@article{CTT100911795, author = {Yuniar Devi Utami and Hirokazu Kuwahara and Katsura Igai and Takumi Murakami and Kaito Sugaya and Takahiro Morikawa and Yuichi Nagura and Masahiro Yuki and Pinsurang Deevong and Tetsushi Inoue and Kumiko Kihara and Nathan Lo and Akinori Yamada and Moriya Ohkuma and Yuichi Hongoh}, title = {Genome analyses of uncultured TG2/ZB3 bacteria in ‘Margulisbacteria’ specifically attached to ectosymbiotic spirochetes of protists in the termite gut}, journal = {The ISME Journal}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100780823, author = {名倉有一 and 桑原宏和 and 原田 真実 and 豊田敦 and 大熊盛也 and 本郷裕一}, title = {シロアリ腸内原生生物の核内に共生する未培養Verrucomicrobia門細菌の多様性とゲノム解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100727039, author = {伊澤和輝 and 名倉有一 and Nathan Lo and 大熊盛也 and 本郷裕一}, title = {シロアリ腸内原生生物の細胞表面に共生する新規Endomicrobium属細菌}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }