@article{CTT100851581, author = {TOSHIRO TAKAO and Kouichi Seki}, title = {C-C Bond Formation Between the μ-Alkylidyne Ligands in a Diruthenium Bis(μ-alkylidyne) Complex; σ- and π-Aromaticity of the Ru2C2 Core}, journal = {European Journal of Inoganic Chemistry}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100851578, author = {TOSHIRO TAKAO and Kouichi Seki}, title = {Synthesis of Diruthenium μ-Chloromethylidyne Complex: C-C Bond Formation at the Bridging Carbon Atom via the Reduction of a μ-Chloromethylidyne Ligand}, journal = {Organometallics}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100851573, author = {TOSHIRO TAKAO and Kouichi Seki}, title = {Reversible Transformation of a μ3-η3-C3 Ring into μ3-η2-Ethyne and μ-Vinylidene Ligands at a Triruthenium Site upon Deprotonation and Protonation}, journal = {Organometallics}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100806300, author = {Moeko Saito and Shuuhei Kojima and Akiko Inagaki and Kouichi Seki and Toshiro Takao}, title = {Effect of Ring Size on the Properties of μ3-Cycloalkyne Complexes: Synthesis of Triruthenium Complexes Containing a Perpendicularly Coordinated μ3-Allenyl Ligand}, journal = {Jounal of Organometallic Chemistry}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100869096, author = {高尾俊郎 and 関晃一}, title = {ビス架橋アルキリジン錯体のRu2C2コアの二重芳香族性と架橋アルキリジン配位子間のカップリング反応}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100833415, author = {関 晃一 and 高尾俊郎}, title = {クロロメチリジン配位子を持つ二核ルテニウム錯体を用いたカーバイド錯体の合成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }