@book{CTT100784234, author = {Sousuke Imamura and Kan Tanaka}, title = {藻類オイル生合成のチェックポイントキナーゼTOR}, publisher = {シーエムシー出版}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784254, author = {Kobayashi Yuki and Tanaka Kan}, title = {Extraction and Measurement of Abscisic Acid in a Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae ツ�}, journal = {Bio-protocol}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784243, author = {Shimada, T. and Tanaka, K. and Ishihama, A. and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Transcription factor DecR (YbaO) controls detoxification of L-cysteine in Escherichia coli}, journal = {Microbiology-Sgm}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784248, author = {Shimada, T. and Tanaka, K. and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Use of a Bacterial Luciferase Monitoring System To Estimate Real-Time Dynamics of Intracellular Metabolism in Escherichia coli}, journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784247, author = {Kobayashi, Y. and Tanaka, K. and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Transcriptional Regulation of Tetrapyrrole Biosynthetic Genes Explains Abscisic Acid-Induced Heme Accumulation in the Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae}, journal = {Frontiers in Plant Science}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784241, author = {Ueki, N. and Ide, T. and Mochiji, S. and Kobayashi, Y. and Tokutsu, R. and Ohnishi, N. and Yamaguchi, K. and Shigenobu, S. and Tanaka, K. and Minagawa, J. and Hisabori, T. and Hirono, M. and Wakabayashi, K. and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Eyespot-dependent determination of the phototactic sign in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784238, author = {Kobayashi, Y. and Ando, H. and Hanaoka, M. and Tanaka, K. and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Abscisic Acid Participates in the Control of Cell Cycle Initiation Through Heme Homeostasis in the Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae}, journal = {Plant and Cell Physiology}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784235, author = {Sousuke Imamura and Yasuko Kawase and Ikki Kobayash and Mie Shimojima and Hiroyuki Ohta and Kan Tanaka}, title = {TOR (target of rapamycin) is a key regulator of triacylglycerol accumulation in microalgae.}, journal = {Plant signaling & behavior}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100784249, author = {Shimada, T. and Tanaka, K. and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Use of a Bacterial Luciferase Monitoring System To Estimate Real-Time Dynamics of Intracellular Metabolism in Escherichia coli}, journal = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, year = 2016, } @misc{CTT100776027, author = {大沼 みお and 吉田 大和 and Sousuke Imamura and Kan Tanaka and 黒岩 常祥}, title = {シゾンの分子遺伝学的解析法の開発}, year = 2016, }