@article{CTT100921946, author = {Koichiro Takao and Kazuki Ouchi and Atsushi Komatsu and Yoshihiro Kitatsuji and Masayuki Watanabe}, title = {Securing Reversibility of UVO2+/UVIO22+ Redox Equilibrium in [emim]Tf2N‐Based Liquid Electrolytes towards Uranium Redox‐Flow Battery}, journal = {European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100921947, author = {Satoru Tsushima and Jérôme Kretzschmar and Hideo Doi and Koji Okuwaki and Masashi Kaneko and Yuji Mochizuki and Koichiro Takao}, title = {Towards tailoring hydrophobic interaction with uranyl(vi) oxygen for C–H activation}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2024, }