@book{CTT100702078, author = {Hilofumi Yamamoto}, title = {Study of Language Using Japanese Historical Corpora}, publisher = {Hitzuji Shobo}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100702077, author = {Eriko Takahashi and Yukiko Hatasa and Hilofumi Yamamoto and Shin-ichi Maekawa and Kazumi Hatasa}, title = {The development of an automatic evaluation system of L2 pronunciation in Japanese}, journal = {IPSJ Symposium Series. Vol. 2015}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100702076, author = {高橋 恵利子 and 畑佐 由紀子 and Hilofumi Yamamoto and Shin-ichi Mayekawa and 畑佐 一味}, title = {外国人日本語学習者の発音能力を測定するシステムの開発}, journal = {JPSJ SIG Technical Report}, year = 2015, }