@article{CTT100779025, author = {Imayoshi, R. and Nakajima, K. and Takaya, J. and Nobuharu Iwasawa and Nishibayashi, Y. and Jun TAKAYA}, title = {Synthesis and Reactivity of Iron- and Cobalt-Dinitrogen Complexes Bearing PSiP-Type Pincer Ligands toward Nitrogen Fixation}, journal = {European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100779026, author = {Takaya, J. and Iwasawa, N. and Jun TAKAYA}, title = {Synthesis, Structure, and Catalysis of Palladium Complexes Bearing a Group 13 Metalloligand: Remarkable Effect of an Aluminum-Metalloligand in Hydrosilylation of CO2}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100779024, author = {Takaya, J. and Miyama, K. and Zhu, C. and Nobuharu Iwasawa and Jun TAKAYA}, title = {Metallic reductant-free synthesis of alpha-substituted propionic acid derivatives through hydrocarboxylation of alkenes with a formate salt}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100779023, author = {Murata, K. and Numasawa, N. and Shimomaki, K. and Takaya, J. and Nobuharu Iwasawa and Jun TAKAYA}, title = {Construction of a visible light-driven hydrocarboxylation cycle of alkenes by the combined use of Rh(I) and photoredox catalysts}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100801565, author = {Imayoshi, R. and Nakajima, K. and Jun TAKAYA and Nobuharu Iwasawa and Nishibayashi, Y.}, title = {Synthesis and Reactivity of Iron– and Cobalt–Dinitrogen Complexes Bearing PSiP-Type Pincer Ligands toward Nitrogen Fixation}, journal = {European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100779461, author = {Jun TAKAYA and Nobuharu Iwasawa}, title = {Synthesis, Structure, and Catalysis of Palladium Complexes Bearing a Group 13 Metalloligand: Remarkable Effect of an Al-Metalloligand in Hydrosilylation of CO2}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, }