境アセスメントにおける審査の実態と課題 ~自治体アセスとJICAの審査を対象に~}, journal = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820203, author = {Linh Hoang Tran and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Social Impact of Odor Induced by Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Facilities in Ho Chi Minh City}, journal = {Asian Journal of Environmental and Ecology}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820204, author = {飯田裕貴子 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤}, title = {アスベスト含有建築物の解体改修時における自治体立入検査の現状分析 -大気中アスベスト濃度測定に着目して-}, journal = {環境と公害}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820210, author = {Nyandaro Mteki and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Adaptation Strategies and Constraints of a Displaced Population in Tanzania: The Case of an Airport Expansion Project}, journal = {Environmental Assessment Policy and Management}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820205, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {風力発電事業の地域的受容問題}, journal = {計画行政}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820206, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {再生可能エネルギーの社会的受容性 ~地域と共生する風力発電施設の普及に向けて~}, journal = {}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100820207, author = {安喰基剛 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦}, title = {風力発電事業の計画段階における環境紛争の発生状況と解決要因}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100820208, author = {長島匠 and 村山武彦 and 長岡篤 and 錦澤滋雄}, title = {環境・社会条件を考慮した地熱導入ポテンシャル評価}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100820209, author = {三原巧 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦}, title = {基礎自治体による水素ステーションの情報提供に関する研究}, journal = {社会技術研究論文集}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100820211, author = {Chanokporn Smuthkalin and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Evaluation of The Wind Energy Potential of Thailand considering its Environmental and Social Impacts using Geographic Information Systems}, journal = {International Journal of Renewable Energy Research}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100820212, author = {Antonius Priyo Nugroho Sulami and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Current Issues and Situation of Producer Responsibility in Waste Management in Indonesia}, journal = {Environment and Natural Resources Journal}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100768390, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {風力発電施設による影響発生とその対応 ~社会的受容性向上のために~}, journal = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100770273, author = {Noriaki Murase and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Yuriko Sato}, title = {Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Awareness Raising Activities on Residents’ Waste Separation Behavior in Indonesia-Evidence from an Aid Project in Balikpapan City-}, journal = {Waste Management & Research}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100820216, author = {Suwanteep Kultip and Murayama Takehiko and Nishikizawa Shigeo}, title = {The Quality on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Reports in Thailand}, journal = {Environmental Assessment Policy and Management}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100747642, author = {Nyandaro Mteki and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Social impacts induced by a development by a development project in Tanzania: a case of airport expansion}, journal = {Journal of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100741278, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {環境アセスメントにおける埋蔵文化財保全の現状と課題}, journal = {日本不動産学会誌}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100715188, author = {村瀬憲昭 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄}, title = {インドネシアにおけるごみ銀行の活動と住民の意識との関連分析-バリクパパン市の事例}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100735589, author = {堀桂子 and 佐藤由利子 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄}, title = {温泉観光地の観光まちづくりにおけるマスツーリズムとニューツーリズムの連携―別府市・登別市・熱海市の事例比較分析から―}, journal = {観光研究}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100703732, author = {Kultip Suwanteep and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Environmental impact assessment system in Thailand and its comparison with those in China and Japan}, journal = {Environmental Impact Assessment Review}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100735588, author = {堀桂子 and 佐藤由利子 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤滋雄}, title = {別府市の観光まちづくりにおける協働の課題―マスツーリズムとニューツーリズムの分析より―}, journal = {観光研究}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100715193, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {アセス効率化に向けたスクリーニング手続の見直し ~EUアセス指令2014年改正の示唆}, journal = {環境と公害}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100715201, author = {Chanokporn Smuthkalin and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {The Social and Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbine Power Plants in Thailand}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Information Science}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100715202, author = {Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Environmental Impact Assessment Research In Japan: Retrospective And Prospective}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100685122, author = {半田哲也 and 錦澤 滋雄 and 村山武彦}, title = {沿岸域の丘陵地帯における風力発電施設による社会影響の発生要因}, journal = {環境情報科学学術研究論文集 = Papers on environmental information science}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100685120, author = {柴田 裕希 and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {環境影響評価審査会の実施実態に関する研究}, journal = {環境情報科学学術研究論文集 = Papers on environmental information science}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100685121, author = {小野 聡 and 高橋大樹 and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {地域主導型再生可能エネルギー事業プロセスにおける協議会の役割 : 小田原市を事例として}, journal = {環境情報科学学術研究論文集 = Papers on environmental information science}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100820217, author = {畦地啓太 and 錦澤 滋雄 and 原科幸彦}, title = {風力発電事業の事業段階における紛争解決要因の実証分析}, journal = {計画行政}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100674679, author = {畦地啓太 and 堀周太郎 and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦}, title = {風力発電事業の計画段階における環境紛争の発生要因}, journal = {エネルギー・資源}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100685125, author = {上地成就 and 村山武彦 and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {地熱発電開発に対する地域における社会的受容性の要因分析 : 柳津西山地熱発電所と小国地熱発電所計画を事例として}, journal = {環境情報科学学術研究論文集 = Papers on environmental information science}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100685123, author = {錦澤 滋雄}, title = {米国NEPAアセスの理念と簡易アセス (特集 環境アセスメントが変える社会)}, journal = {Eco-forum}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100685126, author = {錦澤 滋雄 and 岡島雄 and 村山武彦}, title = {米国・国家環境政策法(NEPA)における簡易アセスメントの特徴 (特集 環境アセスメントと不動産開発)}, journal = {日本不動産学会誌}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100685124, author = {竹内彩乃 and 錦澤 滋雄 and 原科幸彦}, title = {協働推進のための人材育成プログラムの効果 : ドイツ・ニュルティンゲン市を事例に}, journal = {計画行政}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100685129, author = {GOMBOENKHJARGAL and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {ウランバートル市都市計画マスタープラン策定における環境社会配慮に関する研究}, journal = {環境情報科学学術研究論文集 = Papers on environmental information science}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100685131, author = {GOMBOENKHJARGAL and 錦澤 滋雄 and 原科幸彦}, title = {モンゴルの環境アセスメント制度における市民参加の実態について}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100685134, author = {錦澤 滋雄 and 西出 尚史 and 秋山 道雄}, title = {地域用水の導入に向けた諸条件 : 滋賀県日野川流域、近江八幡市小田町を事例として}, journal = {水資源・環境研究}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100685133, author = {二瓶 莉苗 and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {環境コンサルタントを対象とした調査に基づく景観アセスメントの実態と課題}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100685132, author = {錦澤 滋雄 and 多島良}, title = {環境アセスメント史年表 (特集 環境アセスメントの歴史に学ぶ 制度導入の経緯を中心に)}, journal = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100685135, author = {曽我 健 and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {二者択一式ゲームを取り入れたファシリテーター養成プログラムの開発: ファシリテーター経験者を対象にした会議実験による事例検証}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100685137, author = {曽我 健 and 錦澤 滋雄}, title = {まちづくりワークショップにおけるファシリテーターの介入に関する研究 大阪市天王寺区「未来わがまち会議」を対象として}, journal = {環境情報科学論文集}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100685136, author = {錦澤 滋雄}, title = {環境用水の導入に向けた合意形成プロセスモデルの考案}, journal = {環境技術 = Environmental conservation engineering}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100915701, author = {Abdek Mahamoud Abdi and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Kultip Suwanteep}, title = {The EIA system of the Republic of Djibouti}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100880869, author = {柴田直弥 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤 and 村山武彦}, title = {ソーラーシェアリングの導入実態に関する自治体の意向}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100880886, author = {Hanae Ziani and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Indicator-based evaluation of urban sustainability: Case of major African cities}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880884, author = {Enkhuur Munkhsuld and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Keisuke Fukushi and Altansukh Ochir and Baasansuren Gankhurel and Ariuntungalag Yunden and Myagmarbat Munkhbat and Tserenkhand Batbold}, title = {Consideration towards human health risk assessment and management of heavy metal pollution in groundwater of Erdenet city, Mongolia}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880883, author = {Shandy Cecilia and Takehiko Murayama and Shigeo Nishikizawa}, title = {Stakeholders’ evaluation on sustainability of community- based wastewater treatment facility in Indonesia: Case of Jakarta}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880895, author = {村山武彦 and 長谷川陽介 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤}, title = {事前津波対策を目的とした地方自治体の庁舎移転の現状と課題}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880889, author = {Takehiko Murayama and Takumi Nagashima and Shigeo Nishikizawa and Atsushi Nagaoka and Kiichiro Hayashi}, title = {Geothermal Development Potential and Local Electricity Demand Considering Environmental and Social Conditions}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880873, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {環境アセスメントの観点からみたEBPM}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880870, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {地域循環共生圏の構築に向けた 環境アセスメントの展開 ~ 再生可能エネルギーが地域と共生するために~}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880872, author = {Chu Tianru and 錦澤滋雄 and 村山武彦 and 長岡篤}, title = {グリーンボンド市場におけるインパクトレポーティングの 現状と課題}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100880871, author = {前川陽平 and 錦澤滋雄 and 長岡篤 and 村山武彦}, title = {つくば市の太陽光発電施設の立地特性分析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100859163, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {風力発電事業による紛争等の発生状況と合意形成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100859162, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {太陽光発電の環境配慮ガイドラインについて}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100859161, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {風力発電事業における 環境アセスメントと合意形成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100859164, author = {錦澤滋雄}, title = {太陽光発電事業に係る合意形成に向けた取組(ガイドライ)について}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100801958, author = {田中 充 and 會田 義明 and 錦澤滋雄 and 沖山 文敏}, title = {2017年度環境アセスメント学会第15回公開セミナー「陸上風力発電アセスメントの現状と課題」パネルディスカッション「陸上風力発電アセスメントの課題」}, booktitle = {環境アセスメント学会誌}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100685128, author = {石川文月 and 錦澤 滋雄 and 原科幸彦}, title = {環境アセスメントにおける要約書に関する研究}, booktitle = {環境情報科学 = Environmental information science}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100685127, author = {上地成就 and 錦澤 滋雄 and 原科幸彦}, title = {地熱発電施設普及をめぐる制度的課題の整理}, booktitle = {環境情報科学 = Environmental information science}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100685130, author = {畦地啓太 and 錦澤 滋雄 and 原科幸彦}, title = {風力発電所建設の合意形成プロセスにおける環境アセスメントのデザイン : 東伊豆風力発電所新設計画を事例として}, booktitle = {環境情報科学 = Environmental information science}, year = 2011, } @misc{CTT100859160, author = {Kim SCHUMACHER and Yong Jun BAEK and Shigeo NISHIKIZAWA}, title = {Exogenous Data Disclosure Probability and ESG Data Risk Factor for the Sustainable Finance Sector and Green Finance Products}, year = 2021, }