@inproceedings{CTT100803581, author = {Deepshikha Nair and Toru Takeuchi}, title = {Seismic response evaluation of large spanned dome supported by muti-storey substructure incorporating spine frames}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium 2019}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100802649, author = {Miho Fujishima and Deepshikha Nair and Toru Takeuchi and Yuki Terazawa}, title = {Seismic Response of Long-span Domes Supported by Multi-Storey Substructures Part I Response characteristics}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100802650, author = {Deepshikha Nair and Toru Takeuchi and Yuki Terazawa}, title = {Seismic Response of Long-span Domes Supported by Multi-Storey Substructures Part II Equivalent static loads for design}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2019, }