@inproceedings{CTT100741151, author = {Kono S. and Sakashita M. and Masatoshi fujioka and kazusa maeda and Tanaka H. and Kusunoki T. and Kimura H. and fumio watanabe}, title = {A Green New Deal Building System with Prestressed Glue-Laminated Timber Slabs}, booktitle = {The proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100741210, author = {前田和沙 and 藤岡将利 and 河野進 and 坂下雅信 and 田中仁史 and 楠寿博 and 木村秀樹 and 渡邉史夫}, title = {実大プレストレスト集成材梁のクリープ挙動に関する実験的研究}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集構造系}, year = 2012, }