@article{CTT100614619, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Koichi Okamoto and Tomotsune Koyanagi and Miyuki Kouda and Kiichi Tachi and Takamasa Kawanago and Jaeyeol Song and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Selection of rare earth silicates for highly scaled gate dielectrics}, journal = {Microelectronic Engineering}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100607472, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Kiichi Tachi and M.Adachi and Koichi Okamoto and Soshi Sato and Jaeyeol Song and Takamasa Kawanago and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Interface and electrical properties of La-silicate for direct contact of high-k with silicon}, journal = {Solid-State Electronics}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100604483, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Koichi Okamoto and Tomotsune Koyanagi and Miyuki Kouda and Kiichi Tachi and Takamasa Kawanago and Jaeyeol Song and Ahmet Parhat and Hiroshi Nohira and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {SrO capping effect for La2O3/ Ce-Silicate gate dielectrics}, journal = {Microelectronics Reliability 50}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100588545, author = {Tomotsune Koyanagi and Kiichi Tachi and Koichi Okamoto and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Electrical Characterization of La2O3-Gated Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor with Mg Incorporation}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100597764, author = {Tomotsune Koyanagi and Koichi Okamoto and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and AKIRA NISHIYAMA and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Impact of Alkali Earth Elements Incorporation on Electrical Characteristics of La2O3 Gated MOS Device}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100597756, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Koichi Okamoto and Tomotsune Koyanagi and Kiichi Tachi and Miyuki Kouda and Takamasa Kawanago and Jaeyeol Song and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Selection of Rare Earth Silicate with SrO Capping for EOT Scaling below o.5 nm}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100586581, author = {小柳友常 and 岡本晃一 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 杉井信之 and 筒井一生 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {La2O3MOSデバイスへのSrO導入による電気特性の変化}, booktitle = {第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会予稿集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100830629, author = {K. Okamoto and K. Kakushima and P. Ahmet and K. Tsutsui and N. Sugii and A. Chandorkar and T. Hattori and H. Iwai}, title = {0.5 nm EOT MOS Structure with TaSix/W Stacked Gate Electrode}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100576519, author = {小柳友常 and 岡本晃一 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 杉井信之 and 筒井一生 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {La203系MOSFETへのMg挿入による電気特性の変化}, booktitle = {秋季第69回応用物理学会学術講演会予稿集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100830637, author = {K. Kakushima and K. Tachi and M. Adachi and K. Okamoto and S. Sato and J. Song and T. Kawanago and P. Ahmet and K. Tsutsui and N. Sugii and T. Hattori and H. Iwai}, title = {Advantage of La2O3 Gate Dielectric Over HfO2 for Direct Contact and Mobility Improvment}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100830655, author = {K. Kakushima and K. Okamoto and M. Adachi and K. Tachi and S. Sato and T. Kawanago and J. Song and P. Ahmet and N. Sugii and K. Tsutsui and T. Hattori and H. Iwai}, title = {Impact of Thin La2O3 Insertion for HfO2 MOSFET}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100576381, author = {岡本晃一 and 舘喜一 and 足立学 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 杉井信之 and 筒井一生 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Hf O2系 High-kゲートMOSFETの電気特性に対するLa2O3界面層挿入効果}, booktitle = {春季第55回応用物理学会学術講演会 予稿集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100576380, author = {足立学 and 岡本晃一 and 舘喜一 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 杉井信之 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {HfO2/ La2O3積層キャパシタにおけるLa2O3層に依存した界面層成長抑制の効果}, booktitle = {春季第55回応用物理学会学術講演会予稿集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100576379, author = {宋在烈 and 舘喜一 and 岡本晃一 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 杉井信之 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Laシリケート層を界面に用いたhigh-k/Si MOS構造の電気特性検討}, booktitle = {春季第55回応用物理学会学術講演会予稿集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100544401, author = {M.Adachi and K.Okamoto and K.Kakushima and P.Ahmet and K.Tsutsui and N.Sugii and T.Hattori and H.Iwai}, title = {Control of Flat Band Voltage by Partial Incorporation of La2O3 or Sc2O3 into MfO2 in Metal/MfO2/SiO2/Si MOS Capacitors}, booktitle = {ECS Transactions:Physics and Technology of High-k Gate Dielectrics 5}, year = 2007, }