@article{CTT100835029, author = {Asako Taniguchi and Yuta Kubota and Nobuhiro Matsushita and Kento Ishii and Tetsuo Uchikoshi}, title = {Solution-mediated nanometric growth of α-Fe2O3 with electrocatalytic activity for water oxidation}, journal = {Nanoscale Advances}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100835031, author = {谷口有沙子 and 石井健斗 and Tetsuo Uchikoshi and Yuta Kubota and NOBUHIRO MATSUSHITA and Yoshikazu Suzuki}, title = {水溶液を用いた交互反応法によるヘマタイト薄膜のナノスケール成長制御}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100835062, author = {谷口有沙子 and 石井健斗 and Tetsuo Uchikoshi and Yuta Kubota and NOBUHIRO MATSUSHITA and Yoshikazu Suzuki}, title = {水溶液を用いた交互反応プロセスによる結晶化ヘマタイト薄膜の低温直接合成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100839614, author = {S.S. Ryosuke Maki and Muhammad Fajar and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna Gubarevich and Tatsuya Katabuchi and TOYOHIKO YANO and Katsumi Yoshida and S. Tohru Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi}, title = {Development of Highly Microstructure-Controlled Ceramic Neutron Absorbers for Improving Safety of Fast Reactors (1) Neutron and Helium Implantation Test for B4C-based Ceramics}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100839616, author = {Shota Azuma and Tetsuo Uchikoshi and Katsumi Yoshida and S. Tohru Suzuki}, title = {Development of Highly Microstructure-Controlled Ceramic Neutron Absorbers for Improving Safety of Fast Reactors (2) Fabrication and Evaluation of Highly Controlled Microstructure in B4C Neutron Absorber by Magnetic Field-Assisted Colloidal Processing}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100839619, author = {S.S. Ryosuke Maki and Muhammad Fajar and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna Gubarevich and TOYOHIKO YANO and Katsumi Yoshida and S. Tohru Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi}, title = {Fabrication of Highly Microstructure-Controlled B4C-Based Ceramic Neutron Absorbers and Their Thermal Properties}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }