@article{CTT100769172, author = {Misato TSUNEOKA and Tetsutaro YAMAGUCHI and Toru NAKAMURA and Hitoshi KIMURA and Junichi TANAKA and Kenji MISHIMA and Tatsuo SHIROTA and Norio INOU and Koutaro MAKI}, title = {Masticatory Efficiency before and after Orthognathic Surgery Using Chewing Gum Containing Spherical Resinous Microparticles}, journal = {The Showa University Journal of Medical Sciences}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100769171, author = {Misato Tsuneoka and Tetsutaro Yamaguchi and Toru Nakamura and Hitoshi Kimura and Junichi Tanaka and Kenji Mishima and Tatsuo Shirota and Norio Inou and Koutaro Maki}, title = {Masticatory Efficiency before and after Orthognathic Surgery Using Chewing Gum Containing Spherical Resinous Microparticles}, journal = {Showa University Journal of Medical Sciences}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100754467, author = {Aya Shimazaki and Hitoshi Kimura and Norio Inou and Koutaro Maki}, title = {Development of a measurement system for the mechanical load of functional appliances}, journal = {Journal of Biomechanics}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100755133, author = {Mariko Goto and Wakana Yanagisawa and Hitoshi Kimura and Norio Inou and Koutaro Maki}, title = {A method for evaluation of the effects of attachments in aligner-type orthodontic appliance: Three-dimensional finite element analysis}, journal = {Orthodontic Waves}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100753669, author = {木村仁 and 倉元昭季 and 伊能教夫}, title = {バイオメカニクス的観点からの快適な枕}, journal = {日本フルードパワーシステム学会誌}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100746483, author = {Hitoshi Kimura and Akisue Kuramoto and Yuma Inui and Norio Inou}, title = {Mechanical Bed for Investigating Sleep-Inducing Vibration}, journal = {Journal of Healthcare Engineering}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100757954, author = {Akisue Kuramoto and Wataru Inoue and Yasuhito Otake and Tomu Ichikawa and Hiroyuki Ono and Naoto Sekiyama and Hitoshi Kimura and Norio Inou}, title = {Development of Intelligent Bedding System}, booktitle = {Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100757956, author = {安井大貴 and 木村仁 and 伊能教夫}, title = {小型大流量の多分岐・ 多積層式機械弁とその動作実験}, booktitle = {第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017)講演論文集(USB版)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100757955, author = {大江優作 and 木村仁 and 伊能教夫}, title = {回転テーブル機構を用いた3軸ジャイロセンサの主軸方向と感度の検定}, booktitle = {第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017)講演論文集(USB版)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100755384, author = {長谷川大修 and 安井大貴 and 木村仁 and 伊能教夫 and 門脇廉}, title = {食感のバイオメカニクス -スナック菓子の形状(幅、厚さ)が食感に及ぼす影響-}, booktitle = {第28回バイオフロンティア講演会論文集(USB版)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100755383, author = {松本一磨 and 木村仁 and 伊能教夫 and 臼井勇樹 and 諸星明湖 and 池田純 and 稲垣克記}, title = {人工肘関節のバイオメカニクス -個体別有限要素解析によるステム周辺の力学状態の評価-}, booktitle = {第28回バイオフロンティア講演会論文集(USB版)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100755385, author = {古田拓夢 and 倉元昭季 and 木村仁 and 伊能 教夫}, title = {快適な睡眠姿勢の生体力学的考察}, booktitle = {第28回バイオフロンティア講演会論文集(USB版)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100753442, author = {安井大貴 and 篠嶋透 and 池田隆史 and 木村 仁 and 伊能教夫}, title = {柔軟繊毛アクチュエータによる自立走行}, booktitle = {電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集(CD版)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100753440, author = {大江優作 and 木村 仁 and 伊能教夫}, title = {3軸ジャイロセンサ主軸方向と感度の検定手法の確立}, booktitle = {電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集(CD版)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100751475, author = {安井大貴 and 池田隆史 and 木村仁 and 伊能教夫}, title = {袋状構造を利用した柔軟アクチュエータの開発}, booktitle = {第23回日本IFToMM会議シンポジウム前刷集}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100761469, author = {伊能教夫 and 木村仁 and 倉元昭季 and 井上航 and 大竹康仁 and 関山 直人 and 小野 弘幸}, title = {寝具装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2020, month = {}, note = {特願2016-110830(2016/06/02), 特開2017-213305(2017/12/07), 特許第6795807号(2020/11/17)} } @misc{CTT100758862, author = {伊能教夫 and 木村仁 and 倉元昭季 and 関山 直人 and 小野 弘幸}, title = {枕製造方法及び枕製造装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2020, month = {}, note = {特願2016-077107(2016/04/07), 特開2017-187412(2017/10/12), 特許第6763507号(2020/09/14)} } @misc{CTT100742133, author = {木村仁 and 伊能教夫 and 吉田 稔 }, title = {多軸ジャイロセンサ特性評価装置及び方法}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2019, month = {}, note = {特願2015-125617(2015/06/23), 特開2017-009456(2017/01/12), 特許第6548218号(2019/07/05)} }