@article{CTT100669336, author = {Qiang Song and Takayuki Kawabata and Fumiaki Ito and Yousuke Watanabe and Haruo Yokota}, title = {File and Task Abstraction in Task Workflow Patterns for File Recommendation using File-access Log}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100644850, author = {Qiang Song and Yousuke Watanabe and Haruo Yokota}, title = {Extraction of relationship between web pages and files in access logs}, journal = {Int. J. of Business Intelligence and Data Mining}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100659759, author = {Qiang Song and Takayuki Kawabata and Fumiaki Itoh and Yousuke Watanabe and Haruo Yokota}, title = {A File Recommendation Method Based on Task Workflow Patterns Using File-access Logs}, booktitle = {Lecture notes in computer science, LNCS}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100649245, author = {宋強 and 川端貴幸 and 伊藤史朗 and 渡辺陽介 and 横田治夫}, title = {ファイル名抽象化に基づくアクセスログからのワークフロー抽出とファイル推薦手法の評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100649246, author = {宋強 and 川端貴幸 and 伊藤史朗 and 渡辺陽介 and 横田治夫}, title = {ファイル利用履歴から抽出した抽象タスク間ワークフローに基づくファイルと操作の推薦}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100634223, author = {宋強 and 川端貴幸 and 伊藤史朗 and 渡辺陽介 and 横田治夫}, title = {ファイルレコメンデーションのためのファイル利用履歴に基づくタスク間ワークフロー抽出手法}, booktitle = {第4回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100632276, author = {Qiang Song and Yousuke Watanabe and Haruo Yokota}, title = {Relationship Extraction Methods Based on Co-occurrence in Web Pages and Files}, booktitle = {Proceeding of The 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100619603, author = {宋強 and 渡辺陽介 and 横田治夫}, title = {ファイルとWeb ページの共起頻度に着目した関連性抽出手法の評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100619604, author = {宋強 and 渡辺陽介 and 横田治夫}, title = {アクセスログに基づくファイルとWeb ページの関連性抽出手法}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, }