@inproceedings{CTT100910088, author = {吉田 克己 and グバレビッチアンナ and 橘 幸男 and 高松 邦吉 and 沖田 将一朗 and 西村 洋亮 and 岡本 孝司}, title = {反応焼結による高温ガス炉用SiCマトリックス燃料コンパクトの作製プロセスの検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100891518, author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Anna Gubarevich and Shoichiro Okita and Naoki MIzuta and Kuniyoshi Takamatsu and Minoru Goto and Yosuke Nishimura and Koji Okamoto}, title = {Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: Part 3 — Fabrication Process of Dense SiC Matrix Fuel Compacts by Reaction Sintering and Their Thermal Conductivity}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907434, author = {Katsumi YOSHIDA and Anna GUBAREVICH and Shoichiro Okita and Naoki MIZUTA and Kuniyoshi Takamatsu and Minoru Goto and Yosuke NISHIMURA and Koji Okamoto}, title = {Research on improvement of HTGR core power-density:(3) Fabrication process of dense SiC matrix fuel compacts by reaction sintering and their thermal conductivity}, booktitle = {The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) 2023.30}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100891517, author = {Yosuke Nishimura and Anna Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida and Shoichiro Okita and Naoki Mizuta and Kuniyoshi Takamatsu and Minoru Goto and Koji Okamoto}, title = {Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (2) Assessment of SiC oxidation behavior under HTGR air ingress accident}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100921603, author = {Shoichiro Okita and Naoki Mizuta and Kuniyoshi Takamatsu and Minoru Goto and Katsumi Yoshida and Yosuke Nishimura and Koji Okamoto}, title = {Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (4) Feasibility Study for a Reactor Core}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100922060, author = {Shoichiro Okita and Naoki Mizuta and Kuniyoshi Takamatsu and Minoru Goto and Katsumi Yoshida and Yosuke Nishimura and Koji Okamoto}, title = {Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (4) Feasibility Study for a Reactor Core}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 30)}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907435, author = {Yosuke Nishimura and Anna Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida and Shoichiro Okita and Naoki Mizuta and Kuniyoshi Takamatsu and Minoru Goto and Koji Okamoto}, title = {Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (2) Assessment of SiC oxidation behavior under HTGR air ingress accident}, booktitle = {The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) 2023.30}, year = 2023, }