武内瑞智 研究業績一覧 (3件)
K. Hikima,
M. Tsujimoto,
M. Takeuchi,
Y. Kajikawa.
Transition Analysis of Budgetary Allocation for Projects on Hydrogen-Related Technologies in Japan,
Vol. 12,
Issue 20,
Oct. 2020.
T. Ogawa,
M. Takeuchi,
Y. Kajikawa.
Analysis of trends and emerging technologies in water electrolysis research based on a computational method: a comparison with fuel cell research,
Vol. 10,
Issue 2,
Feb. 2018.
T. Ogawa,
M. Takeuchi,
Y. Kajikawa.
Comprehensive analysis of trends and emerging technologies in all types of fuel cells based on a computational method,
Vol. 10,
Issue 2,
Feb. 2018.
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