@article{CTT100695969, author = {Yasuaki Matsuda and Masao Yonemura and Hikaru Koga and Cedric Pitteloud and Miki Nagao and Masaaki Hirayama and Ryoji Kanno}, title = {Synthesis, crystal structure, and ionic conductivity of tunnel structure phosphates, RbMg1-xH2x(PO3)3•y(H2O)}, journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry A}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100653707, author = {Y. Matsuda and M. Yonemura and H. koga and C. Pitteloud and M. Nagao and M. Hirayama and R. Kanno}, title = {Synthesis, crystal structure and ionic conductivity of tunnel structure phosphates, RbMg1-xH2x(PO3)3・yH2O}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100653720, author = {松田泰明 and 米村雅雄 and 古閑光 and Cedric Pitteloud and 長尾美紀 and 平山雅章 and 菅野了次}, title = {プロトン導電体RbMg1-xH2x(PO3)3・yH2Oの合成、構造と導電機構}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100611982, author = {Yasuaki Matsuda and Masao Yonemura and Hikaru Koga and Cedric Pitteloud and Masaaki Hirayama and Ryoji Kanno}, title = {Synthesis and Crystal Structure of New Proton Conductor,RbMg1-xH2x(PO3)3.yH2O}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100612346, author = {松田泰明 and 米村雅雄 and 古閑 光 and Pitteloud Cedric and 井山博雅 and 森 大輔 and 長尾美紀 and 山田淳夫 and 菅野了次}, title = {プロトン導電体RbMg( PO3 )3・3H2Oの合成と結晶構造}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, }