@article{CTT100822934, author = {Tomohiko Yamagishi and Atsushi Hori and Iriya Muneta and Kuniyuki Kakushima and Kazuo Tsutsui and Hitoshi Wakabayashi}, title = {Self-Heating-Aware Cell Design for p/n-Vertically-Integrated Nanowire on FinFET beyond 3-nm Technology Node}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100821138, author = {Joel Molina-Reyes and Takuya Hoshii and Shun-Ichiro Ohmi and Hiroshi Funakubo and Atsushi Hori and Ichiro Fujiwara and Hitoshi Wakabayashi and Kazuo Tsutsui and Kuniyuki Kakushima}, title = {NiSi2 as a Bottom Electrode for Enhanced Endurance of Ferroelectric Y-doped HfO2 Thin Films}, journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100822933, author = {Joel Molina-Reyes and Takuya Hoshii and Shun-Ichiro Ohmi and Hiroshi Funakubo and Atsushi Hori and Ichiro Fujiwara and Hitoshi Wakabayashi and Kazuo Tsutsui and Kuniyuki Kakushima}, title = {NiSi2 as a Bottom Electrode for Enhanced Endurance of Ferroelectric Y-doped HfO2 Thin Films}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100896555, author = {Peilong Wang and Atsushi Hori and Iriya Muneta and Takamasa Kawanago and Kuniyuki Kakushima and Kazuo Tsutsui and Hitoshi Wakabayashi}, title = {Self-heating and Short-Channel Effect Immunity with Partial-Bottom-Dielectric-Isolation for Gate-All-Around Nano-Sheet FETs}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100852900, author = {J. Molina and T. Mimura and Y. Nakamura and T. Shimizu and H. Funakubo and I. Fujiwara and T. Hoshii and S. Ohmi and A. Hori and H. Wakabayashi and K. Tsutsui and K. Kakushima}, title = {Interface engineering of BEOL compatible ferroelectric Y:HfO2 device for enhanced endurance}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100829205, author = {松浦 賢太朗 and 濱田 昌也 and 濱田 拓也 and 谷川 晴紀 and 坂本 拓朗 and 堀 敦 and 宗田 伊理也 and 川那子 高暢 and 角嶋 邦之 and 筒井 一生 and 小椋 厚志 and 若林 整}, title = {大面積集積化に向けたスパッタ堆積ノーマリーオフMoS2-nMISFETs}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100829169, author = {山岸 朋彦 and 堀 敦 and 宗田 伊理也 and 角嶋 邦之 and 筒井 一生 and 若林 整}, title = {横型p/n積層ナノワイヤによるNORとNANDセルの省面積設計}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100813982, author = {Tomohiko Yamagishi and Atsushi Hori and Iriya Muneta and Kuniyuki Kakushima and Kazuo Tsutsui and Hitoshi Wakabayashi}, title = {Self-Heating-Aware Cell Design for Multi-Stacked Circuits with p/n-Vertically-Integrated Nanowires on FinFET}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100813980, author = {Joel Molina-Reyes and Takuya Hoshii and Shun-Ichiro Ohmi and Hiroshi Funakubo and Atsushi Hori and Ichiro Fujiwara and Hitoshi Wakabayashi and Kazuo Tsutsui and Kuniyuki Kakushima}, title = {Endurance Improvement in Ferroelectric Y-doped HfO2 Thin Films on NiSi2 with Low-Thermal Budget Processing}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100821301, author = {Joel Molina-Reyes and Haruki Iwatsuka and Takuya Hoshii and Shun-Ichiro Ohmi and Hiroshi Funakubo and Atsushi Hori and Ichiro Fujiwara and Hitoshi Wakabayashi and Kazuo Tsutsui and Kuniyuki Kakushima}, title = {NiSi2 as a Promotor of Ferroelectricity in Si-doped HfO2 Thin Films after Low-Thermal Budget Processing}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @misc{CTT100768917, author = {堀敦}, title = {0.05umCMOSデバイス技術に関する研究}, year = , } @misc{CTT100840044, author = {堀敦 and 若林整 and 伊藤浩之 and 日向寺 朗 and 亘理 誠夫 and 新田 元}, title = {センシングシステム、センサ端末}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {特願2019-015545(2019/01/31), 特開2020-123216(2020/08/13), 特許第7217000号(2023/01/23)} } @phdthesis{CTT100768917, author = {堀敦}, title = {0.05umCMOSデバイス技術に関する研究}, school = {東京大学}, year = , }