YafeiShen 研究業績一覧 (9件)

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Chinnathan Areeprasert,
Prut Chanyavanich,
Dachao Ma,
Yafei Shen,
Kunio Yoshikawa.
Effect of hydrothermal treatment on co-combustion of paper sludge with coal: thermal behavior, NO emissions, and slagging/fouling tendency,
Vol. 8,
No. 2,
pp. 187-196,
Aug. 2016.
Yafei Shen,
Peitao Zhao,
Qinfu Shao,
Fumitake Takahashi,
Kunio Yoshikawa.
In situ catalytic conversion of tar using rice husk char/ash supported nickel-iron catalysts for biomass pyrolytic gasification combined with the mixing-simulation in fluidized-bed gasifier,
Applied Energy,
Vol. 160,
pp. 808-819,
Dec. 2015.
Dachao Ma,
Guangyi Zhang,
Chinnathan Areeprasert,
Chunxing Li,
Yafei Shen,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Guangwen Xu.
Characterization of NO emission in combustion of hydrothermally treated antibiotic mycelial residue,
Chemical Engineering Journal,
Vol. 284,
pp. 708-715,
Sept. 2015.
Dachao Ma,
Guangyi Zhang,
Peitao Zhao,
Chinnathan Areeprasert,
Yafei Shen,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Guangwen Xu.
Hydrothermal treatment of antibiotic mycelial dreg: More understanding from fuel characteristics,
Chemical Engineering Journal,
Vol. 2015,
pp. 147-155,
June 2015.
Chinnathan Areeprasert,
Peitao Zhao,
Dachao Ma,
Yafei Shen,
Kunio Yoshikawa.
Alternative Solid Fuel Production from Paper Sludge Employing Hydrothermal Treatment,
Energy & Fuels,
Vol. 28,
pp. 1198-1206,
Jan. 2014.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Catalytic Conversion of Tar Using Nickel Nanoparticles Embedded in Rice Husk Char for Biomass Gasification,
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Catalytic Conversion of Tar Using Nickel Nanoparticles Embedded in the Rice Husk Char for Biomass Gasification,
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Catalytic Conversion of Tar Using Nickel Nanoparticles Embedded in the Rice Husk Char for Biomass Gasification,
Exam Summary,
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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