@article{CTT100819481, author = {Hiroki Taninaka and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and Yuta Saito and Nagai Satoshi and Mitsuhiro Ueno and Yuko F. Kitano and Takashi Nakamura and Nina Yasuda}, title = {Limited fine-scale larval dispersal of the threatened brooding corals Heliopora spp. as evidenced by population genetics and numerical simulation}, journal = {Conservation Genetics}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100782328, author = {Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and Kazuo Nadaoka and Takashi Nakamura and Atsushi Watanabe}, title = {Island-enhanced cooling mechanism in typhoon events revealed by field observations and numerical simulations for a coral reef area, Sekisei Lagoon, Japan}, journal = {Ocean Dynamics}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100757859, author = {Masaaki Sato and Kentaro Honda and Wilfredo H. Uy and Darwin I. Baslot and Tom G. Genovia and Yohei Nakamura and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and Hiroyuki Kurokochi and Allyn Duvin S. Pantallano and Chunlan Lian and Kazuo Nadaoka and Masahiro Nakaoka}, title = {Marine protected area restricts demographic connectivity: Dissimilarity in a marine environment can function as a biological barrier}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100759996, author = {Danet Hak and Kazuo Nadaoka and Lawrence Patrick Bernardo and Phu Le Vo and V.L. Phu and T.Q. Toan and N.H. Trung and D.V. Ni and V.P.D. Tri}, title = {Spatio-temporal variations of sea level around the Mekong Delta: Their causes and consequences on the coastal environment}, journal = {Hydrological Research Letters}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100759994, author = {Rene A. Abesamis and Brian L. Stockwell and Lawrence P. C. Bernardo and Cesar L. Villanoy and Garry R. Russ}, title = {Predicting reef fish connectivity from biogeographic patterns and larval dispersal modelling to inform the development of marine reserve networks}, journal = {Ecological Indicators}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100709018, author = {Antoine Collin and KAZUO NADAOKA and Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Mapping the Socio-Economic and Ecological Resilience of Japanese Coral Reefscapes across a Decade}, journal = {ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2015}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100880702, author = {中村隆志 and 渡邉敦 and LBERNARDO and BAOumou Kalsom Diegui and 佐久間魁史 and 向草世香 and 灘岡和夫 and 藤村 弘之}, title = {26-year high spatiotemporal resolution hindcast simulation for reproducing the coral reef environment in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100859234, author = {中村 隆志 and Amri Faisal and L BERNARDO and 灘岡 和夫 and Masakazu Hori and 浜口 昌巳 and 宮島 利宏}, title = {沿岸生態系から系外流出した有機物の行方を探るための2-way ネスティングブルーカーボン追跡シミュレーション}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100859210, author = {中村隆志 and 岡本拓也 and Ratino SITH and Lawrence P. C. BERNARDO and 灘岡和夫}, title = {沿岸生態系における陸源負荷影響評価のための陸域―海域統合モデルシステム}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100859230, author = {L BERNARDO and 中村 隆志 and 灘岡 和夫}, title = {Detection of fine scale water temperature trends through long-term continuous monitoring in Shiraho Reef, Okinawa, Japan}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100859228, author = {中村 隆志 and L BERNARDO and 宮島 利宏}, title = {沿岸域における系外流出した有機物の追跡シミュレーション手法の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100822723, author = {中村 隆志 and 樋口 富彦 and 宮島 利宏 and Bernardo Lawrence Patrick C. and 灘岡 和夫 and 渡邉 敦 and 藤村 弘行}, title = {サンゴのポリプスケールにおける白化現象のモデル化とリーフスケールへの拡張}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822722, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo and Takashi Nakamura and Kazuo Nadaoka}, title = {Numerical simulation of typhoon events in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan using a coupled ocean-wave model}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822726, author = {Faisal AMRI and Takashi NAKAMURA and Lawrence Patrick Cases BERNARDO and Kazuo NADAOKA}, title = {Regional Scale Seawater CO2 System Modeling in Coral Triangle Area: Preliminary Result}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100822738, author = {天野慎也 and 中村隆志 and 渡邉 敦 and Lawrence Bernardo and Ratino Sith and 宮島利宏 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {石垣島名蔵湾を対象とした三次元海水流動・水温シミュレーションによるサンゴ白化リスク評価と生残可能域の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100822737, author = {渡部耕太 and 中村隆志 and 渡邉 敦 and Lawrence Patrick BERNARDO and 白井秀治 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {白保裾礁内における水・熱収支モデルの構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100822742, author = {Lawrence Patrick Bernardo and Kazuo Nadaoka and Takashi Nakamura and Atsushi Watanabe}, title = {Linking regional and local water temperature trends for Shiraho Reef, Okinawa, Japan based on sensor data analyses and numerical simulations}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100734876, author = {中村隆志 and Lawrence P.C. Bernardo and 天野慎也 and 渡邉敦 and Ratino Sith and 向草世香 and 福岡弘紀 and 鈴木豪 and 安田仁奈 and 長井敏 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {オニヒトデ大発生のメカニズム解明および予測のための陸域-海域-生態系統合モデルシステム}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100822744, author = {中村隆志 and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and 天野慎也 and 渡邉敦 and Ratino Sith and 向草世香 and 福岡 弘紀 and 鈴木豪 and 安田仁奈 and 長井敏 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {オニヒトデ大発生のメカニズム解明および予測のための陸域―海域―生態系統合モデルシステム}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100822747, author = {小島萌々香 and 長井敏 and 鈴木豪 and 福岡弘紀 and 亀田 卓彦 and 中村隆志 and 渡邉敦 and 灘岡和 夫 and 北沢駿介 and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and 池原浩太 and 名取竜哉 and 安田仁奈}, title = {石西礁湖における野外オニヒトデ幼生の分布と周辺環境要因}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100708409, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo and Takashi Nakamura and Atsushi Watanabe and KAZUO NADAOKA}, title = {Numerical simulation of typhoon events in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100709118, author = {渡邉敦 and 中村隆志 and 北沢駿介 and Lawrence Bernardo and 鈴木豪 and 福岡弘紀 and 亀田卓 彦 and 藤倉佑治 and 本郷悠貴 and 安田仁奈 and 北野裕子 and 向草世香 and Ratino Sith and 瀧戸 健太郎 and 江川遼平 and 田野倉佑介 and 安藤航 and 竹内傑 and 天野慎也 and 長井敏 and 宮島利宏 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {島嶼-石西礁湖-外洋間における栄養塩・有機物動態~特に 大規模水道部に着目して}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709110, author = {天野慎也 and 中村隆志 and 渡邉敦 and Lawrence Patrick C. BERNARDO and Ratino SITH and 福岡弘紀 and 鈴木豪 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {石西礁湖におけるオニヒトデ発生予測のための低次生態系モデルの開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709106, author = {小島 萌々香 and 長井敏 and 鈴木豪 and 福岡弘紀 and 亀田 卓彦 and 中村隆志 and 渡邉敦 and 灘岡和 夫 and 北沢駿介 and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and 池原浩太 and 安田仁奈}, title = {オニヒトデ幼生の水平分布~石西礁湖のどこにいる?~}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709093, author = {中村隆志 and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and 天野慎也 and 渡邉敦 and Ratino Sith and 向草世香 and 福岡 弘紀 and 鈴木豪 and 安田仁奈 and 長井敏 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {オニヒトデの生活史のモデル化と発生予測の試み}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100880854, author = {池原浩太 and 安田仁奈 and 長井敏 and 鈴木豪 and 福岡弘紀 and 山下洋 and 亀田卓彦 and 甲斐清香 and 中村隆志 and 渡邉敦 and Lawrence Patrick C.Bernardo and 北沢駿介 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {オニヒトデ幼生の同定~2013年と2014年の調査結果比較}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100880855, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo and Kazuo Nadaoka and Takashi Nakamura and Atsushi Watanabe}, title = {Investigation of hydrodynamic circulation in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan during normal and typhoon conditions using oceanographic sensors and numerical simulations}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100759471, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100759473, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100759475, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100800566, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, year = 2018, } @phdthesis{CTT100759471, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2018, } @phdthesis{CTT100759473, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2018, } @phdthesis{CTT100759475, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2018, } @phdthesis{CTT100800566, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo}, title = {Computational model analyses and field observations of hydrodynamic and larval dispersal processes in coral reef areas}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2018, }