@article{CTT100819410, author = {Heamin Ko and Myung-Ki Cheoun and Eunja Ha and Motohiko Kusakabe and Takehito Hayakawa and Hirokazu Sasaki and Toshitaka Kajino and Masa-aki Hashimoto and Masaomi Ono and Mark D. Usang and Satoshi Chiba and Ko Nakamura and Alexey Tolstov and Ken'ichi Nomoto and Toshihiko Kawano and Grant J. Mathews}, title = {Neutrino Process in Core-collapse Supernovae with Neutrino Self-interaction and MSW Effects}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Letters}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100821929, author = {C. Ishizuka and X. Zhang and M. D. Usang and F. A. Ivanyuk and S. Chiba}, title = {Effect of the doubly magic shell closures in 132Sn and 208Pb on the mass distributions of fission fragments of superheavy nuclei}, journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100822518, author = {石塚知香子 and 張旋 and Mark Usang and Fedir Ivanyuk and 千葉敏}, title = {4次元ランジュバン模型による超重核核分裂の系統的研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }