author = {N. Kurita and F. Ronning and C. F. Miclea and E. D. Bauer and K. Gofryk and J. D. Thompson and R. Movshovich},
title = {Fully gapped superconductivity in SrNi2P2},
journal = {Physical Review B},
year = 2011,
author = {N. Kurita and H.-O. Lee and Yoshifumi Tokiwa and Corneliu Florin Miclea and Eric Bauer and Filip Ronning and Joe Thompson and Zachary Fisk and Pei-Chun Ho and M. Brian Maple and Pinaki Sengupta and Ilya Vekhter and Roman Movshovich},
title = {Thermal and magnetic properties of a low-temperature antiferromagnet Ce4Pt12Sn25},
journal = {Physical Review B},
year = 2010,
author = {N. Kurita and F. Ronning and C. F. Miclea and E. D. Bauer and J. D. Thompson and A. S. Sefat and M. A. McGuire and B. C. Sales and David Mandrus and R. Movshovich.},
title = {Low-temperature thermal conductivity of BaFe2As2: Parent compound of iron-arsenide superconductors},
journal = {Physical Review B},
year = 2009,