河合一寛 研究業績一覧 (2件)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Baskoro Lokahita,
Douglas Hungwe,
Srikandi Noviant,
Xu Hao,
Kazuhiro Kawai,
Fumitake Takahashi,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Ding Lu.
Fuel characteristic of hydrothermally treated spent coffee grounds,
2021 China-Japan-Korea-Indonesia Joint Symposium on Energy and Environment,,
Proceedings of 2021 China-Japan-Korea-Indonesia Joint Symposium on Energy and Environment,
pp. 19-20,
Nov. 2021.
Baskoro Lokahita,
Douglas Hungwe,
Hao Xu,
Srikandi Novianti,
Kawai Kazuhiro,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Fumitake Takahashi.
Improving drying performance of spent coffee ground via hydrothermal pretreatment,
13th International Conference on Applied Energy "ICAE2021",
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Energy "ICAE2021",
Nov. 2021.
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