@article{CTT100925843, author = {Wataru Umishio and Toshiharu Ikaga and Kazuomi Kario and Yoshihisa Fujino and Naoki Kagi and Masaru Suzuki and Shintaro Ando and Keigo Saeki and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Effect of living in well-insulated warm houses on hypertension and cardiovascular diseases based on a nationwide epidemiological survey in Japan: a modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis}, journal = {BMJ Public Health}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100912032, author = {Wataru Umishio and Toshiharu Ikaga and Yoshihisa Fujino and Shintaro Ando and Tatsuhiko Kubo and Yukie Nakajima and Naoki Kagi and Tanji Hoshi and Masaru Suzuki and Kazuomi Kario and Takesumi Yoshimura and Hiroshi Yoshino and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Spatial and temporal indoor temperature differences at home and perceived coldness in winter: A cross-sectional analysis of the nationwide Smart Wellness Housing survey in Japan}, journal = {Environment International}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100882845, author = {Wataru Umishio and Toshiharu Ikaga and Kazuomi Kario and Yoshihisa Fujino and Masaru Suzuki and Shintaro Ando and Tanji Hoshi and Takesumi Yoshimura and Hiroshi Yoshino and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Role of housing in blood pressure control: a review of evidence from the Smart Wellness Housing survey in Japan}, journal = {Hypertension Research}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100867426, author = {Mao Serikawa and Makoto Satoh and Wataru Umishio and Shun Kawakubo and Junta Nakano and Takashi Akimoto and Toshiharu Ikaga and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Quantitative Evaluation of the Contributions of Improved Housing Performances Toward Delivering Sustainable Development Goals by a Building Energy Simulation Tool}, journal = {Sustainable Cities and Society}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100869635, author = {Umishio W and Ikaga T and Kario K and Fujino Y and Suzuki M and Hoshi T and Ando S and Yoshimura T and Yoshino H and Murakami S}, title = {Association between Indoor Temperature in Winter and Serum Cholesterol: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Smart Wellness Housing Survey in Japan}, journal = {Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis(JAT)}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100861056, author = {Wataru Umishio and Toshiharu Ikaga and Kazuomi Kario and Yoshihisa Fujino and Masaru Suzuki and Shintaro Ando and Tanji Hoshi and Takesumi Yoshimura and Hiroshi Yoshino and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Impact of indoor temperature instability on diurnal and day-by-day variability of home blood pressure in winter: a nationwide Smart Wellness Housing survey in Japan}, journal = {Hypertension Research}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100863357, author = {Wataru Umishio and Toshiharu Ikaga and Kazuomi Kario and Yoshihisa Fujino and Masaru Suzuki and Shintaro Ando and Tanji Hoshi and Takesumi Yoshimura and Hiroshi Yoshino and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Electrocardiogram abnormalities in residents in cold homes: a cross-sectional analysis of the nationwide Smart Wellness Housing survey in Japan}, journal = {Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100828203, author = {Umishio W and Ikaga T and Kario K and Fujino Y and Hoshi T and Ando S and Suzuki M and Yoshimura T and Yoshino H and Murakami S}, title = {Intervention study of the effect of insulation retrofitting on home blood pressure in winter a nationwide Smart Wellness Housing survey}, journal = {Journal of Hypertension}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100844271, author = {Ishimaru T and Ando S and Umishio W and Kubo T and Murakami S and Fujino Y and Ikaga T}, title = {Impact of Cold Indoor Temperatures on Overactive Bladder: A Nationwide Epidemiological Study in Japan}, journal = {Urology}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100828205, author = {Wataru Umishio and Toshiharu Ikaga and Yoshihisa Fujino and Shintaro Ando and Tatsuhiko Kubo and Yukie Nakajima and Tanji Hoshi and Masaru Suzuki and Kazuomi Kario and Takesumi Yoshimura and Hiroshi Yoshino and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Disparities of indoor temperature in winter: A cross‐sectional analysis of the Nationwide Smart Wellness Housing Survey in Japan}, journal = {Indoor Air}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100820835, author = {Umishio W and Ikaga T and Kazuomi Kario and Yoshihisa Fujino and Tanji Hoshi and Shintaro Ando and Masaru Suzuki and Takesumi Yoshimura and Hiroshi Yoshino and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Relationship Between Home Blood Pressure and Indoor Temperature in Winter: A Nationwide Smart Wellness Housing Survey in Japan}, journal = {Hypertension}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100820921, author = {海塩 渉 and 伊香賀 俊治 and 村上 周三 and 苅尾 七臣 and 藤野 善久 and 星 旦二 and 鈴木 昌 and 安藤 真太朗}, title = {起床時収縮期血圧と室温のマルチレベル分析 住宅の断熱化と居住者の健康への影響に関する全国調査(その8)}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100820829, author = {Umishio W and Ikaga T and Kazuomi Kario and Yoshihisa Fujino and Tanji Hoshi and Shintaro Ando and Masaru Suzuki and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Impact of Indoor Temperature on Morning Home Blood Pressure in Winter: Baseline Data from a Non-Randomized Controlled Trial in Japan}, booktitle = {Pulse}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100820915, author = {海塩 渉 and 伊香賀 俊治 and 村上 周三 and 苅尾 七臣 and 藤野 善久 and 安藤 真太朗 and 久保 達彦 and 鈴木 昌}, title = {ベースライン調査時点の家庭血圧と室温の関係 住宅の断熱化と居住者の健康への影響に関する全国調査 その3}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100894115, author = {Umishio W and Ikaga T and Kario K and Murakami S}, title = {Indoor temperature and BP control}, year = 2023, }