関滉太郎 研究業績一覧 (6件)
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Atsunori Ikezawa,
Kotaro Seki,
Moritz Borkenhagen,
Hajime Arai,
Daniel Schröder.
Analysis of Species Concentrations in Bifunctional Air Electrodes Using Mathematical Modeling and Simulation,
PRiME 2024,
Oct. 2024.
Atsunori Ikezawa,
Kotaro Seki,
Kensuke Takii,
Juri Kida,
Hajime Arai.
Design of Bifunctional Air Electrodes Based on the Reaction Fields in Porous Gas Diffusion Electrodes,
3rd International Zinc-air and other Zinc batteries workshop (IZABW),
Sept. 2023.
Atsunori Ikezawa,
Kotaro Seki,
Hajime. Arai.
Rational Placement of Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions Based on the Reaction Sites in Porous Gas Diffusion Electrodes,
The Electrochemical Society-242nd ECS Meeting,
Oct. 2022.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
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