研究業績一覧 (3件)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Ishizu, K.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Kitaoka, N.,
Tseng, K.H.,
Serita, S.,
Minami, T.,
Ichihara, H.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Caldwell, G.,
Bertrand, E.A.,
Heise, W..
Controlled-source electromagnetic survey for investigating Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan,
EMIW 2024,
Sept. 2024.
Caldwell, T.G.,
Bertrand, T.,
Heise, W.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Bannister, S.,
Bourguignon, S.,
Haines, J.,
Wallace, L.,
Ellis, S.,
Piazolo, S.,
Toy, V.,
Upton, P..
Can we use electrical conductivity to help understand the earthquake-induced stress-cycle in the ductile region beneath the Alpine Fault, New Zealand?,
EMIW 2024,
Sept. 2024.
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