@article{CTT100911880, author = {Peng Wang and Lev Kazak and Katharina Senkalla and Petr Siyushev and Ryotaro Abe and Takashi Taniguchi and Shinobu Onoda and Hiromitsu Kato and Toshiharu Makino and Mutsuko Hatano and Fedor Jelezko and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Transform-Limited Photon Emission from a Lead-Vacancy Center in Diamond above 10 K}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100893477, author = {Yasuyuki Narita and Peng Wang and Keita Ikeda and Kazuki Oba and Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Takashi Taniguchi and Shinobu Onoda and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Multiple Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond with Nearly Identical Photon Frequency and Linewidth}, journal = {Physical Review Applied}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100863191, author = {Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Low-Temperature Spectroscopic Investigation of Lead-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Fabricated by High-Pressure and HighTemperature Treatment}, journal = {ACS Photonics}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100911347, author = {Yuto Shirayama and Peng Wang and Kakeru Ikeda and Keita Ikeda and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {ダイヤモンド中の鉛-空孔センターの共鳴励起HOM干渉にむけた偏光制御}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911430, author = {Keita Ikeda and Yiyang Chen and Peng Wang and Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Takashi Taniguchi and Shinobu Onoda and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Exploring Charge-state Dynamics of a Tin-Vacancy Center in Diamond by Time-Resolved Measurements}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100911470, author = {Keita Takeda and Takeyuki Tsuji and Peng Wang and Kazuki Oba and Keita Ikeda and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Charge State Control of Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Using Surface Termination}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100911458, author = {大羽 一輝 and Wang Peng and 谷口 尚 and 波多野 睦子 and 岩崎 孝之}, title = {Long spin relaxation time of a lead-vacancy center in diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907052, author = {Kazuki Oba and Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {ダイヤモンド中の鉛ー空孔センターのスピン選択励起}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907053, author = {Yiyang Chen and Keita Ikeda and Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and 小野田 忍 and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {ダイヤモンド中のスズ-空孔センターの電荷状態ダイナミクス}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907093, author = {Peng Wang and Lev Kazak and Katharina Senkalla and Petr Siyushev and Ryotaro Abe and Takashi Taniguchi and Mutsuko Hatano and Fedor Jelezko and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Transform-limited single photon emission from a lead-vacancy center in diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907188, author = {Ryotaro Abe and Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Shinobu Onoda and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Narrow inhomogeneous distribution of lead-vacancy centers in diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907189, author = {Peng Wang and Lev Kazak and Katharina Senkalla and Petr Siyushev and Ryotaro Abe and Takashi Taniguchi and Mutsuko Hatano and Fedor Jelezko and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Transform-limited single photon emission from a lead-vacancy center in diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100896061, author = {PENG WANG and Lev Kazak and Petr Siyushev and Takashi Taniguchi and Mutsuko Hatano and Fedor Jelezko and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Transform-Limited Single Lead-Vacancy Center in Diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100896033, author = {Y. Narita and P. Wang and K. Ikeda and K. Oba and Y. Miyamoto and T. Taniguchi and S. Onoda and M. Hatano and T. Iwasaki}, title = {Nearly Identical Photons from Multiple Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100896133, author = {Keita Ikeda and Yasuyuki Narita and Peng Wang and 宮本 良之 and 谷口 尚 and 小野田 忍 and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {共鳴・非共鳴レーザの同時照射によるスズ-空孔センターの電荷制御}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100896132, author = {Kazuki Oba and Peng Wang and Yasuyuki Narita and 谷口 尚 and 小野田 忍 and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {磁場印加時におけるダイヤモンド中のスズー空孔センターの共鳴励起測定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100896131, author = {Yasuyuki Narita and Peng Wang and 宮本 良之 and 谷口 尚 and 小野田 忍 and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {ダイヤモンド中のスズ-空孔センターの狭い不均一分布および同位体シフトの観測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100879748, author = {Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {High-quality lead-vacancy centers in diamond by high-pressure and high-temperature annealing}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100879742, author = {K. Hirokawa and K. Fukuda and P. Wang and T. Taniguchi and M. Hatano and T. Iwasaki}, title = {Fabrication of diamond protective film using microwave plasma CVD towards high-quality quantum emitters}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863482, author = {Yasuyuki Narita and Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Shinobu Onoda and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Resonant excitation of tin-vacancy centers in diamond fabricated by high energy ion implantation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863483, author = {Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Low temperature spectroscopic investigation of lead-vacancy centers in diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100848646, author = {Yasuyuki Narita and Peng Wang and 谷口尚 and 小野田忍 and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {ダイヤモンド中のスズ-空孔センターの共鳴励起計測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100843714, author = {Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Optical properties of lead vacancy centers in diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100843896, author = {Peng Wang and Takashi Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Miyamoto and Mutsuko Hatano and Takayuki Iwasaki}, title = {Temperature Dependence of Photoluminescence from Heavy Group-IV Color Centers in Diamond}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @misc{CTT100909460, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, year = 2024, } @misc{CTT100917137, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, year = 2024, } @misc{CTT100909462, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, year = 2024, } @misc{CTT100909461, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, year = 2024, } @phdthesis{CTT100909460, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, school = {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, year = 2024, } @phdthesis{CTT100917137, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, school = {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, year = 2024, } @phdthesis{CTT100909462, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, school = {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, year = 2024, } @phdthesis{CTT100909461, author = {Peng Wang}, title = {Lead-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum network nodes}, school = {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, year = 2024, }