@article{CTT100918173, author = {Wataru Matunaga and Satoshi Imai and yoshihiro mizutani and Tetsuo Yasuoka and AKIRA TODOROKI}, title = {Estimation of the moisture absorption rate of carbon fiber reinforced plastic using electromagnetic induction testing}, journal = {Composites Part A}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100901987, author = {Wataru Matsunaga and Satoshi Imai and Yoshihiro Mizutani and Tetsuo Yasuoka and Akira Todoroki}, title = {Qualitative evaluation of the moisture absorption rate in adhesive layers of carbon fiber reinforced plastic joints using electromagnetic induction testing}, journal = {Composite Structures}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100875595, author = {Rio Hirakawa and Tetsuo Yasuoka and Yoshihiro Mizutani}, title = {Crack-arresting behavior of adhesively bonded joints with a single rectangular convex/concave shape formed on adherend surfaces}, journal = {The Journal of Adhesion}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100868007, author = {松永航 and 今井理 and 水谷義弘 and 安岡哲夫}, title = {電磁誘導試験を用いたCFRP接着構造継手の吸湿評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100879970, author = {黒川悠 and 川口貴弘 and 井野優大 and 安岡哲夫 and 井上裕嗣}, title = {超音波法によるCFRP接着継手の母材と接着層の吸水評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846131, author = {松永航 and 水谷義弘 and 安岡哲夫}, title = {炭素繊維強化プラスチックの接着接合部の誘電率変化に対する電磁誘導探傷法の 適用可能性の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, }