須山輝明 研究業績一覧 (44件)
Teruaki Suyama.
Testing time evolution of mass distribution of black hole mergers,
Astrophysics and Space Science,
Vol. 368,
No. 5,
pp. 368,
Jan. 2023.
Teruaki Suyama.
Superluminal propagation from IR physics,
Physical Review D,
Vol. 107,
Jan. 2023.
Teruaki Suyama.
Physical effects of gravitational waves: pedagogical examples,
European Journal of Physics,
Vol. 44,
Nov. 2022.
Makoto Inamori,
Teruaki Suyama.
Universal Relation between the Variances of Distortions of Gravitational Waves owing to Gravitational Lensing,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Vol. 918,
No. 2,
Sept. 2021.
Takumi Shinohara,
Teruaki Suyama,
Tomo Takahashi.
Angular correlation as a novel probe of supermassive primordial black holes,
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology,
Vol. 104,
July 2021.
Makoto Arimoto et al.,
Teruaki Suyama.
Gravitational wave physics and astronomy in the nascent era,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
Apr. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama,
Rampei Kimura,
Ying-li Zhang,
Masahide Yamaguchi.
Reconstruction of primordial power spectrum of curvature perturbation from the merger rate of primordial black hole binaries,
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,
Vol. 04,
Apr. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama,
Shasvath Kapadia,
Kanhaiya Pandey,
Shivaraj Kandhasamy,
Parameswaran Ajith.
Search for the Stochastic Gravitational-wave Background Induced by Primordial Curvature Perturbations in LIGO's Second Observing Run,
The Astrophysical journal. Letters,
Vol. 910,
Mar. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama,
Yuichiro Tada,
Masahide Yamaguchi.
Revisiting non-Gaussianity in non-attractor inflation models in the light of the cosmological soft theorem,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
Mar. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama,
Yuichiro Tada,
Masahide Yamaguchi.
Local observer effect on the cosmological soft theorem,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
Volume 2020,
Nov. 2020.
Teruaki Suyama,
Hayato Motohashi.
Quantum Ostrogradsky theorem,
Journal of High Energy Physics,
Vol. 2020,
Sept. 2020.
Teruaki Suyama,
Shasvath Kapadia,
Kanhaiya Pandey,
Parameswaran Ajith.
Prospects for probing ultralight primordial black holes using the stochastic gravitational-wave background induced by primordial curvature perturbations,
Physical Review D,
Vol. 101,
June 2020.
Teruaki Suyama.
On Arrival Time Difference Between Lensed Gravitational Waves and Light,
Astrophysical Journal,
Vol. 896,
June 2020.
Teruaki Suyama,
Shuichiro Yokoyama.
A novel formulation of the primordial black hole mass function,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
Volume 2020,
Feb. 2020.
Teruaki Suyama,
Soichiro Morisaki.
Detectability of ultralight scalar field dark matter with gravitational-wave detectors,
Physical Review D,
Vol. 100,
Dec. 2019.
Teruaki Suyama,
Shuichiro Yokoyama.
Clustering of primordial black holes with non-Gaussian initial fluctuations,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
Volume 2019,
Oct. 2019.
Teruaki Suyama,
Minxi He.
Formation threshold of rotating primordial black holes,
Physical Review D,
Vol. 100,
Sept. 2019.
Teruaki Suyama,
Christophe Ringeval,
Masahide Yamaguchi.
Large mass hierarchy from a small nonminimal coupling,
Physical Review D,
Volume 99,
June 2019.
Hayato Motohashi,
Teruaki Suyama,
Masahide Yamaguchi.
Ghost-free theories with arbitrary higher-order time derivatives,
Journal of High Energy Physics,
vol. 06,
June 2018.
Hayato Motohashi,
Teruaki Suyama,
Masahide Yamaguchi.
Ghost-free theory with third-order time derivatives,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,
Vol. 87,
p. 063401,
May 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Teruaki Suyama.
Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves as a probe of small scale matter fluctuations,
Non-linear aspects of cosmological gravitational waves,
July 2023.
Teruaki Suyama.
Upper limit on the scalar field dark matter from LIGO third observation run,
What is dark matter? - Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark matter,
Mar. 2023.
Teruaki Suyama.
Limits for scalar field dark matter from gravitational wave detectors,
Workshop on Fundamental Cosmology: from Beginning to End,
Mar. 2023.
Teruaki Suyama.
Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves as a probe of small scale matter fluctuations,
Non-linear Nature of Cosmological Perturbations and its Observational Consequences,
Mar. 2023.
Teruaki Suyama.
Universal relation of lensed gravitational waves,
Symposium on Gravitational wave physics and astronomy: Genesis,
Apr. 2022.
Teruaki Suyama.
Testing time evolution of the mass distribution of the black hole mergers,
1st International conference on holography and its applications,
Mar. 2022.
Teruaki Suyama.
Universal relation of lensed gravitational waves,
Gravitational wave physics and astronomy : Genesis, group A winter camp,
Jan. 2022.
Teruaki Suyama.
Universal relation of lensed gravitational waves,
8th Korea-Japan workshop on dark energy,
Oct. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama.
Brief report of A02 activity,
Gravitational wave physics and astronomy: Genesis The Fourth Annual Area Symposium Online,
Feb. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama.
Gravitational waves as a probe of primordial density perturbations,
2nd IIT Guwahati and TokyoTech Joint Workshop on Condensed Matter and High Energy Physics,
Dec. 2020.
Teruaki Suyama.
Search for the stochastic gravitational-wave background induced by primordial curvature perturbations,
online JGRG 2020,
Nov. 2020.
Teruaki Suyama.
Probing extremly small-scale primordial perturbations by gravitational waves,
Copernicus Webinar and Colloquium Series,
Oct. 2020.
Teruaki Suyama.
Formation of primordial black holes in the early universe,
Physics of the early universe - an online precursor,
Aug. 2020.
Teruaki Suyama.
Hidden universality in the merger rate distribution in the primordial black hole scenario,
Mini-workshop on primordial black holes as dark matter or not,
Apr. 2019.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
物質揺らぎによる重力レンズを受けた 重力波の性質について,
Sept. 2023.
Nov. 2021.
須山 輝明.
Sept. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama.
Revisiting non-Gaussianity in non-attractor inflation models in the light of the cosmological soft theorem,
The 6th Webinar series,
May 2021.
Mar. 2021.
Teruaki Suyama.
Search for the stochastic gravitational-wave background induced by primordial curvature perturbations in LIGO's second observing run,
Nov. 2020.
Sept. 2020.
Sept. 2018.
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