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M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura.
Experimental analysis of earth pressure against rigid retaining walls under translation mode,
ICE Publishing,
Vol. 63,
No. 12,
pp. 1020-1028,
Sept. 2013.
M.H. Khosravi,
L. Tang,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura,
P. Doncommul.
Performance of counterweight balance on stability of undercut slope evaluated by physical modeling,
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,
J. Ross Publishing,
Vol. 6,
No. 2,
pp. 193-205,
Apr. 2012.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Efficiency evaluation of implicit stress update algorithm for various forms of the original Cam-clay model,
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan,
Science Council of Japan,
Vol. 60,
pp. 215-223,
Feb. 2012.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
A. Takahashi,
J. Takemura.
Arch action over an excavated pit on a stable scarp investigated by physical model tests,
Soils and Foundations,
Vol. 51,
No. 4,
pp. 723-735,
Aug. 2011.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Nakamura,
C. Borely,
M.H. Khosravi.
Numerical lower bound limit analyses of sand heap subjected to basal settlement with hysteretic reversals,
The 14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (14IACMAG),
Sept. 2014.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
J. Takemura.
Physical model of a rigid retaining wall under translation mode and its variation of arch action in backfill material with interface friction,
The 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG2014),
Proceedings of the the 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2014,
CRC Press/Balkema,
Vol. 2,
pp. 923-929,
Jan. 2014.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
J. Takemura.
Physical modeling of arch action in undercut slopes with actual engineering practice to Mae Moh open-pit mine of Thailand,
The 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE18),
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE18),
Vol. 1,
pp. 943-946,
Sept. 2013.
T. Pipatpongsa,
Dionysios STATHAS,
Cheowchan Leelasukseree.
Cohesive arch action in laterally confined block of moist sand placing on an inclined bedding plane,
The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS2012),
pp. 1378-1387,
Oct. 2012.
C. Leelasukseree,
T. Pipatpongsa,
M. H. Khosravi,
N. Mavong.
Stresses and a failure mode from physical and numerical models of undercut slope lying on inclined bedding plane,
The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS2012),
pp. 1295-1304,
Oct. 2012.
M. H. Khosravi,
L. Tang,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura,
P. Doncommul.
Physical model tests of an undercut slope on moist sand stabilized by counterweight balance,
International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011),
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011),
pp. 669-676,
Nov. 2011.
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Ohta.
Backward-Euler stress update algorithm for the original Cam-clay model with vertex singularity,
International Symposium on Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation (IS-Kyoto 2009),
Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation,
CRC Press,
pp. 179-184,
May 2009.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura,
P. Doncommul.
Investigation on strength properties of lignite at the Mae-Moh open-pit mine,
The 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012),
Proceedings of the 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012),
pp. 65-66,
Oct. 2012.
C. Leelasukseree,
N. Mavong,
M. H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Physical and numerical models of undercut slope lying on steeply inclined bedding plane,
The 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering,
Proceeding of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering,
Engineering Institute of Thailand,
page 1-12,
May 2012.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura,
N. Mavong,
P. Doncommul.
Investigation on shear strength of shale at the Mae Moh open-pit mine,
The 4th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (4th TJIA 2011),
Proceedings of the 4th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference,
Thai Students’ Association in Japan under the Royal Patronage,
pp. 51-52,
Nov. 2011.
C. Leelasukseree,
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
N. Mavong.
Investigation of load transfer mechanisms due to undercutting at toe of slope resting on sliding plane by using 3D elastic analyses,
The 12th JSCE International Summer Symposium,
Proceedings of the 12th International Summer Symposium,
Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
pp. 195-198,
Sept. 2010.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
Cheowchan Leelasukseree,
Narongsak Mavong,
J. Takemura.
Slope failures along oblique plane due to sequential removals of propping portion in physical model tests,
The 15th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Thailand,
Engineering Institute of Thailand,
May 2010.
M. H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
S. Kanazawa,
A. Iizuka.
Effect of yield function’s form on performance of the backward-Euler stress update algorithm for the original cam-clay model,
The 11th International Summer Symposium, JSCE,
Proceedings of the 11th International Summer Symposium, JSCE,
pp. 161-164,
Sept. 2009.
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Ohta.
Interpretation of process of Ko-consolidation by randomized inhomogeneous strains,
the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference,
Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008),
pp. 153-154,
Nov. 2008.
A. Majdi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Ohta.
A fracture mechanics approach for hydraulic fracturing in situ stress measurements,
The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium,
The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium,
pp. 153-156,
Sept. 2008.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
M.H. Khosravi,
J. Takemura,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Centrifugal modeling of undercut slopes subjected to pseudo-static loading,
The 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering,
The 10th CUEE conference proceedings,
pp. 523-532,
Mar. 2013.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura.
Pseudo-static analysis of passive arch action in undercut slopes against earthquake,
The 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE),
Joint Conference Proceedings: The 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE),
Center of Urban Earthquake Engineering,
pp. 665-672,
Mar. 2012.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura,
P. Doncommul.
Alternative coal mining method with lesser energy and environmental load,
The Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering, Dean's Meeting & Students' Academic Forum,
Abstract proceedings,
p. 12,
Oct. 2011.
M.H. Khosravi,
Oliver James Carlton,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura,
P. Doncommul.
A preliminary study of moving-pit excavation for environmental load reduction in open-cast mining,
The 3rd ASEAN Conference on Civil Engineering & 3rd ASEAN Conference on Environmental,
Proceedings UP ICE Centennial Conference on Harmonizing Infrastructure with the Environment featuring the 3rd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference and the 3rd ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference,
University of the Philippines Diliman,
Nov. 2010.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
S. Heng.
Granular arch shapes under criterion of silo effect,
Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009,
Proceedings of the APCMM2009,
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,
JSME No.09-202,
general sessions: a202,
Nov. 2009.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
Shinichi Kanazawa,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Effect of the modified Cam-clay yield function's form on performance of the Backward-Euler stress update algorithm,
The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 509-514,
Oct. 2009.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
T. Pipatpongsa,
L. Tang,
M.H. Khosravi.
Active earth pressure distribution acting on rigid retaining walls undergoing horizontal translation,
The 49th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 1247-1248,
July 2014.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura.
Interface shearing resistance properties between moist silica sand and surface of materials investigated by direct shear apparatus,
CD-ROM 材料4-5,
Oct. 2013.
T. Techawongsakorn,
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
Cyril Borely.
Failure mechanism of undercut slope with planes of discontinuity,
The 5th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2013),
Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop,
p. 43,
Aug. 2013.
T. Techawongsakorn,
H. Hirai,
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Slip mechanisms and interface shear strength between moist silica sand and acrylic plate,
The 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Proceedings of the 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 895-896,
July 2013.
L. Tang,
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura.
Nonlinear and hysteretic responses of pressure gauges in a sand chamber due to loading and unloading processes,
The 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Proceedings of the 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 519-520,
July 2013.
H. Hirai,
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Geometrical shape of arch formed by collapse of undercut slope,
The 62nd National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Mar. 2013.
M.H. Khosravi,
A. Majdi,
J. Takemura,
T. Pipatpongsa.
A comparison of rotary and ODEX drilling methods in alluvial deposits of Kheirabad earth dam of Iran for grouting purposes,
Geo-Kanto 2011,
Oct. 2012.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
Dionysios STATHAS,
Effect evaluation of tensile strength to a critical width of undercut slope aligned with a bedding plane,
The 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Proceedings of the 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 777-778,
July 2012.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura,
P. Doncommu.
Alternative coal mining method with lesser energy and environmental load,
The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2011),
Proceedings of the 3rd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop,
p. 66,
Aug. 2011.
M.H. Khosravi,
S. Kitakata,
T. Pipatpongsa,
J. Takemura.
Experimental analysis of failure zone behind retaining walls under active translation mode,
46th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Vol. 46,
pp. 1355-1356,
July 2011.
S. Thay,
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
A. Takahashi.
Weight transmission in planar sand ditch stored in a rectangular bin,
Vol. 46,
pp. 351-352,
July 2011.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Stress update algorithm for the original Cam-clay model considering the form of yield function on its performance,
The 60th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Mar. 2011.
M.H. Khosravi,
Y. Ishii,
J. Takemura,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Centrifuge model test on compacted sand slopes undercut by in-flight excavator,
Geo-Kanto 2010,
Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2010,
pp. 136-139,
Nov. 2010.
T. Pipatpongsa,
Cheowchan Leelasukseree,
M.H. Khosravi,
Narongsak Mavong.
Arch action in granular media placing along an oblique plane across an undercut pit examined by computer simulations,
Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2010 Annual Meeting,
JSCE Annual Meeting 2009,
pp. 783-784,
Sept. 2010.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Arching effect in retaining walls under translation mode with surcharge,
The 45th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Proceedings of the 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering,
Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 1279-1280,
Aug. 2010.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
Prajuab Doncommul,
Narongsak Mavong.
Excavation problems in Mae Moh lignite open-pit mine of Thailand,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 459-464,
Nov. 2009.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
Cheowchan Leelasukseree,
P. Wattanachai.
Failure mechanisms in arched excavation of sloped earth using model test,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 241-246,
Nov. 2009.
M.H. Khosravi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
A. Majdi,
H. Ohta.
Critical grouting pressure prediction in Iran Kheirabad rock mass based on fracture mechanics approach,
The 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering,
The Proceedings of the 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 445-446,
Aug. 2009.
A. Majdi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Ohta.
Critical pressure prediction in rock grouting by using the fracture mechanics principles,
JSCE Annual Meeting 2008,
pp. 483-484,
Sept. 2008.
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