@book{CTT100844380, author = {中島章 and 酒井宗寿 and 石黒斉}, title = {撥水・撥油・親水性材料の開発 動向}, publisher = {シーエムシー出版}, year = 2021, } @book{CTT100844378, author = {中島章 and 酒井 宗寿}, title = {超親水・親油性表面の技術}, publisher = {サイエンス&テクノロジー社}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100876052, author = {T. Hirosawa and K. Yamamoto and M. Sakai and Y. Mochizuki and T. Isobe and S. Matsushita and A. Nakajima}, title = {Time dependence of the dominant mechanisms of self-propelled droplets by Leidenfrost phenomenon on Zn plate surfaces with and without ZnO nanorods}, journal = {Mater. Chem. Phys.,}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100869715, author = {T. Hirosawa and M. Sakai and K. Yamamoto and M. Motosuke and T. Isobe and S. Matsushita and A. Nakajima}, title = {“Droplet motion by Leidenfrost phenomenon on Zn plate surfaces with and without ZnO nanorods”}, journal = {Mater. Chem. Phys.}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869798, author = {廣澤拓哉 and 望月 泰英 and 磯部敏宏 and 松下祥子 and 中島章 and 山本憲 and 酒井宗寿}, title = {「ライデンフロスト現象による水滴の自走の主要機構の時間依存性」}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100865537, author = {T. Hirosawa and T. Kano and M. Sakai and K. Yamamoto and T. Isobe and S. Matsushita and A. Nakajima}, title = {Static and dynamic Leidenfrost effect on Zn and ZnO-NR surfaces}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100869716, author = {酒井 宗寿 and 中島 章}, title = {「表面改質による高度撥水性の発現と抗ウイルス・抗菌性」}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100844384, author = {中島章 and 酒井宗寿}, title = {「撥水性固体表面における水滴の静的動的濡れ性に関する研究の最近のトピックス」}, year = 2020, } @misc{CTT100844383, author = {中島章 and 酒井宗寿}, title = {「材料表面の濡れ性の基礎と制御技術 ―撥水・親水性・液体滑落性表面の作製方法と応用展開―」}, year = 2020, } @misc{CTT100844382, author = {中島章 and 酒井宗寿}, title = {「最近の撥水技術と水ハーベスタ」}, year = 2018, }