@article{CTT100925827, author = {Chao Qi and Yu Miyahara and Ziteng Wang and Naohiro Sugita and Masaki Nakano and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {An electromagnetic microactuator with tunable dynamic characteristics using a thick-film FePt permanent magnet}, journal = {AIP Advances}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100927371, author = {Shinya Yamamoto and Naohiro Sugita and Keita Tomioka and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A compact and low-frequency drive ultrasound transducer for facilitating cavitation-assisted drug permeation via skin}, journal = {Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100917077, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Shinya Yamamoto and Keita Tomioka and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A Flexural Ultrasonic Transducer for Inducing Acoustic Cavitation on Material Surfaces}, journal = {Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100916301, author = {Junseok An and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Microbubble detection on ultrasound imaging by utilizing phase patterned waves}, journal = {Physics in Medicine & Biology}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100910979, author = {Keita Nagai and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Batch Fine Magnetic Pattern Transfer Method on Permanent Magnets Using Coercivity Change during Heating for Magnetic MEMS}, journal = {Micromachines2024}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100910978, author = {REN YANG and ZEQIANG HE and NAOHIRO SUGITA and TADAHIKO SHINSHI}, title = {Radial Displacement Measurement Method in Bearingless Slice Motor Through Eddy Current Displacement Sensors Positioned on the Underside of the Rotor}, journal = {IEEE Access}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100907513, author = {Keita Nagai and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Influence of permanent magnetic properties on laser-assisted heating magnetization for magnetic MEMS}, journal = {IEEE Access}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100905977, author = {Chao Qi and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Development of a flexible coil based on conductive polymer composite for PDMS-based soft electromagnetic microactuators}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100903133, author = {ZEQIANG HE and NAOHIRO SUGITA and TADAHIKO SHINSHI}, title = {A Novel Heteropolar Bearingless Slice Motor with a PM-free Rotor for Centrifugal Blood Pump Applications}, journal = {IEEE Access}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100885739, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Taichi Oshino and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Nonlinear coupling between radial and axial vibrations during single-axis acoustic levitation in mid-air}, journal = {International Journal of Mechanical Sciences}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100888125, author = {Ren Yang and Zeqiang He and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Low-Cost and Compact Disposable Extracorporeal Centrifugal Blood Pump Utilizing a Homopolar Bearingless Switched Reluctance Slice Motor}, journal = {IEEE Access}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100882178, author = {Chao Qi and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A Disposable Electromagnetic Bi‐Directional Micropump Utilizing a Rotating Multi‐Pole Ring Magnetic Coupling}, journal = {Micromachines}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100876275, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Makoto Kine and Dong Han and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Experiment and modelling of cantilever-based electromagnetic energy harvester driven by direct impact of spherical ball}, journal = {Microsystem Technologies}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100865312, author = {Junsyou Kanashima and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Number concentration dependence of ultrasonic disruption ratio of diameter-sorted microcapsules}, journal = {Journal of Engineering In Medicine}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100864870, author = {Yinsi Chen and Ren Yang and Naohiro Sugita and Jianpeng Zhong and Junhong Mao and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Estimation of the Dynamic Parameters of the Bearings in a Flexible Rotor System Utilizing Electromagnetic Excitation by a Built-In Motor}, journal = {Actuators}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100861315, author = {Yinsi Chen and Ren Yang and Naohiro Sugita and Junhong Mao and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Identification of Bearing Dynamic Parameters and Unbalanced Forces in a Flexible Rotor System Supported by Oil-Film Bearings and Active Magnetic Devices}, journal = {Actuators2021}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100844956, author = {杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {平面分布したマイクロカプセル群の数濃度と崩壊率に関する実験的解析}, journal = {日本機械学会論文集}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100802438, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Keita Ando and Toshihiko Sugiura}, title = {Experiment and modeling of translational dynamics of an oscillating bubble cluster in a stationary sound field}, journal = {Ultrasonics}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100802435, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Toshihiko Sugiura}, title = {Nonlinear normal modes and localization in two bubble oscillators}, journal = {Ultrasonics}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100927373, author = {Taizo Maruyama and Naohiro Sugita}, title = {Modal Excitation Analysis for Interior and Surface-Breaking Cracks in Two-Dimensional Half Plane Using Boundary Element and Perturbation Methods}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100927374, author = {丸山 泰蔵 and 杉田 直広}, title = {境界要素法と摂動法を用いた開領域の固有周波数の加振問題への 応用}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100927969, author = {AN JUNSEOK and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦 and 小林 正典}, title = {超音波内視鏡を用いた超解像度イメージングによる胆膵疾患の微小血管描出}, booktitle = {第33回MAGDAコンファレンス in 東京(MAGDA2024)講演論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100927971, author = {山本 真也 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {キャビテーションを用いた経皮薬物送達用ポータブルデバイス}, booktitle = {第33回MAGDAコンファレンス in 東京(MAGDA2024)講演論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100927978, author = {Riku Fukazawa and Tadahiko Shinshi and Naohiro Sugita and Keisuke Mutoh and Yoshihiro Sato}, title = {Noise of Cylindrical Roller Bearings with Low Preload Assembly}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100928139, author = {Junseok An and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Numerical model of contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging coupled with nonlinear bubble dynamics}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100928141, author = {Yusuke Yamasaki and Shinya Yamamoto and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A traveling wave mode ultrasonic transducer for lowfrequency sonophoresis}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100928143, author = {Shinya Yamamoto and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A compact cavity resonant ultrasound transducer for transdermal drug delivery of biopharmaceuticals}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100925432, author = {山本真也 and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {低周波超音波導入法のための小形キャビティ共振型トランスデューサ}, booktitle = {日本音響学会講演論文集(第152回)2024年9月}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100925433, author = {山﨑悠介 and 山本真也 and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {マルチモード型超音波トランスデューサによるキャビテーション生成}, booktitle = {日本音響学会講演論文集(第152回)2024年9月}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100927372, author = {Taizo Maruyama and Naohiro Sugita}, title = {Excitation analysis for scatterers in an open domain using boundary element and perturbation methods}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100927377, author = {杉田直広 and 丸山泰蔵 and An Junseok and 進士忠彦}, title = {気泡力学を考慮した超音波造影剤の散乱シミュレーション}, booktitle = {第29回計算工学講演会 計算工学講演会論文集 Vol.29 (2024年6月) 日本計算工学会}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100927375, author = {Taizo Maruyama and Naohiro Sugita}, title = {Modal excitation for open domain using boundary element and perturbation methods}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100912029, author = {杉田直広 and 山本真也 and 進士忠彦}, title = {超音波キャビテーションによる薬物の経皮吸収促進}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911317, author = {山﨑 悠介 and 山本 真也 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {超音波キャビテーション発生位置制御のための 多極電極超音波トランスデューサ}, booktitle = {関東学生会第63回学生員卒業研究発表講演会講演論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100906331, author = {Shinya Yamamoto and Keita Tomioka and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A low-frequency ultrasound transducer for creation of transdermal transport region}, booktitle = {Proceedings of USE2023}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100906532, author = {Chao QI and Ziteng WANG and Yu MIYAHARA and Naohiro SUGITA and Tadahiko SHINSHI and Masaki NAKANO}, title = {A Soft Electromagnetic Microactuator Using a PLD-made FePt Thick Film with Reconfigurable Magnetization Distribution}, booktitle = {Abstract Booklet of ISBE2023/IWNT2023}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100906332, author = {Junseok An and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Microbubble detection and separation by using patterned ultrasound plane wave}, booktitle = {Proceedings of USE2023}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903136, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Junseok An and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Microbubble Detection Using Spatially Patterned Ultrasound Beam}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903758, author = {AN JUNSEOK and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {超音波照射に対する気泡クラウドの過渡応答解析}, booktitle = {日本音響学会講演論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903756, author = {山本真也 and 冨岡圭太 and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {低周波超音波による経皮薬物導入のための小形トランスデューサ}, booktitle = {日本音響学会講演論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100902875, author = {Zeqiang He and Ren YANG and Naohiro SUGITA and Tadahiko SHINSHI}, title = {Sensorless Angle Estimation Based on Sliding Mode Observer for Disposable Centrifugal Blood Pump Using Doubly Salient Bearingless Slice Motor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100902877, author = {Ren YANG and Zeqiang HE and Naohiro SUGITA and Tadahiko SHINSHI}, title = {Levitation Control of a Bearingless Slice Motor Using Eddy Current Displacement Sensors Installed Below the Rotor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100902246, author = {Tadahiko SHINSHI and Zeqiang HE and Ren YANG and Naohiro SUGITA}, title = {Bearingless Slice Motors with PM-free Rotor for Disposable Centrifugal Blood Pumps}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 18th ISMB}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100891804, author = {AN Junseok and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {マイクロバブル検出における照射音波の空間分布の影響}, booktitle = {第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会アブストラクト集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100894156, author = {Chao QI and Naohiro SUGITA and Tadahiko SHINSHI}, title = {FABRICATION OF A MOVING-COIL-TYPE PDMS-BASED MEMBRANE ELECTROMAGNETIC MICRO-ACTUATOR BY DOUBLE-SIDED SCREEN PRINTING TECHNOLOGY}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Transducers 2023}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100894154, author = {Keita Nagai and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {INFLUENCE OF PERMANENT MAGNETIC PROPERTIES ON MAGNETIC PATTERN TRANSFER FOR MAGNETIC MEMS}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Transducers 2023}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100892350, author = {永井 慧大 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {微細磁気パターン一括転写における ネオジム磁石の磁気特性と着磁結果の関係}, booktitle = {第35 回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100892349, author = {YANG Ren and 何 沢強 and 杉田直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {ロータ下方に配置した渦電流変位センサによるベアリングレス スライスモータの径方向変位測定}, booktitle = {第35 回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100891803, author = {山本真也 and 冨岡圭太 and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {低周波超音波導入のための医療用小形超音波トランスデューサの開発}, booktitle = {第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会アブストラクト集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100891756, author = {杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {気泡クラウドの連成振動系における非線形固有値解析}, booktitle = {第28回計算工学講演会論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100887233, author = {渡部 遼 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {腸呼吸用モック回路の開発}, booktitle = {日本機械学会 関東学生会第 62 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会講演論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100887234, author = {AN Junseok and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {マイクロバブルを用いた超音波イメージングにおけるビームパターニングの影響}, booktitle = {日本機械学会 関東学生会第 62 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会講演論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100884184, author = {Chao Qi and Keita Nagai and Ming Ji and Yu Miyahara and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi and Masaki Nakano and Chiaki Sato}, title = {A MAGNETIC ACTUATOR USING PLD-MADE FEPT THICK FILM AS A PERMANENT MAGNET AND MEMBRANE MATERIAL FOR BIDIRECTIONAL MICROPUMPS}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100884183, author = {Keita Nagai and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {SURVEY OF PERMANENT MAGNET FOR A LASER-ASSISTED HEATING MAGNETIZATION TO GENERATE DESIGNED SURFACE MAGNETIC FLUX DENSITY DISTRIBUTION FOR MAGNETIC MEMS DEVICES}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883974, author = {Ren YANG and Zeqiang HE and Naohiro SUGITA and Tadahiko SHINSHI}, title = {Pump Performance of Disposable Extracorporeal Centrifugal Blood Pump Utilizing Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motor}, booktitle = {Abstract of the 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2022)}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883552, author = {永井 慧大 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {磁気マイクロアクチュエータに向けたレーザ局所加熱を利用する 微細多極着磁法における永久磁石材料の探索}, booktitle = {第31回MAGDA コンファレンス講演論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883553, author = {Chao Qi and Keita Nagai and 紀 明 and 宮原 悠 and Naohiro Sugita and TADAHIKO SHINSHI and 中野 正基 and Chiaki Sato}, title = {MEMS-based Magnetic Actuators Using Thick-film FePt Permanent Magnet for Micropumps}, booktitle = {第31回MAGDA コンファレンス講演論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883555, author = {Keita Tomioka and Shinya Yamamoto and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Piezoelectric-based compact transducer for lowfrequency ultrasound enhanced transdermal drug delivery}, booktitle = {Abstract of The 43rd Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883727, author = {Chao Qi and Atsushi Nakazato and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Fabrication of Flexible Coil on PDMS for MEMS-based Electromagnetic Membrane Actuator}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 9th Intl. Conf. of Asian Society for Precision Engg. and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2022)}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883729, author = {Keita NAGAI and Naohiro SUGITA and Tadahiko SHINSHI}, title = {Fine Magnetic Pattern Transferred on Nd-Fe-B Magnets Using High Heat-resistant Nd-Fe-B Magnets}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 9th Intl. Conf. of Asian Society for Precision Engg. and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2022)}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883730, author = {Zeqiang He and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A Heteropolar Bearingless Slice Motor with PM-free Rotor for Disposable Centrifugal Blood Pump}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 9th Intl. Conf. of Asian Society for Precision Engg. and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2022)}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883973, author = {Junsyou KANASHIMA and Junseok AN and Naohiro SUGITA and Tadahiko SHINSHI}, title = {Effect of Vibration Mode of Linear Array Transducer on Sound Scattering Coefficient from Microbubbles}, booktitle = {Abstract of the 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2022)}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100883975, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Application of Ultrasound Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics in Medical Diagnosis and Treatment}, booktitle = {Abstract of the 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2022)}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100882934, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Piezoelectric-based compact ultrasound transducer for cavitation assisted transdermal drug delivery}, booktitle = {International workshop on piezoelectric materials and applications in actuators 2022}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100882733, author = {杉田直広}, title = {マイクロバブルを利用した医用超音波技術}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881974, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Taichi Oshino and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Experiment and Analysis of Radial Stiffness of a Single-Axis Acoustic Levitator}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881300, author = {冨岡 圭太 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {経皮ドラッグデリバリーのための薄型超音波トランスデューサ を用いたキャビテーション発生}, booktitle = {日本混相流学会 混相流シンポジウム 2022 講演論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881301, author = {金島 潤昇 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {超音波リニアアレイの駆動位相操作によって励振された造影剤気泡の 高次振動モードの音響減衰計測}, booktitle = {日本混相流学会 混相流シンポジウム 2022 講演論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881973, author = {Naohiro. Sugita and Keita. Tomioka and T. Shinshi}, title = {Low-frequency piezoelectric-based ultrasound transducer for cavitation yield on biomaterial surfaces}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881677, author = {Zeqiang He and Jianpeng Zhong and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A Novel Heteropolar Bearingless Slice Motor with a PM-free Rotor for a Centrifugal Blood Pump application}, booktitle = {MIPE2022 Proceedings}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100876288, author = {Keita Nagai and Yohei Hamaoka and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Fabrication of Micro Halbach Arrays in a Monolithic Ring Magnet by Laser-Assisted Heating Magnetization}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100876292, author = {Chao Qi and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A Disposable Electromagnetic Micropump for Oscillatory-flow PCR Microfluidic System}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869424, author = {杉田 直広 and 押野 太一 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {定在波音響浮揚における支持剛性の非線形特性}, booktitle = {第34回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869420, author = {永井 慧大 and 濱岡 陽平 and 杉田 直広 and ChiuWan-Ting and 細田 秀樹 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {ネオジム磁石への微細磁気パターン一括転写における着磁率の検討}, booktitle = {第34回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100867043, author = {永井 慧大 and 濱岡 陽平 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {ネオジム磁石に対する改良型レーザアシスト加熱微細多極着磁法の研究}, booktitle = {2022年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100867400, author = {押野 太一 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {定在波音響浮揚系に対する動的安定化についての研究}, booktitle = {関東学生会第 61 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会予稿集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100863947, author = {Chao Qi and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {A Disposable Electromagnetic Micropump for Rapid and High throughput Point of care PCR T ests}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100864562, author = {杉田 直広 and 金島 潤昇 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {球形気泡群による散乱音場の定式化と非線形固有値解析}, booktitle = {キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム(第20回)講演論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863946, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Taichi Oshino and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Ultrasound Cavitation on Soft Material Induced by Dual-frequency Acoustic Resonances}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863175, author = {濱岡陽平 and 永井慧大 and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {ネオジム磁石に対する微細磁気パターンの転写}, booktitle = {日本機械学会第12回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム予稿集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863174, author = {永井 慧大 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {ネオジムリング磁石の多極ハルバッハ配列着磁}, booktitle = {日本機械学会第12回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム予稿集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863080, author = {Junsyou kanashima and Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Effect of Number Concentration of Contrast Agent Microbubbles in a Microchamber on Shell Disruption}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863079, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Taichi Oshino and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Generation and Control of Ultrasonic Cavitation on Soft Material by Dual-frequency Acoustic Resonances}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100861306, author = {金島潤昇 and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {集束超音波による多分散マイクロカプセルの選択的崩壊に関する実験}, booktitle = {日本混相流学会 混相流シンポジウム 2021 講演論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100861305, author = {杉田 直広 and 押野 太一 and 袁 博 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {半球面状キャビティ構造を有する音響振動子を用いた軟質材料上へのキャビテーション発生}, booktitle = {日本混相流学会 混相流シンポジウム 2021 講演論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100848602, author = {濱岡 陽平 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {ネオジム磁石に対するサマコバ磁石の微細磁気パターンの転写}, booktitle = {第33回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100840156, author = {Naohiro SUGITA and Makoto KINE and Dong HAN and Tadahiko SHINSHI}, title = {Nonlinear resonance type electromagnetic vibration energy harvester excited by an impact ball}, booktitle = {Abstract of The 15th International Conference on Motion and Vibration}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100840597, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Makoto Kine and Dong Han and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Nonlinear resonance of a ball-impact electromagnetic energy harvester for low frequency vibration}, booktitle = {International Joint Symposium 2020,Program and Abstracts}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100830917, author = {杉田直広 and 木根諒 and 韓冬 and 進士忠彦}, title = {鋼球の衝突を利用した電磁式マイクロ振動発電デバイスにおける高調波共振の数値解析}, booktitle = {Dynamics and Design Conference 2020講演論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100820073, author = {杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦}, title = {超音波による中空マイクロカプセルの破壊における粒子数濃度の影響}, booktitle = {第67回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100830915, author = {金島潤昇 and 杉田直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {粒径制御したマイクロカプセルの超音波崩壊に関する実験}, booktitle = {日本混相流学会混相流シンポジウム2020講演論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100810033, author = {木根 諒 and 韓 冬 and 杉田 直広 and 進士 忠彦 and 門田 祥悟}, title = {鋼球の衝突を用いた非共振型電磁式マイクロ発電デバイス}, booktitle = {第16回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100810034, author = {木村 壮 and Yang Ren and 杉田 直広 and 進士忠彦}, title = {遠心血液ポンプ用スイッチトリラクタンスベアリングレスモータの 回転制御用シミュレータの開発}, booktitle = {第16回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100809073, author = {Naohiro Sugita and Tadahiko Shinshi}, title = {Disruption of Polymer Microcapsules in a narrow gap under 1 MHz Ultrasound Irradiation}, booktitle = {Abstracts of The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering}, year = 2019, } @misc{CTT100881302, author = {杉田 直広}, title = {超音波によるマイクロカプセルの破壊 =カプセル群の可視化と破壊率の計測=}, year = 2022, }